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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Dog Star

Active member
They call it the silly season in Darwin everyone gets pissed/drunk in the pub in the Air con, then walk into the sun and the brain just bubles from the heat and they go a little silly.

Doggie what is the serotonin thing you speak of?

Serotonin is one beautifull neurotransmitter... if you have enough of your own serotonin than you feel well and mental stabile..

if not than your problems start... from hard depressions to mad states can happen... and enviroment and hotness,specialy if a humid conditions are present can trigger your own madness as hot weather decrease your natural serotonin that you normaly

It looks like some joke but can explain why some folks go mad
in hot sun... also if you use alchohol than you also destroy your
serotonine levels and in combo with hot days its nothing
abnormal to see mad people..

Here about serotonine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serotonin

Kind regards Ozza


Well-known member
top once ,, bend them into submission the rest of the time ,
i try to encourage them to grow a ball of vegetative material ,, its quite possible with a little bending and training ,
i dont let any branches get too long without bending them down again , encouraging the lateral growth ,
more bud sites ,, more buds ..

When I have more time, I usually am super cropping plants. But my plans were pretty shit this year and I've only just managed to get back into things.... poorly to say the least. Next time I'll get them prepped well before flower, I have to find some of my photos of 3 years ago. Had one plant growing in compost, must of had a 1000 bud sites, had to machete that one it was growing insane, the machete-ing only encouraged the shit hahahahha.

Looking great spots Budsnblunts,are you digging holes for plants and what size you made
if you do??

You growing regulars or fems on that spots??

Hey DS, if I plant there next year I shall dig my holes and prep them soon. I will dig them about 1 meter to 1.5 meters wide, if I can dig as deep as I'd like to it'll be about 60 cm - 1 meter deep. I'll do all fems that year, clone from my mums I am currently selecting now. I'm moving a few hours away in a couple of months so these spots wont be as accessible as they are now. I will most likely come plant them up come time if they seem safe.... Incase you were actually asking about the plants that are already down, well they are just regulars. Weeded out all my males at home before planting them.


nice read:biggrin:
would make the feds CLACKERS TIGHTEN UP.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
thinking of ditching my Hps and changing to led

as globe needs changing and heat is a problem
and no im not running aircon or going to

Heya Goldie mate :tiphat:
Fucking do it if you got the upfront dollars bro, mate of mine up here in the tropics was having the same problem as you bro with HPS and heat and he was running air-con and sthe heat and power bill was raping him badly every harvest and every quarterly bill.
Gave him the heads up on LEDs and he hasn't looked backwards bro, fucking loves it, turned the air-con off and took away the 1000w bulbs of HPS and now runs 4 x 900w panels with just plain air extraction and his yeilds are cranking out pretty good and even better is the power bill doesn't drop him like a baseball bat to the jaw anymore when it arrives every quarter. :good:
Do It Bro

Bud Green

I dig dirt
watch out there rod.View Image

A buddy and I got caught by total surprise by something like that while fishing for big grouper about 25 miles out in the Gulf of Mexico.
We were in a 22 foot, open hull fishing boat with a stand up center console and a 150 Merc.. Seas were flat to 1 foot, all the way out, with no wind..
No weather alert reports, no warnings at all...It was a sunny, beautiful day and the barometer was steady. The front came in, stacked up tall and just appeared suddenly.
We started hauling ass back toward the S.W. Florida coast. The boat could do an easy 45 mph on flat water. We couldn't outrun it. It caught up to us when we were still about 15 miles offshore....
We had no GPS back then, just a good compass and radio...Plus, we knew the waters and coastline very well...
Rough water got up to continuous 6 to 8 foot seas and the wind was howling.
We were more than a little bit worried as we made our way, as best we could thru that shit...
We couldn't see the shore until we were within 1/2 mile from it. We figured we needed to follow the coast north.. We were right, but soon realized we found the coast 8 miles south of the pass that went into the small bay where the marina was..
I'm writing this comment, so you know we made it OK, 28 years ago, but let me tell ya, as much as I've been on the water, I don't wanna be in that shit in a 22 foot open boat again....:dance013:


not wrong can get pretty scary out on the water at times, you feel very small in situations like that.


Heya Goldie mate :tiphat:
Fucking do it if you got the upfront dollars bro, mate of mine up here in the tropics was having the same problem as you bro with HPS and heat and he was running air-con and sthe heat and power bill was raping him badly every harvest and every quarterly bill.
Gave him the heads up on LEDs and he hasn't looked backwards bro, fucking loves it, turned the air-con off and took away the 1000w bulbs of HPS and now runs 4 x 900w panels with just plain air extraction and his yeilds are cranking out pretty good and even better is the power bill doesn't drop him like a baseball bat to the jaw anymore when it arrives every quarter. :good:
Do It Bro

Thanks for the reply bOOm
Do you know what brand he's running ?
And what size space ?
I'm sure I could get away with just 1 1.2m x 1.2m
Only time hps doesn't cause a heat issue here is in cooler months


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Thanks for the reply bOOm
Do you know what brand he's running ?
And what size space ?
I'm sure I could get away with just 1 1.2m x 1.2m
Only time hps doesn't cause a heat issue here is in cooler months
Shit not off hand bro, leave it with me and I'll find out for ya, I do know that he sourced them locally in OZ and they were about $900 a pop and his area is about 3.5m L x 1.5m W x 2m H :tiphat: Give or take half meter in every direction for my dodgy brother measuring by eye style without a measuring tape :biglaugh:


Well-known member
Shit not off hand bro, leave it with me and I'll find out for ya, I do know that he sourced them locally in OZ and they were about $900 a pop and his area is about 3.5m L x 1.5m W x 2m H :tiphat: Give or take half meter in every direction for my dodgy brother measuring by eye style without a measuring tape :biglaugh:

Fuck your selling me on these to haha, they do sound awesome... Gotta love that guesstimation aye hahahahaha. Might have a nosey these ways for some of those I think.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
I personally haven't used LEDs before and my mate running them is the first time I've seen them in action and I shit you not, they bloody work :good: OK to be fair they don't work as great as HPS but with a little bit extra veg time and training you can get some serious bushes with quality chunky buds (genetics play a big part too) dripping with resin.
Old mate was running some sort of a AK-47 clone, or so he told me :chin: and running DTW with Canna Coco and Canna Coco nutes, he is now vegging up some GG#4 cross I made last year in Adelaide and a Mosca SweetTooth cross and they are loving the LEDs and stink like MoFos :yoinks:


Well-known member
I like the value of less fire pretty hard, I'm a paro at the best of times hahahahah. The led sound nice on the mind and on the powerbill. Sacrifice a touch of that omph and I am all for. I can adapt to the new lighting methods. That sweet tooth sounds like the bees knees.


Been watching a dude on YouTube mr tight
He has done a bit of led growing
Mars hydro and black dog led am I allowed to put brand names?

Mars hydro much cheaper but do they last I'ma know?
550 for a Mars hydro 2 700 local shop or cheaper on ebay


Active member
I personally haven't used LEDs before and my mate running them is the first time I've seen them in action and I shit you not, they bloody work :good: OK to be fair they don't work as great as HPS but with a little bit extra veg time and training you can get some serious bushes with quality chunky buds (genetics play a big part too) dripping with resin.
Old mate was running some sort of a AK-47 clone, or so he told me :chin: and running DTW with Canna Coco and Canna Coco nutes, he is now vegging up some GG#4 cross I made last year in Adelaide and a Mosca SweetTooth cross and they are loving the LEDs and stink like MoFos :yoinks:
I'd never used them before either, and the LED just didn't seem to be doing it like I was used to.. Great for veg, but just lacked something in bloom.. So in went the trusty old HPS to compliment the LED and, viola! I'm not overly concerned by heat though... :tiphat:
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