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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Sat X RB

All folks want to be over time more advanced in knowledge departement and this wish
made us advanced specie... like those monkey that staring in that black monolith
we today stare in a Universe above...

Somehow i think we will suceed over time...
but first we need to conquer selfimportance that is huge and made us mostly problems
with lower primar feelings..

Universe is our future for sure...

hello, hello ... smiles, good vibes, gentle words to All ...

BUT seems to me this philosophy above is about BECOMING. you know, we are becoming smarter, becoming wiser, becoming even more human ... whatever ...

the problem is that while we are becoming we are not the thing we are becoming ... and can never be the thing we are becoming. !!! you dig?

so we have a problem. if becoming is a philosophy that by definition can never happen ... that leaves the Buddha's view that everything is illusion ... or the ancient Chinese view that ours is a world of opposites which balance out for a moment and then become opposites again. like ... Synthesis, Thesis, Antithesis ... in an endless cycle.

doubtless I have given many of you the shits and you will not read what I say any more ... but I 'm sure your viewpoint is only a matter of the time and you will change yr point of view.

cheers and thanks for the opportunity to express myself tonite!

Dog Star

Active member
Ye we are not now... we will be one day more perfect..

time is a flat circle... you are now in Carcosa.. :biggrin:


Dog Star

Active member
Understand Elmer words properly and a suffering and doubts stops instantly...

Creator lives in present time..


Sorry to break it to you all but we are all just theoretical "test stubs" existing within a virtual sandbox of dodgy code written by an advanced race far beyond our comprehensions and interwebs.

Given the exponential growth of tech advances that we witness on a regular basis in this "existence", the most likely scenario (if you extrapolate computational advances infinitely into the future) is that each and every one of us is just a "science experiment" created by an infant of some incredibly advanced sentient being. Maybe we are nothing more than a kindergarten experiment for some advanced race of beings.

Only able to communicate with the original cosmic architect of our DNA-based operating system through the ingestion of psychedelics we are afforded some temporary "tech support" with the higher being(s) that wrote our code in the first place.

Or maybe the Merovingians made us all do it...?

Each theory as valid as the next. Guaranteed we are all wrong as we are merely mosquito larvae in a sea of phlegm (on a cosmic level I mean - don't take that personally...)

Insanely-intelligent-and-lovingly-compassionate-beings-of-the-future have tried to write their own versions of our "software" (incorporating enough variety to keep things interesting) in response to some sort of competition to create the most robust and bug-free operating system on this procedurally-generated virtual existence we call Earth.

What the parameters for success in this competition are I have no idea.
Are they based around attributes of external physicality and wealth or are they based around the internal love you extend to others and the happiness that exists within yourself? Fuck knows.

I reckon my code was written by some minor being who is the intellectual equivalent of a 1-day old tapeworm in the big scheme of things which is the reason why I am not already multi-tasking the ruling of multiple parallel universes with my pineal-gland at present and instead am content to just grow and smoke my own weed.

Peace, love & mung-beans.

P.S. Sean Penn is a dick.


Well-known member
Picked up some Green Crack clones, couple oz of the stuff to, quite racey shit. Gets me freaking out a little actually hahahaha.
Keep safe.


"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past,not to worry about the future,
or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly
.” ~ Buddha

Also helps if ya got a good stash of weed eh !
10 point for Elmer for good efficiency of word !
sat cant believe you been pissing anybody off !
Globual ya a good read first thing in the morning !
everybody else puff puff pass RF ,got me a few days away R & R Cheers


this is for Bud Green Sn ,sory its a a squeeze to get in and
take a pic in a narrow hallway ,duplicate Zappa albums ,my little
Homage to Frank

Cheers Rf


Active member
thought i'd share with you where i spent last night ...lamb chops and fresh buns , beer an the last of the white widow ...sweet dreams indeed !

Dog Star

Active member
Yee for lure fishing... man i miss mine lakes as here is a half of meter of snow outdoor..

2 more months and then sun coming on our side and fishes will bite more better...


doubtless I have given many of you the shits and you will not read what I say any more ... but I 'm sure your viewpoint is only a matter of the time and you will change yr point of view.

cheers and thanks for the opportunity to express myself tonite!

Hahaha how could anyone get cranky with you mate? My veiwpoint is only what I see in front of me, as I have no reverse gear, it's broken. :biggrin:


Well-known member
Hey fellas, yous mind if I nominate you lot for a critical mass seed giveaway from that Gorilla seeds? Purple Skunk Mass & Psychtropic Mass are what you'll win if selected, five of each if I'm correct. I'll do it now and edit my post if anyone has a problem with that. Keep safe guys.
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