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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Well-known member
Awesome picture if you ask me. Monster looking plants, think i'd me intimidated coming across those. The branching gives me a feeling of overwhelm-ant. Reaching for the sky, imagining the root system would look so similar. I love growing. Keep it up sat


looking like this?


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
:faint: Dammit Rumble I told you to not post my photo on the bloody interwebs mate :biglaugh:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Yeah BnB you think you know someone then they just go and do exactly what you said not to do :biglaugh:
Movie wasn't too bad, not too great either but hey it was worth the $25 I think :chin:
Next one I will wait till it shows up on the interweb and watch it for free in the comfort of my own room :good:
:smoke out:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Surprisingly no bruz, it took me by surprise about Han Solo :yoinks: shed a tear or two over that bastard :cry:

Dog Star

Active member
Am in simmilar position but need less to wait,

till that time i ingest BHO from trimm.... made me less to smoke,even think i could
stop to smoke totally if there are enough of BHO in mine life.... ;)

Sat X RB

:faint: Dammit Rumble I told you to not post my photo on the bloody interwebs mate :biglaugh:

now the Missus and I will have no trouble spotting you in the street when we get there! so you wuz pretending when you said you had tats? tricky fellow!


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Hehehehehe :biglaugh:
on the quiet side Sat my friend, it's not really me in Rumble's photo bruz ;)
and I was not telling fibs about the tattoos, ask old mate Wally he's seen my ugly mug :D
Oh and sorry Goldie and Doggie bruz I won't say anything more, but that you both should make the effort to go and see it on the big screen, I wasn't that impressed with paying the extra monies for 3D but hey it was impressive with the big star ships coming outta the screen and the lasers and lightsabers etc :good:

Dog Star

Active member
Maybe those movie is more for kids... i remember when i was young boy and looked
"Return of a Jedi" it was pretty cool... 33 years later and now i dont think much about
those movie..

its more for mine kids now... but i love a good SF movie.. Chronicles of Riddick and Jupiter Ascending are good ones that i was look recently...

love a good SF story..


Well-known member
Maybe those movie is more for kids... i remember when i was young boy and looked
"Return of a Jedi" it was pretty cool... 33 years later and now i dont think much about
those movie..

its more for mine kids now... but i love a good SF movie.. Chronicles of Riddick and Jupiter Ascending are good ones that i was look recently...

love a good SF story..

Dog Star are you a fan of the 2001 a space odyssey books and the two movies that were made?


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Goldie mate I feel your pain brother, back in Adelaide I got so angry and even depressed about the bags of apparently herb that I was buying in between harvests that it was easier for me to give up and have a break from smoking altogether because it was such shit :nono:
It's hard enough to pay top or even over the top prices for bags of ganja that isn't even ganja in my eyes after you've been spoiled by your own top quality herbs, some of the shit that people sell is a down right bloody crime, simply ruined by over fertilizing and using PGRs and then just picked too damn early :yoinks:
If you can have a break for the next 4 weeks you will be surprised at how stoned you will get when you harvest your own brother :good:

Dog Star

Active member
Was look both 2001 and 2010 as movies,books didnt read...

there are more historical thematic than highly advanced technological type of SF stories
i like for mine mind.. historical cause it moves back and forward in human history... but then again when those "monkeys" stand infront those black monolith is crazy good scene... and trippy music...

like it showing for monkey that there are something more big than him... some force
that pushed him to become human,more awared of things,maybe moral comes in this category... but for sure
made him a bit more consciouss being than before and he started to raise from a level
of a beast...

Good movie as it shows direct human achivings thru some time,progress of specie..


Well-known member
Yeah that first monolith-monkey scene is a lot to embrace. I really enjoyed the first book, I actually downloaded the audio book and listened to it, because of there being no other movies after 2010. It's a four book series and I just need to know what happens. I'm going to read the second one in time. But the first book is incredible in detail and adds a lot of good information that the movie misses out on. I like the concept of our gas giant Jupiter being collapsed into a sun. Then the frozen, desolate planets at the end of our solar system warm up to life. It also adds a lot of theory about life on the moons of Jupiter IO and Europa. I'm guessing you have seen the Europa Report to? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbw9hlBnG74
That's a link to the trailer in case you haven't. It is really interesting...


love 2001 2010 ..got into general and special relativity when I was a kid and it ruined a lot of sci fi for me also got me beat up a lot for being such a nerd ,the way they just write of gravity..ya cant just forget about gravity can ya ? at least in those to flicks they didn't pretend it just didn't exist !and there was a lot of stuff packed into those flicks that took a bit of consideration ,ya actually had to think wtf was that all about ! this is worth a look http://www.kubrick2001.com/
some sci I can just let go and enjoy the bullshit some I cant @ dogstar yeah Riddick is cool...way cool :) oh and pleeezzze don't get me started about warp speed do you know what an object traveling at light speed would weigh ? more than our galaxy! ya need very good breaks to pull something that heavy up ,sheeze time dilation folks, and go argue with Einstein not me :) with our understanding of energy at the moment we would have to burn every molecule that is the planet earth to get 1 kg of mass near the speed of light ..just saying ! anyone want to invite me along to the movies :) now the concept of folding space well that another matter ...good night

Dog Star

Active member
All folks want to be over time more advanced in knowledge departement and this wish
made us advanced specie... like those monkey that staring in that black monolith
we today stare in a Universe above...

Somehow i think we will suceed over time...
but first we need to conquer selfimportance that is huge and made us mostly problems
with lower primar feelings..

Universe is our future for sure...
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