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Are American and Canadian growers biased against Dutch breeders and seedbanks?


ICMag Donor
What about UK breeders and UK seed banks on UK forums (like this one)? :D

peace n flowers :canabis:

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
"What about UK breeders and UK seed banks on UK forums (like this one)?"
Those smart alecky british, always starting trouble.

The preposition is academic. First, i dont know where some of the companies i buy from are located, i only know where i bought the seeds. Beyond that, the gene pool is limited and all growers, dutch, mexican, canadian, american and even the british are limited to that same existing gene pool. Some fine folks are able to manipulate the pool so as to extract exceptionalism while others try with all diligence but are prone to mediocrity. Their physical location is irrelevant to their skill.

If you removed skunk 1, Northern lights, blueberry, haze and afgani from the breeding pool, 90% of "breeders", strains and seedbanks would disappear tommorow.

I look for good weed and a guy down the road has a mexican/affie cross that he 's been working for a couple of years now and the shit is killer. He's givin seeds away!!

cyber echo

People here on ICmag are smart enough to know that where a breeder comes from doesn't matter. Skill and a history of proven strains are what makes a breeder....


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
I bought from both the Seed Bank & SSSC in the 80's.
There was no other game around w/o connections then.
Since then, that initial burst of ideology has been ground down giving way to greed & apathy as popularity arose. This is the ebb & flo of all things.
Those initial x's have become overbred & diluted.
It's the same 'ol, same 'ol.
So after 25 yrs, some of us look elsewhere for genetics that haven't been worked to death.
The internet has greatly changed the landscape.
Now we can make friendships that have no borders. It all comes down to the integrity of the people you deal with.
For me, ideally, pot & business shouldn't intertwine. I smoke pot to escape Babylon, to put a different spin on life as we live it.
I doubt I will ever buy another seed. I have made enough friends here, and done enough hobby breeding to where buying seeds seems like a set-back.
elmanito mentioned Purple Peace. This is not a commercial strain available @ a seed bank. I love this strain, not because it's a dutch strain, but because it is shared w/ love by the breeder.
I consider the breeder a friend, and would rather be growing genetics made by friends, than buying from a company.
Making personal connections w/ no borders is how I see the canna community evolving.


Agree with the post above.....

If you look at the the SSSC list it reads more like somthing from ACE seeds. I 'd love to try so many of the old SSSC strains.

I've tried some Pluton x Friesland IBL and its the BEST indica smoke I've had, and most people agree. It also yeilds well and can be grown outdoors in the north, so to me it is better than gold. And plenty of good stinky afghani came from the Seed Bank as well as NLHaze.

Seems that even Sensi Seeds produced great lines into the mid 90's. How but the MLI Verdandt? :tiphat:

$$$ in the biz overtook the need to produce quality stock, and now its caught up to the Dutch. Happens all the time, like the US mortgage crisis. And really how many lame "kushes" are in Cali clubs that don't measure up to the the the real stuff. You could make a good case that Cali clubs are wrecking things as much as the the dutch did, its just clones instead of seeds.

And one more thing, as mucha s peeps love to hate Arjan and GH, seems everone loves Super Lemon HAze hehhe. MAss super skunk Yum:dance013:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yeah who is throwing the Dutch under the bus lol

Yeah who is throwing the Dutch under the bus lol

The Dutch are great growers always have been lol.. you just have to look at their history of greenhouses with the Tulips to see this.. The Dutch have the greenthumb lol lol.. They did bring us the superseed ppl lol got to love the Dutch lol lol..peace out Headband707:comfort:

mr noodles

99.9 % of every strain on the market today came from one single source in the 80's

the sssc seed bank catalog ...

before the sssc there was almost non existent decent indoor growing .sporadic but sssc bring the real deal and i well remember the era before all the elite and all...clones where hard to find and seeds from mail where the mother source of everything that was relabelled and renamed 10 x over decades but the sssc and Neville is the genesis of indoor growing for all of you .

sssc is the mother of all modern pot strain of today .

even shantibaba will tell you this is true because he work with all the old sssc genetics and nothing else .

chemdog come from a bag seed from the early 90....point the finger at a sssc strain or a crosses made from sssc...these genetics where the absolute fire period .

trow me rocks...but i just tell the plain truth and i am old enough to stand on this declaration


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
wot no poll ?

As a european I am more interested to try the herbs that our American friends consider best/better/as good etc... I don't care who wins, I just want to know I'm growing/smoking the best I can get my hands on :D

p.s where do DG, Soma and DNA figure as Americans breeding in europe? ;)

p.p.s - many of todays EU strains are based in US creations - sk1 and haze from SamS, NL from Indian Joe probably accouting for that 99.9% thing ;)


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
The Dutch are great growers always have been lol.. you just have to look at their history of greenhouses with the Tulips to see this.. The Dutch have the greenthumb lol lol.. They did bring us the superseed ppl lol got to love the Dutch lol lol..peace out Headband707:comfort:

I like this post because it's true :)

Whats also worth a mention is that companies like Philips pioneered HPS technology and most other indoor grow technologies come from the Dutch greenhouse industry as one of the few countries to grow indoors on an industrial scale ;)


Active member
How can anyone be biased against the Dutch with the likes of Mr Nice(not sure if they are still a Dutch based co. but they started there) and Serious. Theres good and bad gear on both sides of the pond.

Live Free or Die
I am almost positive Mr. Nice is british Howard marks or somthing like that he was a famous drug smuggler before he was making seeds.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Cannabis has been around for a very long time lol..

Cannabis has been around for a very long time lol..

99.9 % of every strain on the market today came from one single source in the 80's

the sssc seed bank catalog ...

before the sssc there was almost non existent decent indoor growing .sporadic but sssc bring the real deal and i well remember the era before all the elite and all...clones where hard to find and seeds from mail where the mother source of everything that was relabelled and renamed 10 x over decades but the sssc and Neville is the genesis of indoor growing for all of you .

sssc is the mother of all modern pot strain of today .

even shantibaba will tell you this is true because he work with all the old sssc genetics and nothing else .

chemdog come from a bag seed from the early 90....point the finger at a sssc strain or a crosses made from sssc...these genetics where the absolute fire period .

trow me rocks...but i just tell the plain truth and i am old enough to stand on this declaration

LOL Bra not true and I have some mags here with some canabis history to prove it lol.. They actually used to sell cannabis in the pharmacy under indica and sativa in a bottle which was imported from India it goes back as far as Alexander the Great lol.. We think were the first to find the herb lol NOT lol peace out Headband707:dance013:


Am I the only one who thinks of the Dutch big banks behavior as typical American behavior? Haven't the Americans made the world into the ultra greedy capitalistic place it is today with their sayings like "In business everything is legal" and "Socialism is a disease" etc...

I do think that this behavior is bs but I don't feel that the Americans can say much about it as they practically invented it and apply it to each and every market. If only ones own honor and well being would be more worth than fame and money, we wouldn't have this problem.

Im not an American, but your totally full of shit, capitalism predates America by thousands of years. And to think that all Americans are greedy is more bullshit, I live next door to them and they run the spectrum of humanity just live Euros do. Some good some bad a lot indifferent.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Many of us on this thread seem to agree that there's some kind of cognitive dissonance between 'honorable breeding practices' and greed when it comes to breeders of all colors and national alliance. Really, there is none. It's just that we're still in a period of development in cannabis breeding. Many of the worlds most respected breeders are still grasshoppers, so to speak. In all breeding projects, whether it be race horses, or cannabis, there is one thing which is valued above all else and it is; truth. What matters is the pedigree and nothing else. If I pay thirty thousand dollars for a horse who's pedigree shows Secretariat in seven places in the first four generations, he'd better be bred that way, or else! When someone sells a horse, or some seeds that aren't bred the way they claim, their breeding business will be short lived. The need for truth in cannabis breeding is being strongly expressed by many on this thread. It may well be that many of the 'old guard' in Holland have been slower in picking up on this new truth trend? I really don't know nearly enough to make that call, just throwing out the idea ;)

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I think that everyones behaviour lol

I think that everyones behaviour lol

Am I the only one who thinks of the Dutch big banks behavior as typical American behavior? Haven't the Americans made the world into the ultra greedy capitalistic place it is today with their sayings like "In business everything is legal" and "Socialism is a disease" etc...

I do think that this behavior is bs but I don't feel that the Americans can say much about it as they practically invented it and apply it to each and every market. If only ones own honor and well being would be more worth than fame and money, we wouldn't have this problem.

Im not an American, but your totally full of shit, capitalism predates America by thousands of years. And to think that all Americans are greedy is more bullshit, I live next door to them and they run the spectrum of humanity just live Euros do. Some good some bad a lot indifferent.

This would be easy to blame on the American's lets faces it were blaming them for everything else LOL LOL.. but it everyone has jumped on this bus and is riding it for all it's worth lol.. Too bad but too true.. There is good and bad in all bro ,don't worry about what they do only worry about what you do.. peace out Headband707:dance013:


maybe its the climate? and dutch breeders are the only ones lumped into a pile, no one says, american breeders or whatnot, they know them by name, and often you see seeds that are grown by '' the best dutch breeders'', etc.

not that the dutch doesnt come out with some good seeds, its just that maybe they need updated pics and no ones scanned from a 35mm photo back in the 80, also knowing breeders by name is a huge selling point

i recently got kinda idk what to say but, i bought some the pure seeds, i think they was locatedin netherlands and they sold the company to another dutch breeder and the seeds turned out different then the presold company


Active member
I think this thread is ridiculous. How the hell could Americans of all people be biased or hate on a group of people that are just so awesome.


I am almost positive Mr. Nice is british Howard marks or somthing like that he was a famous drug smuggler before he was making seeds.

Mr Nice seed co = Neville (Australian) ShantiBaba (Australian) Howard (welsh) .

A lot of you seam to be missing the boat DUTCH breeders as you call them are not all dutch sure theirs a few in there ranks but most are pots people from all over the world.

This arguments stupid and if i had to pick one state in the us i would say has possibly the largest mj culture and in my eyes some of the finest cannabis or did that would not be cali it would be Hawaii and the big difference with Hawaiians to cali growers well a lot of cali growers are they the Hawaiians don't think there better than any other grower they love and respect the plant and other people that do also they are warm and giving willing to shear all they have maybe some of you elitist need to follow there example.

In the erly 80s when skunk was first being imported here yes we got lots of it different lots from more sativa type sk lines to more indica type skunks the Hawaiian genetics coming in made it look like swag.

There are also many other lines from with in the mainland of the us that a lot of you have never heard of or smoked that was very special from growers breeders from all over the us but just like the US and Australia and many other places had there own lines plus growing a lot of the same genetics columbine African Asian and so on.

Do you lot relies most of Europe were smoking hash up until say 10 or 20 years ago trying to get hold of good mj was a useless effort all you could get was hash ranging from shit to okay for the most part look at things now uk has a cannabis culture so does Spain and many more country be it an under ground one all thanks to the people from all over the world the used Amsterdam as a base i think you ow these people thanks.


Well-known member
I just stay away from anything from Dutch seed banks as they seem to love ruining Sativas with Indica genes. I also will never again buy anything that has Skunk and or Kush in the name or obvious in the genetics.

Everything I bought from DP years ago was so overpriced and soooo boring! Their Bluberry is a joke compared to DJ's.

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