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Are American and Canadian growers biased against Dutch breeders and seedbanks?



Are American and Canadian growers biased against Dutch breeders and seedbanks?

Hi all well in short i find some Cali growers / kids are and they think they are gods gift to the cannabis community.

Reality is cannabis was not native to Canada or the US like most places in the world it was taken there imported in.

The Dutch growers breeders as so many in this community call them are American Australians and Canadians and people from many other parts of the world they used Amsterdam as a base to grow and breed you think if they had a choice and they would not of done it in the home lands were they have better out door growing conditions if they could of.

I have a lot of respect for the old Cali growers not so much for the new ones that feel the rest of the world of growers are beneath them or we ow them something reality is haze and many other lines were breed worked on in Europe sure haze was not created there but it was worked and real breeding done on it there also the spreed of many genetics was also done to all parts of the world from there before people like Neville showed up and started the seed sales where were we getting ow seeds from lets be honest here yes from bags of cannabis imported in or from friends that had traveled to places and collected seed.

You can throw shit at the dutch all you like but the ones you call the dutch were from all parts of the world you don't understand how lucky you younger growers are or how good you have it today and its all because of the pioneers that set up camp in Amsterdam you call the dutch.


just don't molest my colas..
I think American growers have a bias towards growing seeds that are gonna be stable genetics and aren't just released to capitalize on new trends in our country. Do you think all of these new kush strains would be popping up from greenhouse and DP, and so on if it wasn't for the huge kush craze in the US in the last few years? probably not. I think companies not based in amsterdam do more actual breeding, and from my experience release genetics with less variance in the population.

Good example... Dutch Passion releasing "Strawberry Cough" seeds like 8 months after they purchased the genetics from Kyle Kushman. how can you breed towards the true representation in such a short time? you can't. which is why DP's cough is garbage and less than 25% of the seeds resemble anything close to the KKSC.


It's funny how the American's always think the strains come from them and the Canadians think it's them and on and on lol lol.. I would assume these seeds came from all over the world and we have been stealing the genetics from all over the world from Thailand to Mexico and all ports inbetween. The keys have always been in finding the best pheno . peace out Headband707:dance013:



I buy from rep'd breeders, rep'd strains, rep'd distributors.

I work too hard for my $$$, so I agonize over purchases, and would rather err on the side of caution.

I have purchased from 4 different business so far - one was here in my city, selling packages of Willy Jack and M.E. mixed.

I bought direct from Nirvana.nl, SBay and Sboo.

Never spent more than $65 for any strain - and that was my last purchase of Sour60.

I used to stock up on the Nirvana weekend specials Gypsy had - 4 packs for $60 or so was excellent way to fill my bean bank.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I am a Veteran so I earned my right to have my opinion. Look around you and see the disgrace our species but most of all country has become. We stand for nothing but a bunch of sellouts, and have let everything our founding fathers have warned us of happen. Go fight the senseless war in Afghanistan or Iraq if your so in love with our country, see how pointless the death and waste of American resources really are. Believe me if there was a land with no govement I would be there, but no matter where I go I will be goverend.

I am just a sophisticated mammal born into my natural habbitat, I WAS NOT born into a goverment!

You prove a good point related to this thread, if it isn't American yes Americans are biased against it. We think we are the best at everything and will be the first to call you out. I'm ughmerican, ughamerican god damn it! The larger % of Americans are mindless sheep full of "everybody loves raymond" and Dijornos pizza, they are programed to be so damn proud of our corrupt country.....
I am a Veteran so I earned my right to have my opinion.

Wrong. When you were BORN as a citizen, you earned your opinion, it's called the First Amendment. It gives you the right to free speech, hence your opinion also.

Look around you and see the disgrace our species but most of all country has become. We stand for nothing but a bunch of sellouts, and have let everything our founding fathers have warned us of happen.

I agree, we need to change our direction back in a direction more like it was before the first World War. Isolationism was the right idea. I do not however think we are a bunch of sellouts! We've become the most successful country in WORLD HISTORY. Our gov't is fucked up, and The People, their bosses are starting to take notice. It's a matter of time before the greatness of our wonderful country is restored. The People will eventually not stand for it. Obama spending more money than ANY other president in history is JUST as bad as the Iraq war, the afghanistan ocupation should have been abandonded a while ago, but rather than just destroy a country, WE, the USA decided to topple and REBUILD their country. That's a big effort. However, Obama needs to do what he said he would, I agree. But he hasn't done much of what he campaigned for, JUST LIKE A POLITICIAN, the inexperienced one he is. Again, The People won't stand for it much longer. Sitting around saying look around at what a bunch of degenerates we've become is a weak minded way to not do anything about what's wrong, the politicians count on complaisant people like you.

Go fight the senseless war in Afghanistan or Iraq if your so in love with our country, see how pointless the death and waste of American resources really are. Believe me if there was a land with no govement I would be there, but no matter where I go I will be goverend.

So what's your solution? No gov't? ok, we'll all go back to the wild west.... Bet you'd like to walk everywhere, no roads or anything.... Hint for your food, ok, 8 billion people can't hunt for their food. You for killing billions?

I am just a sophisticated mammal born into my natural habbitat, I WAS NOT born into a goverment!

Good job.

You prove a good point related to this thread, if it isn't American yes Americans are biased against it. We think we are the best at everything and will be the first to call you out. I'm ughmerican, ughamerican god damn it! The larger % of Americans are mindless sheep full of "everybody loves raymond" and Dijornos pizza, they are programed to be so damn proud of our corrupt country.....

I just said move if you hate the country so much. It makes sense when you think about it. Don't like where you live = move for me... You seem to be a much more sophisticated a mammal than I sir. Good day. :blowbubbles:


Dutch breeders? No.

Lazy breeders, greedy breeders, and hype breeders? Yeah, definitely biased against them...


Very interesting thread, I agree with a lot of people that most Dutch seed companies are in it for the money and therefore have unsound methods but I can hardly believe that the Dutch are crap.

For one we have a very long history with plant breeding and some very well established schools for plant sciences. I need only to point to the Wageningen Universiteit where Cannabis is really recognized as the useful plant it is.

sadly, my current knowledge of the history of cannabis breeding is quite limited but I cannot believe that Dutch influence wasn't greater then portrayed here in this thread.
What about White Widow for example?


realistically, most americans don't know what they are biased against until the news tells em. i have grown good tasting and effecting herb from dutch sources. do you really think obama would have been elected were the country not in the terminal spin of a flushing toilet?


The other thing the Dutch do is say they have for example Trainwreck and it's nothing like the Trainwreck I get here so again not sure what that is all about. But can't really blame the Dutch for that as who doesn't do that shit ?? Headband707

weed dealers and medi clubs (especially with clones) do the same stuff, just attach names because their popular not because thats the genetic make up.

in the case of trainwreck which a west coast clone only it would be super easy in europe to pass off any good stoney weed as "trainwreck" ooh such a cool name. i dont think too many people would know the difference. i mean im willing to bet theres alot potheads in the states who only think they've smoked some real trainwreck


The Dutch growers breeders as so many in this community call them are American Australians and Canadians and people from many other parts of the world they used Amsterdam as a base to grow and breed you think if they had a choice and they would not of done it in the home lands were they have better out door growing conditions if they could of.

I have a lot of respect for the old Cali growers not so much for the new ones that feel the rest of the world of growers are beneath them or we ow them something reality is haze and many other lines were breed worked on in Europe sure haze was not created there but it was worked and real breeding done on it there also the spreed of many genetics was also done to all parts of the world from there before people like Neville showed up and started the seed sales where were we getting ow seeds from lets be honest here yes from bags of cannabis imported in or from friends that had traveled to places and collected seed.

You can throw shit at the dutch all you like but the ones you call the dutch were from all parts of the world you don't understand how lucky you younger growers are or how good you have it today and its all because of the pioneers that set up camp in Amsterdam you call the dutch.


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:



blinkisback i believe that pureknowledge probably doesnt want a no govt but a limited govt that the original consitution and bill of rights; which sadly has been subverted and seems most people really dont understand everything spelled out in it, provides and was ment to secure.

he and many others would move to country that didnt have a central bank and whos currency was backed by something with intrinsic value.

Ron Paul knows whats up and he could save america. hes for civil liberties and personal responsablity, meaning he would legalize all drugs and prostitution and citizens would be responsable for the decisions they make.

hes for non interventious foreign policy, meaning no bullying other countries or making allies, just protect our own borders and citizens

the biggest one, hes for auditing the federal reserve and a reform our monetary policy, meaning no more inflation!!!!

p.s. afganistan and iraq are about putting more people under control of a central bank. oil and opium trades are an added plus


if you think the constitution stands for anything today you would be just about as wrong as possible, its now mostly there just to make you feel "proud to be an american".

once gold posession is illegal again like it was from 1933-1971, i would guess this will happen soon after everyone has sold all their jewelry to places like CASH 4 GOLD ect.

then goes the 2nd amendment.

what do you have left no money to flee or support your family, and no guns to protect yourselves against looters and your own govt.

i pretty much see this as an inevitablity. as americans today are all to happy to sacrafice liberty and go along govt mandates, regulations, and unconstitutional laws in the name of safety.

its not the job of govt to keep you safe and create laws to stop crime from happening. its supposed to punish those that infringe on others rights of liberty property and the persuite of happieness.

... history NEVER repeats its self!!
sorry for going way off topic i just had to chime in on their discussion and get PK's back "he's not anti-american he's a true PATRIOT"


Active member
I really dont care what place or country my genetics came from. We started out with pure land race genetics in the 70's everything we have now came from about the same 15 or 20 land races. I think we will keep finding new phenos every day. The only bullshit plants I ever grew came out of an old pink mix pack all hairs 90 days in flower still not finished. I look for resin content flavor and stone in my product. I grow michigan clone only strains dutch strains and west coast strains and I have stains from all three that produce my big 3. I do have American pride And I did fight in a bullshit war but I feel our people will outlast our corrupt government. 30 Years ago my dad started growing every crop was a risk now 30 years latter my wife an I are growing 96 plants worry free from any state prosecution. America is wakeing up and I think the next 5 years will see America as a power house in the strain genetics field.


How can anyone be biased against the Dutch with the likes of Mr Nice(not sure if they are still a Dutch based co. but they started there) and Serious. Theres good and bad gear on both sides of the pond.

Live Free or Die


Am I the only one who thinks of the Dutch big banks behavior as typical American behavior? Haven't the Americans made the world into the ultra greedy capitalistic place it is today with their sayings like "In business everything is legal" and "Socialism is a disease" etc...

I do think that this behavior is bs but I don't feel that the Americans can say much about it as they practically invented it and apply it to each and every market. If only ones own honor and well being would be more worth than fame and money, we wouldn't have this problem.

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