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Any "clone only" strains in Canada


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Chimera's Cookie

Chimera's Cookie

I think you are misunderstanding the concept of highway robbery. Highway robbery is when you driving down the highway and someone blocks your egress. You have nowhere to go in front of you. Then someone else comes behind you and again blocks your escape. You are essentially trapped with no way out, an forced to surrender your possessions.

Nobody is being forced to buy these seeds, they are buying them of their own free will and choice. Since they have a choice in whether t purchase or not, there is no highway robbery, despite the melodramatic analogy.

Rarity is a factor of supply, there are next to none of these available - and less available to the open market on an hourly basis. As you may remember from Economics 101, price is determined by the intersection of the supply and demand curves; when demand is high and supply is low, a higher price is commanded for any good, product or service.

I have previously outlined the process through which I went to determine the veracity of the cutting used to create the S1. I had only planned to make enough for my own breeding work, not for distribution. I decided to take 300 of those seeds and make them available to growers who might not be able to secure the original plant, or wanted to explore the recombinant generation without having to make the seeds themselves. As you can see from the demand and interest, other growers have found value in these seeds and their supply is rapidly being depleted.

This iinformation s readily available on the internet, but thank you for posting it again here for the growers who may have missed it.

Our gas chromatograph, when it is up and running, is a very useful tool for determining terpene profiles and quantifying the individual components within the terpene matrix, but also gives us a good qualitative look at the cannabinoids present within the plant. For me it a crucial tool in plant selections because it allows me to examine plants on a set of characteristics that can't be accurately measured by the 6 senses- how the plant makes me feel being the 6th sense. As part of my research into every plant we grow for selections, we - as stated above - screen every plant for it's chemical profile, and I collect, sort and analyze this data to understand the different types of flavours found in cannabis, but also how those chemical profiles are inherited or passed on from one generation to the next.

What I had meant to show it that this $4000 total generated from these seeds isn't going to be spent on hookers and blow, or fancy vehicles or vacations. The majority will go back to the site of which you find yourself a member, and the remainder provides a portion of the budget for the research explained above. I understand people feel that some seed prices are not justified in a free and open market, so one can only follow their heart and budget and decide if these seeds have potential value for themselves. I thank you for sharing your perspective here and outlining the reasons that you have decided not to purchase these seeds. As I have said before, this just leaves the opportunity for others who are happy to pay for them.

This work we do is solely for the love of cannabis and furthering her genetically; we create better seeds for growers through our research and development process. We stabilize traits and enhance and amplify others, and then we put those seeds back into the hands of growers so that growers can grow better yielding, less finicky plants that provide the highest quality flowers to their respective clients. As even your math shows, the $4000 that will be raised through the sale of these seeds is not even enough to cover the repair bill, let alone cover the analytical costs of screening even 100 of any given seed line. Surely you can't sit here seriously and pretend that this is a money making venture on the balance of the sale of 200 seeds, given that the expense of screening that many seeds far exceeds the return from the 200!

I want to thank you for posting those pictures. Clearly your plant is not the cookies cut I isolated from the many that float around.View Image

As you can clearly see from the picture included in this post, the subtending leaflets of the cookies (the leaves that surround the colas) are rounded not pointed and serrated as those in your picture are. Clearly that plant you have sourced is not the same as the plant I used for production of this S1. I am sure your plant is lovely, but this plant matches the chemical profile of the original cookies to a T, that is to say they have exactly the same chemical profile. The flowers are indistinguishable from those sold by the cookies family.

I wish you much care Slipnot from those roaming gangs of Democrats; we do not have them here where I live but I can empathize with you that such a thing must be very, very scary. Stay safe out there, and I hope you can find something to grow that brings you relief from such perilous thoughts.


Just thought I'd repost this here.


Active member
"Listen... there are at least 3 fake cookies floating around BC. That's not how we roll. Names don't mean shit. Respected, large scale growers are showing me fake cookies flowers on the regular, having never seen a real verified cut.

We picked up every cookie cut that could be sourced in California from growers and disps alike, got our hands on cookies flowers from a cookie-fam supplied dispensary, and sent all samples to the lab for a cannab/terp fingerprint and compared each to the authentic purchased sample.

From there I purged the collection of anything that didn't show the exact fingerprint of the original, and then evaluated plants based on structure, flower set, and floral characters and selected the remaining cut that was true to type, flower character, and nose. The pinnacle cuts were selfed, and I'm now screening the S1 progeny.

You have 1 of 30 packs that made it to market, as a teaser for those seeking something rare and authentic in a market supplied by liars, thieves, and charlatans.

Expect Beta-caryophyllene dominant plants with limonene as the secondary terp, followed by a blend of myrcene and linalool in roughly equal proportions and a THCA content of approximately 28% in the flower. These are a segregating generation in which I am evaluating the homozygosity of the parental donor. A rare few can share in this journey, and hopefully will find something distinct in this market.

Fraud clones abound in BC, partially as a result of the market, partially a result of hackjob breeders taking the word of someone who sold/traded them clones. Like I said, that's not how we roll. We collect en masse, and evaluate based on floral chemical profile, so you can ensure what you are getting is derived from the real deal.

You are one of the lucky few 604, so enjoy the hunt. This is not a final product, simply a real look through the recombination possible from the unique chemotypic selection. Enjoy the ride!


Thread closed so had to copy and paste as couldn't quote it.

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Active member
"Nothing is worth the hype.

Hype is a market term, something used by salesmen to push a product. I'm not interested in products, or markets... you can see from how little time I spend on line pushing products... I'm more interested in being present in the gardens and in the lab, interpreting results. I never wanted to be a salesman; I hate salesmen. I simply can't be sold on a product, and I just assumed the general population felt the same. I make my own choices of what's important to me, be it a car, or a fruit, or a restaurant, or a chef, or a wine. I judge these things based on their merits and what they bring to my life, not for image, not to look cool in front of others, not the be in a specific group. I try to explore the biological space and determine what interests me personally.

I realize that people also like the same things, and I try to teach people these possibilities whether they are as conscious of them or not, an as such I try to offer a balanced catalog of possibilities that I find interesting, in the hopes you as well will find these selected various types interesting, as well.

I'm interested in chemotypic possibilities, not ego chasing, or telling you how cool I am, which I find in unfortunately rare in this space. I'm interested in collecting puzzle pieces that I can use to build something new, to improve upon. Sometimes I will share these puzzle pieces, sometimes they exist only in my clonal and or seed library.

Our 'cookies' is simply a plant, its a special variation of the remarkable possibilities that can exist in the cannabis genepool. It's a relatively unique terpene type, with a turned up cannabinoid dial. It's strong, sure. Would I smoke it all day long every day and exclude everything else? No. Would I tell you it's the only thing worth growing? No, I couldn't do that. She is small, and not suited well for commercially minded producers. She's frosty, and colourful, and makes nice hashes and extracts. She's loud if done properly, she's obnoxious and feisty. She's the real deal, not a fake. I know, I tested dozens to figure out what was what. You tell me how she works for you, if she hits the headspace, or provides relief- it's a collective experiment. Together let's make her better, let's not rest on our laurels, let's not let cups or dollars, or instagram or youtube views and followers tell us we are doing a good job... for all that nonsense is irrelevant and superficial in the context of this biological space we are trying to explore with the plant. I could care less if Miley Cyrus sees my pics, or understands what we are doing... it's not important.

I've been doing this a long time (longer than he vast majority here), not only growing herbs, but mating them and exploring the possibilities within the genus. My work is also a vast sociological experiment, watching how people react to certain cultivars and chemotypes.

I'm interested in why a pinot noir is more appreciated in a specific population, be it due to regional preference or perhaps a specific cultural use. I'm interested in creating unique chemotypes that provide relief to people of a specific condition. I'm interested in the heritability and the genomic underpinnings of the species. My pursuit over the last couple of years is creating designed cultivars that have cannabinoid and terpeneotypic profiles that suit a specific condition.

I understand that not everyone wants a pinot noir. Not everyone wants a hoppy IPA. Not everyone wants a heavy myrcene var that is going to smack them down and make them want to sleep. Cannabis is as varied as the personal chemistries of the people that use her.

You see terpenes are a way that plants explore the biological space, and we are part of that biological space, and we respond to the chemical signals put out by the species. Chemical signals make us act and feel a certain way. They are a mostly un-noticed discussion going on within our ecosphere. I'm interested in preserving and sharing these unique types within our community. I don't want your kudos, I don't want idolatry.... I'm a simple plant breeder, and have no desire for celebrity or public acclaim. I want to see you all learn to experience the marvels of the semiochemicals that are created by this incredible species. If I can help anyone learn about cannabis, and help them help themselves to become a giver of knowledge- become a teacher in our community, that shares, respects and responsibly preserves this incredible genetic resource that is part of our cultural heritage, then I have done my job.

If you see me posting youtube videos, pushing an ego, or hobnobbing with the self-appointed cannabis elite, then smack me. I don't want to be part of the cannabis ignorati, abusing and shilling cannabis for my own sense of importance or to fatten my pocketbook.

Keidis said it best: "If you see me getting high, if you see me getting mighty, knock me down."

That's probably more than you wanted, but it's what my intention is with this very small release of a cookies segregating generation. Grow them, enjoy them, explore them, if you wish. Don't doddle, because when these are gone, they're gone. There aren't enough to satisfy everyone.


Thread closed so had to copy and paste as couldn't quote it.
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Active member
"Mikell, I didn't even see stoney917's post until I had posted my last message, so perhaps we can drop the indignant entitlement?

Perhaps you didn't read my first post; 3rd phrase: "Names don't mean shit".

I know you guys all have this habit of placing so much importance on a name, but the name is not important, the chemical profile is what's true. I see fake cuts relabelled by growers and dispensaries daily. People lie to sell the product they have on hand, ask Jeff from the Werc Shop or Alec/Josh from SC labs how many samples labelled OG or Blue Dream or Trainwreck they see that come in to their labs that don't have the proper profile. Ask Jonesy how many fake GG #4's he's seen. For all the talk, I haven't seen an authentic cookies in BC to this day, and I've seen dozens of samples. A well connected grower described Cookies to me as fruity the other day... the fakes abound.

I'm sure you believe the guy who gave you the forum cut, or the Legend OG, or the Wifi, and take his word as gospel that what he gave you is in fact authentic and true (because everyone wants to believe what they have is real). I don't swing that way, that's not how we roll. You may believe the guy, but how about the guy that gave him the cut? Or the guy that gave the guy the cut? This is nothing more than the cannabis version of the telephone game that we all played in kindergarten, and it's been happening since NL#5.

I sourced "cookies", "platinum cookies", "the forum cookies", "monster cookies / cookie monster" and at least half a dozen others, sometimes multiple plants came with the same name. However, when they come into the facility they are relabeled as cookies 1, cookies 2, cookies 3, cookies 4, etc, and placed in the decontamination room and allowed to veg until a clone can be taken. Once the clone is rooted and confirmed pest-free, the clone is placed in the vegetative library stacks and the plant is flowered, evaluated and sent to the lab- along with an authentic, sourced sample of the original. I know a few people, eh, so getting the real flowers confirmed is not difficult. I also source my plants "off the hill', it might not surprise you to know I know a few growers.

The lab spits out a metabolic fingerprint based on terps and cannabs (the labs themselves are ring tested, to evaluate the accuracy of their methods), and authentic plants with accurate metabolic fingerprints are narrowed down and then evaluated on a whole set of characters I deem important for production, while the rest are culled.

In this case a few were close, but only one was spot on. She is the one I chose to use. This process takes months of cultivation, hours of my and our staff's time, not to mention the cost of lab analysis etc, flights, rentals, hours driving from growers in the hills, to one dispensary or another to source genes, hotels, gas... you get the picture. From that process you want me to pull a name out of the hat so someone on a forum can claim that the name I give out is the one they hold? See the penultimate post my friend, Kal's got it figured out.

A service will be available in short order where you can have the DNA of your cut extracted and analyzed to certify your cut. I'm in discussions with the top genomic analysis companies in this space, working to verify their DNA voucher specimens to clarify these muddy waters. I'm providing authentic clones, hybrids derived from said clones, S1's and S2's.... so they can learn to identify the differences of these types of plants on a genetic level. Sequencing is great, but if you are sequencing the wrong reference plants, the whole thing is for naught. RAD-seq can only get you so far, and trust me that none of the companies are doing full genome sequencing on every individual, no matter what you have be led to believe. In fact none have a perfect and complete reference genome for any plant... we're still at the beginning of this science wrt cannabis, and she has a complex genome that is not easy to decipher.

So a thousand words more and still no answer other than to say the cookies I used for this rare peek at an S1 segregating generation, represents what cookies is, as laid it out for you in the first post. Have a look, take the plunge... or don't. There aren't enough for everyone anyhow. They are what they are... and I think I've been clear on what that is. People may feel entitled to more, but this is the truth of the situation and I have laid it out for you clearly... so take what you will from it, and if it doesn't fill the void for you allow me to point the compass south for you to say that California is that way, have at her and good luck finding the real deal. Or save a few bucks and explore the S1 that is very briefly available.


Thread closed so had to copy and paste as couldn't quote it.
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Ashin Kusher

They have some "Krinkle" buds on the menu at one of the dispensaries I visit on occasion, do you think think could be the one from you, if so I might try it, BTW way they added "Kush" to its moniker so that just makes me want to try it even more:biggrin:

A question for Chimera,
Is it possible that 2 plants of separate varieties could produce a chemical fingerprint that is so similar, that it would make you think that they are related plants if you didn't already know that they were separate varieties?

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
They have some "Krinkle" buds on the menu at one of the dispensaries I visit on occasion, do you think think could be the one from you, if so I might try it, BTW way they added "Kush" to its moniker so that just makes me want to try it even more:biggrin:

A question for Chimera,
Is it possible that 2 plants of separate varieties could produce a chemical fingerprint that is so similar, that it would make you think that they are related plants if you didn't already know that they were separate varieties?

My Crinkle was originally called Haska or hashka. No idea if it is still around and if it is, Ontario would be were I would expect it to show up. There was also a cut called Canadian Krinkle which I do not think is my work.
my cut was very sharp on the nose, a gassy hashy sickly sweet kinda lemonish smell. The inhale is a sharp gassy sweet hit , leaving hashy lemony sandalwood flavor on the exhale. It is 100% 2 toke bud for a seasoned smoker. It is a lighter green coloured plant, with long indica hybrid leaves that have a ripple to them and is why some folks called it crinkle (Ontario). It also cures with a vibrant orange to the hairs and may develop slight purpling and reds in the calyx and leaf petioles/veins. Harvest when trichomes start to amber which for my cut, will be 49 days on the button.
I doubt it is still in wide circulation but then again..... it was an exceptional specimen so I can see it being kept all this time. I have smoked bud shared with me in the BC lowermainland while out socializing, that is unmistakeably "my haska" , but haven't managed to track down a grower with it yet.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
a little more on that..... Haska was a cross with a very blueberry (terps) leaning , but afghan structured Shiskaberry male. He was selected out of a large pool of males from Breeder Steve's first shiskaberry drop, for vigour, early flowering and the fact that he was frosty as hell for a male. The odors coming off the plant were exceptional. I bred him to the 90's lowermainland "hells angels HP". This cut and bud was not in circulation en masse in the lowermainland at the time and closely held in the biker affiliated grows. I may have been one of the last affiliated mother rooms of that variety and certainly the last one that I know of. I wonder sometimes if that HP was the original OG that folks rave about in the US. ahhhhh daydreams LOL

The Haska was found after 3 separate 50 seed pops from the progeny of HP x shiskaberry. Two people had the cut as of 2000. Myself and a fellow with the last name of funk. Funk had cuts and seed stock of all of the varieties we had worked on together while I mentored him and watched him come into his own. When we parted ways he went to Langley and it's a good possibility man of "my cuts" were spread from there.
In 2001, first my grow got B&E'd by some kids and we caught them on video cameras. Weeks later I got home invaded and nearly killed. They were after my gun vaults, not my weed but it ruined the grow and the location for good. This is where my cuts got sent to Ontariario and Haska and Shiskaberry arrived in Bracebridge and went from there.
also in 2001 I gave trays of all the "must keep stuff" to who I thought was a trusted friend and well.... got burned LOL But in those trays was also Haska, DJ blueberry, Flo, Sweet Tooth, shiskaberry, NL5, biker berry and my last cuts of the biker HP.

so there's the story LOL
I miss that Haska.... she was something special indeed ;)

Ashin Kusher

Im close to that area you mentioned and Im sure the Shishkaberry is still around bro, couple summers back there was a ton of Shishkaberry around, nice batches too! Might not be the same Cut but I wouldn't doubt it, not sure about The Haska, Unless its the Krinkle and the name hash been changed, kinda trippy though.

Ever since I got my MMAR I don't see too much of the Shishkaberry, as I can totally provide for myself now but I did really enjoy the selection when I was puffing on it, I really dug the great sweet taste and euphoric type of effects it had, reminded me of a really nice Blueberry.

As for the HP being OG, pretty sure the OG came from a bagseed popped in FLA around '91-92 and made its way out to California circa 96ish. If you believe your OG folklore:biggrin:



Well-known member
Shiskaberry used to be very widespread and I have been told grown in Ontario corn fields for years, heavy greasy buds with a decent harvest time. Is the Biker HP the same as the Fraser valley sativa hashplant?

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
well, I don't doubt others grew shiskaberry in Canada and elsewhere but.... I would be willing to bet good money that my shiskaberry cut went far and wide in Ontario. It dropped off the radar a few years ago when the main mother grow went down due to a 5 day power outage. Was a clusterphuck let me tell you. Folks affiliated with the PD riders were gifted my cuts in the months before they patched over to the HA's. Haska was only kept by one grower out there that I know of and while I'm sure he passed on clones, he wasn't a cash cropper. The two wheeled fellas wanted that shiskaberry, at the time it was some of the strongest smoke around. More recently , Ontario grows tied to dispensaries are currently growing USTAD seeds Shiskaberry 3 (f2) according to the owner of the h depot in Canada.
if my Haska is gonna show up tho.... it's gonna be in southern Ontario or the bc lowermainland I'm guessin but it's been a long time since I sprouted that magic bean :D

here's one of my brothers with a backyard Shiskaberry (my cut) from a couple or so years ago in Whitby.
the dark smaller plant is a rockstar kush I think.

I have not seen the Fraser Valley sativa hashplant but I would say the Biker HP looks nothing like a sativa except for its haphazard branching. No matter what you do to the biker HP , it turns into a evenly shaped bush. It has hard skinny branches and small rock hard nugget buds. Lots of reddish streaking in the stems and the petioles go dark red. Leaves are short med fat indica and are waxy.
The plant is fully ripe in 7 weeks or less with swollen calyx and 30% amber trichs. It is absolutely the kind of bud that one does not forget. I haven't seen a bag of biker hp since 2005.

Ashin Kusher

Did the HP buds have hardly any pistils?

I got some HP nugs from a M.O.M place around 2k that was excellent some of the best indica nugs I have had the pleasure of smoking.
Very silvery hued buds with a deep pungent hashy/incense smell and taste but the buds had hardly any pistils-does this sound like that HP cut? I think I have one or two bag seeds from that batch still:woohoo:

Had some excellent NL5xHaze in that order as well, I found a bagseed in that batch too, tried popping it last winter with no luck, was choked, some real classy herbs.Anybody out there rocking a killer NL5xHaze selection?

Ashin Kusher

I think there must be quite a few RockStar cuts that get passed around over here.
Ive tried it a few times at various dispensaries and I don't think I have had 2 batches that were the same,lol. How did you guys like the RockStar pictured?

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
I think there must be quite a few RockStar cuts that get passed around over here.
Ive tried it a few times at various dispensaries and I don't think I have had 2 batches that were the same,lol. How did you guys like the RockStar pictured?

I'm on the other side of the country in BC hehehe so I didn't get to try that plant. I've had some "really good" rockstar kush here in BC .... maybe twice. The other times it's been like a watered down version.... perhaps the grower .... perhaps not the same cut.
The rockstar in that pic would have come north from Chicago or Detroit or out of the 6 nations.

your description of the HP in the above post is spot on. Silvery and less pistils than one would expect.... the calyxes pretty much swallow them into then end of week 5. The bud cures to a kinda brown... golden? I dunno, not green tho and the trichome coverage made jarred bud give that silvery finish. Not a yielder but in all the years of toking 100's and 100's of different kinds of bud...... that HP was so good.... I'm still rambling on about it. LOL

Ashin Kusher

Not a yielder but in all the years of toking 100's and 100's of different kinds of bud...... that HP was so good.... I'm still rambling on about it. LOL

Maybe I will dig those bag seeds out, if I can find them and give them a go. I agree, it was some tasty smoke and definitely a heavy hitter.
Its so sad that we have lost so many great strains due to the Kush Push.

We really need some kind of Preservation Society here among the Canadian growers.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
ya, that's what me and my friends are doing with the otlb seed collective. Gathering and more gathering as many varieties, old and new, in seed form , as we can. Cuts are interesting and all, and I always appreciate it when a friend shares an "elite" or special to them cut for me to try for myself. But seeds are where it's at for long term survival of the outlaw grower.... even in the coming "legalized" world of cannabis where breeders are hooking up with labs and falling all over themselves to identify their work, label it and patent it...... In the face of that.... I will always have my "outlaw" seed collection.


Well-known member
I remember the chunk bc hashplant from about 15 years ago, one time I thought I could smoke a blunt and in 15 minutes I had to go for a nap, didn't happen after that but man it was a great smoke, Grape Romulan was killer though, don't miss the viet Cheetos bud though.

Ashin Kusher

Excellently put @Tom :respect:
what is the OTLB Seed Collective, I'd like to know more bro.
Im trying to do the same thing as far as preservation goes.I'll put up a list of what pure type strains I have and plan on preserving in the "Lounge" thread, I dont want to take this thread to far off topic

Is the Viet Cheetos Bud another name for the M39 aka NL5xSk1 Cut?

Cheers guys!

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
The OTLB is a small group of friends spread out across the country. We all ride motorcycles, love to fish and share a passion for growing. The out to lunch bunch.
The seed collective was my brainchild, in cooperation with the Ontario president and it's pretty much a private group. It's not a business in any way, I don't sell beans..... but I have the correct means to store shitloads.... I've been hiding from the growing world for the past decade or so and felt it was time to join the modern scene last february..... so the collective was "officially" born. :D


I think there must be quite a few RockStar cuts that get passed around over here.
Ive tried it a few times at various dispensaries and I don't think I have had 2 batches that were the same,lol. How did you guys like the RockStar pictured?

I got a rockstar cut right now that apparently won a cup somewhere ...

bottom line it knocks you the F out. everyone is asking for more...

i only grew it outta my own grower curiosity ... really nice plant, east to grow, nice stretch, amazing high.

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