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African Strains


Well-known member
Looking good my friend Africa is a big place whereabouts in Africa were you?
I lived in Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi while I was there in the 70's.
We used to get very different grass just about every time we scored so what you are saying rings true.
There are dozens of different types in just about every country. The seedier parts of town always had the killer cobs as you saw from all over the continent.

Thats what I miss the most the variety and thrill of scoring something new just about every week.
So many different smells, tastes and effects there is so much still to be discovered but you need good local contacts like your bouncer with a lead into the underground scene.
Its hard to get the good stuff without one.
Your plant looks pretty typical to me depends where it came from really once its cured you may have killer buds if it came from a good cob or bag.
The difference between what you can get on the street and what a good contact can get is chalk and cheese as you no doubt found out.


Looking good my friend Africa is a big place whereabouts in Africa were you?
I lived in Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi while I was there in the 70's.
We used to get very different grass just about every time we scored so what you are saying rings true.
There are dozens of different types in just about every country. The seedier parts of town always had the killer cobs as you saw from all over the continent.

Thats what I miss the most the variety and thrill of scoring something new just about every week.
So many different smells, tastes and effects there is so much still to be discovered but you need good local contacts like your bouncer with a lead into the underground scene.
Its hard to get the good stuff without one.
Your plant looks pretty typical to me depends where it came from really once its cured you may have killer buds if it came from a good cob or bag.
The difference between what you can get on the street and what a good contact can get is chalk and cheese as you no doubt found out.

Yes, I was in Tanzania, but the stuff I was getting was from Ethiopia, however my friend told me that it came from all over Africa to Ethiopia, and then to Tanzania, but it was much better than the local stuff, which was also OK. This one did turn out to be a very good smoke. Very strong smell. Spicy. Up high. I got another female too, very different from this one, from another batch.


Well-known member
Yes, I was in Tanzania, but the stuff I was getting was from Ethiopia, however my friend told me that it came from all over Africa to Ethiopia, and then to Tanzania, but it was much better than the local stuff, which was also OK. This one did turn out to be a very good smoke. Very strong smell. Spicy. Up high. I got another female too, very different from this one, from another batch.
Oh yes lots of trade along the coast in that area the cross roads of Arabia and Africa from way back.
I count myself fortunate to have experienced it as you did no doubt.
Life is good if you have seen Africa it changes you isn't it.
I loved my time there wouldn't change any of it for anything.


Oh yes lots of trade along the coast in that area the cross roads of Arabia and Africa from way back.
I count myself fortunate to have experienced it as you did no doubt.
Life is good if you have seen Africa it changes you isn't it.
I loved my time there wouldn't change any of it for anything.

That is for sure, some of the best times of my life. Love the music, the people, it's a rough place, but it's worth it. So much raw beauty. It made me stronger, that's the truth.


Hi Tangwena,

the cut above gets these wierd little calyxes towards the end and they look like nanners but when you pop them off and dissect them it's just red hairs inside. Have you ever seen anything like this?


Well-known member
Hi Haze I sometimes get something similar if I have been flowering a long time but they usually have male and female parts. Sometimes they even make seeds nothing to worry about IMO.


Hi Haze I sometimes get something similar if I have been flowering a long time but they usually have male and female parts. Sometimes they even make seeds nothing to worry about IMO.
Hi Tw

Cool, yeah I kind of figured that, looks like signs of slight hermieing. this cut has been doing this at the end if I grow it as sensimilla, this is my second run with her, no male flowers as of yet, hopefully it will stay that way. Thank you! Got some pics of my other which was very different came from a different batch. Am going to try and find those pics, I think it might be some stuff I used to get a lot that was simply called "the black" it came from same source, it was their most regular high grade that I used to get(still looked like dirt, but got you high as a kite.) Not sure if that was it, but I'm pretty sure the one above ain't because it is such a light shade of green and has a very up kind of high. The black was more narcotic, but not like indica. I had the seeds seperated by batch, even if not labelled, a good percentage of the sachels were the black, because that was the regular high grade they had if there wasn't something "better" . I have that in quotes because while it was always the same price it wasn't always better.


Well-known member
Hi Tw

Cool, yeah I kind of figured that, looks like signs of slight hermieing. this cut has been doing this at the end if I grow it as sensimilla, this is my second run with her, no male flowers as of yet, hopefully it will stay that way. Thank you! Got some pics of my other which was very different came from a different batch. Am going to try and find those pics, I think it might be some stuff I used to get a lot that was simply called "the black" it came from same source, it was their most regular high grade that I used to get(still looked like dirt, but got you high as a kite.) Not sure if that was it, but I'm pretty sure the one above ain't because it is such a light shade of green and has a very up kind of high. The black was more narcotic, but not like indica. I had the seeds seperated by batch, even if not labelled, a good percentage of the sachels were the black, because that was the regular high grade they had if there wasn't something "better" . I have that in quotes because while it was always the same price it wasn't always better.
Oh yes it was always a lottery that was part of the attraction you never knew when you were going to miss out on whatever you had planned to do after scoring ha ha.
Whenever we got good gear the whole day just sort of took on a life of its own and it didn't matter where you were it was always where you wanted to be ha ha.


Oh yes it was always a lottery that was part of the attraction you never knew when you were going to miss out on whatever you had planned to do after scoring ha ha.
Whenever we got good gear the whole day just sort of took on a life of its own and it didn't matter where you were it was always where you wanted to be ha ha.

That's true,Lol! At least here in in US you can kind of tell the good stuff, but in Tanzania it basically all looks like crap, but once you smoke it, it's all very different. Was checking out your link on Cobs, very cool. Wish they had those cobs up in that region when I was around. I was dealing with "Stones", that's how they do it up around east Africa. You ever come across weed in a "stone" where you were?


Well-known member
That's true,Lol! At least here in in US you can kind of tell the good stuff, but in Tanzania it basically all looks like crap, but once you smoke it, it's all very different. Was checking out your link on Cobs, very cool. Wish they had those cobs up in that region when I was around. I was dealing with "Stones", that's how they do it up around east Africa. You ever come across weed in a "stone" where you were?
No its def an East African thing I saw a doco on Kenyan pot and it was all stones.
The Malawi cobs were sold as primo top drawer and twice the price of the local gear.
With Africa its the whole experience of scoring that made it so special being illegal at least when I was there it was all very hush hush.
Now it would be a lot more open I would think.
It was just a place in time long gone now.


Well-known member
Has anyone gotten cobs in northwestern Thailand? When I was in NW Thailand over 20 years ago,. I got some pot wrapped in cornhusks from the hill tribe elders I was staying with. It was not your typical buds but looked more like a Cliff ( protein bar) bar consistency. It was incredibly smooth and had me going between fits of laughter and mild paranoia.


No its def an East African thing I saw a doco on Kenyan pot and it was all stones.
The Malawi cobs were sold as primo top drawer and twice the price of the local gear.
With Africa its the whole experience of scoring that made it so special being illegal at least when I was there it was all very hush hush.
Now it would be a lot more open I would think.
It was just a place in time long gone now.

Yeah I had a friend from SA, who Used to tell me about the cobs years ago, but all I saw in Africa was sticks and stones, (jays are called sticks). Stones are not the kind of thing you would want to reproduce, they give new meaning to the word "dirtweed" . They probably wiegh close to a QP when you get em, but by the time you are done cleaning out fanleaf stems and seeds you are lucky to have like a quarter to a half z of cleaned shake. I used to keep it in a old spice jar with the other spices, looked like expired oregano, lol...
Most of it got me pretty torqued though, even if it mostly tasted like crap.

The high was still bomb.


Well-known member
Tang, Hazen,

Curious what strains of weed you thought you were getting. Any ideas? I’ve traveled to Joburg, Cape, Pretoria a few times and the drivers would always bring what seemed to be modern indi/sat hybrids to me. They laughed and shook their heads when I told them I wanted the bush weed with lots of seeds lol!



Well-known member
F2F South Africa is a very modern country compared to the rest of the continent more like Europe than Africa at least thats how it looked to me years ago coming from southern central Africa.
When I traveled through SA on the way to Cape Town I thought the pot I found was very weak. The more potent land races come from North of the Zambezi and always have.
Except for a few isolated locations in Lesotho, Swaziland and around Durban most of the pot there lacked power. Probably why the modern easy to grow hybrids are more prevalent. There would still be good local and imported landraces available if you had the right contacts I am sure.
Even when I lived there many years ago good quality high potency herb needed the right contacts I doubt that has changed even today.


Active member
zambezi-z a/em/beží, run to mother earth life energy
cape town, k-ape, 3ape, to-2van i was with ins-pira-tion/ from pyramidas I and he /zion,žion,ži-on, life with he/
thank you sun moon mother father and inspyration and all


Tang, Hazen,

Curious what strains of weed you thought you were getting. Any ideas? I’ve traveled to Joburg, Cape, Pretoria a few times and the drivers would always bring what seemed to be modern indi/sat hybrids to me. They laughed and shook their heads when I told them I wanted the bush weed with lots of seeds lol!

Lol! I can tell you they had nothing like that where I was, the choice was dirtweed, or more dirtweed...
But like I said it all got you pretty ripped. The stuff I was getting did have some different names, aside from the "black" they were all Swahili, and didn't stick on me.
One time when I was going back home to US, I had a stop over in Amsterdam. I was very excited to finally be getting some weed that didn't look like dirt. As soon as I landed I went to a coffee shop and bought a gram of the dankest weed I could find, smoked it up, smelled great tasted great, and to my surprise,
It barely got me high, after buying a few more grams of different stuff, with the same effect(or lack thereof) I realized that the real problem was that the African dirtweed I had smoked that morning was proving to be quite a bit stronger than the much prettier, tastier Dutch weed. That experience gave me new respect for the African strains I had been indulging in.


Well-known member
Same here brother when I landed in England and found only hashish and no good grass I thought I had died and gone to hell ha ha.

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