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African Strains


...como el Son...
King Congo

King Congo

Thanks Montuno, did you notice any variation in the phenotypes? thinking because it's a BX line it may swing quite heavily, any that I should look out for in particular regarding the high they produce? the high is definitely the most important to me at this point,

According to Charles Darweed of Tropical Seeds Company, my King Congo from the photos above is more on the Ciskei side (The current King Congo 1° that I am currently growing would be more Congo Point Noire).

The psychoactive effect of the King Congo in the photos, I would describe it like this:

About its type and quality of psychoactivity, comment before to describe it I use the usual terminology in Spain, which classifies the different types of sativa effects such as:
1- Lysergic or "trippy".
2- Electrical or energetical or exciting or caffeine or speedy or anphetaminic.
3- Euphoric or positives.
4- Introspective or creative or cerebral.
5- Indica's tendencias.
For me, this King Congo would be type 4- Introspective / Creative / Cerebral; Clean and clear effect, cerebrally stimulating, and slightly 2- Physically exciting (more " energétic" than "eléctrica", without anxiousity, an slightly 3-Positives or Euphorical (more " positive" than "euphorical"...
High power of psicoactivity.


Hi Montuno,
Beautiful looking plant, thank you for sharing pics.
This is another keeper I got from seed I aquired in TA, but it was not local stuff. This is from seed that came from a different stone than the other plant I posted, and different type of cannabis.


Red October

Active member
According to Charles Darweed of Tropical Seeds Company, my King Congo from the photos above is more on the Ciskei side (The current King Congo 1° that I am currently growing would be more Congo Point Noire).

The psychoactive effect of the King Congo in the photos, I would describe it like this:

About its type and quality of psychoactivity, comment before to describe it I use the usual terminology in Spain, which classifies the different types of sativa effects such as:
1- Lysergic or "trippy".
2- Electrical or energetical or exciting or caffeine or speedy or anphetaminic.
3- Euphoric or positives.
4- Introspective or creative or cerebral.
5- Indica's tendencias.
For me, this King Congo would be type 4- Introspective / Creative / Cerebral; Clean and clear effect, cerebrally stimulating, and slightly 2- Physically exciting (more " energétic" than "eléctrica", without anxiousity, an slightly 3-Positives or Euphorical (more " positive" than "euphorical"...
High power of psicoactivity.
sorry I missed your respons earlier, many thanks for taking the effort for me. I ordered a pack of them to grow this season and looking forward to it.


...como el Son...
King Congo 1° 2020

King Congo 1° 2020


King Congo 1° (Congo Point Noire * South African Ciskei; Tropical Seeds Company; born during the first week of May), looking West:






...como el Son...
King Congo 1° 2020

King Congo 1° 2020


King Congo 1° (Congo Point Noire * South African Ciskei; Tropical Seeds Company; born during the first week of May), looking East:





...como el Son...
King Congo 1° 2020

King Congo 1° 2020


Looking West, with a can (33cl) of beer on top, as a size reference:



The main point, looking to the Southeast:


Red October

Active member
What a beauty ! Is this from tropical also?
Bless :jump:
southern Africa is kinda wierd. Mostly sub tropical/tropical climate depending on water resources. I live in cape town which is quite far down south but we still get 16 weeks of good flowering at least and maybe even upto 22 weeks weather permitting, kinda similar to Spain in the lower regions. I'll speak to the chap again later in the season to see if he is growing them out, I'll have a good amount of cutting to trade to try and get something nice.


...como el Son...
King Congo 1° 2020

King Congo 1° 2020


King Congo 1° (Congo Point Noire * South African Ciskei; Tropical Seeds Company; born during the first week of May).

First branch to emerge from the stem (that is, secondary branch closer to the ground):







...como el Son...
King Congo 1° 2020

King Congo 1° 2020


King Congo 1. ( Congo Point Noire * South African Ciskei; Tropical Seeds Company; born during the first week of May ).

Another more higher branch, and aspect of the bloom:



Last edited:


...como el Son...
King Congo 1° 2020

King Congo 1° 2020


King Congo 1° (Congo Point Noire * South African Ciskei;Tropical Seeds Company ; born during the first week of May).

Looking West (part of the stem birth):







...como el Son...
King Congo 1° 2020

King Congo 1° 2020


King Congo 1° (Congo Point Noire * South African Ciskei;Tropical Seeds Company ; born first week of May)

Looking East (part of the tip of the plant):


Stem base:



...como el Son...
King Congo 1° 2020

King Congo 1° 2020


King Congo 1° (Congo Point Noire * South African Ciskei; Tropical Seeds Company; born first week of May).

Detail of a branch, and of young flowers:





Now that is one sexy looking sativa
I second that, looks like a real African Sativa, looking great Montuno. Really cool some of the old school genetics coming out of some of these newer seed banks. The one below is from Tanzania, seeds from smoke; was not local weed according to who I got it from. Got a bunch more pics of it, somewhere, will work on tracking them down.



Active member


Hello from Portugal

I am a novice cannabis grower, 5 years of experience only outdoors, always complicated with botrytis

this year in addition to the usual female hybrids I also got an African Sativa

this seed came from africa zambia or zambezia by a portuguese worker

the Portuguese worker cultivated here last year, and this plant comes from his cross (he only cultivated the seeds of the Africa trip)

I sowed in the middle of April, here is its development until today

there is still no flowering and you are almost at the end of the season, my normal hybrids are close to the end of flowering

a kaya gold fem (nirvana seeds, any information about this variety would be grateful, cultivated every year and is my best)

agora em português

Ola desde portugal

eu sou um cultivador de cannabis novato , 5 anos de experiencia so em outdoor sempre complicado com botrytis

este ano alem dos hibridos femenizados habituais consegui tambem uma Sativa africana

esta semente veio de africa zambia or zambezia por um trabalhador portugues

o trabalhador portugues cultivou aqui ano passado , e esta planta provem do cruze dele (so cultivou as sementes da viagem de africa)

semiei a meio de abril, aqui esta o seu desenvolvimento ate hoje

ainda nao ha floraçao e estamas quase no fim da temporada, os meus hibridos normais estao perto do fim de florçao

uma kaya gold fem(nirvana seeds, qulaquer informaçao sobre esta variedade ficaria grato, cultivo todos os anos e é a minha melhor )

minha sativa de african
from April to the end of July


sativa african from late July to mid-September.
many of the strains almost at the end of flowering, 270 cm



my hybrid kaya gold

my hybrid heavy bud fem de advanced seeds
near of the end

at this time the rain always fills it with rotting flowers


...como el Son...
Hello from Portugal

Olá e bem-vindo, vizinho.

I hope to be able to follow the evolution of the flowering of that Zambeña...
Have you smoked it before, and if so could cyou comment on its taste and psychoactivity?

Saludos desde el otro lado de "la raya".


Active member
hello montuno, the grass on the other end of the line enchants me I smoked in March of the reproduction that the Portuguese worker did accidentally, he is a veteran hashish smoker does not care for herbs he gave me a dry branch, it was loaded with leaf and seed, I had already smoked from my usual hybrids I was not even waiting for effect but that stuck me to the sky hehe the flavor was green but soft. this zambena is the fruit of the seed of that branch so that the flowering never starts but grows and grows, I wonder if it will become a tree

Em português

ola montuno, a erva do outro lado da linha me encata

fumei em março da reprodução que o trabalhador portugues fez sem querer , ele é fumador vetereno de haxixe nao liga para ervas

ele me deu uma rama seca, estava carregada de folha e semente , eu ja tinha fumado dos meus híbridos habituais eu nem estava a espera de efeito mas aquilo me colou ao ceu hehe de sabor era a verde mas suave .
esta zambena é fruto da semente dessa rama
so que a floração nunca mais começa so cresce e cresce , me pergunto senão se vai tornar em uma arvore

sempre que possível eu vou deixar fotos então ??


...como el Son...
King Congo 1° 2020

King Congo 1° 2020


King Congo 1° (Congo Point Noire * South African Ciskei; Tropical Seeds Company ):

Born during the first week of May, I believe it is already more than 3 metres long in stem...
Looking east; part of the stem tip of plant:



