If you are looking for the real Durban I'd reccommend trying something like this:
The original Durban Poison got wiped out from Durban though. I've been going to Durban annually since around 2002 and never been able to find the real deal in Durban today.
Rumour has it Durban Poison got wiped out as a result of fighting between the ANC political party (which Mandela was affiliated with ) and the IFP party. Both political parties were growing and smuggling cannabis during apartheid to fund their political parties.
I can't tell you too much about African weed in general, but perhaps more about Southern African weed that would be weed from: Mozambique, Swaziland, Lesotho, South Africa and Transkei in South Africa. Weed from this area is very cerebral and purely sativa. Most of these kind of strains in my opinion have low THC, but high amounts of other cannabinoids possibly or perhaps strange terepenes. Most African weed can make you really really paranoid if you aren't used to smoking it.
Some of my true favourites from Southern Africa is the true Swazi gold which is actually hard to find these days and Rooibaard. Malawi Gold is also truly a beautiful strain.
interesting too bad its nothing in durban these days was even going google street view looking for some plants around streets in the area did not found anything

gonna try all the african sativas then I will know if there is something else similar in effect but still durban is the only strain that do it for me
so far tried congo its strong and wild like the jungle in there in effect it gets me that wild danger jungle type of magic animalistic/dramatic feeling high but its too strong/serious