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African Strains



Herbal the Malahazy looks dreamy, could get lost in the sparkle...
The Swazi Red came from seedsman a few years ago when they were sourcing their Durban, Malawi, and Swazi from the legendary African seeds company
(I wish they were still with us - they had plans to bring much more African strains forward before they unfortunately closed. :badday:)

I'm not sure which grower you associate me with ?

And yes LaManoNegra is what I consider a "big timer" lol just from the pictures
Of his plants I can see he knows "real" cannabis,
Sativa's Africana's thriving in The scorching sunlight...
In all honesty they are some of the finest pics I've seen.


Herbal relaxation...
levant said:
Sativa's Africana's thriving in The scorching sunlight...
In all honesty they are some of the finest pics I've seen.

:D Oh, what a dreamy scene those words made in my mind..

Sativa´s Africana´s thriving in the scorching sunlight.... My sincere opinion is that is the way it´s should be, pure sativa´s under mother earths big light.. Can it be more beautiful, really?

If Seedmans Africano stock is from same source than African Seeds, then we are growing the same Swazi "line" :chin: I bought one of the last packs of Swazi Rooibard from seedbay. Reason I marked "line", is that there are great variablity in this particular Swazi "line" what I have heard & seen :chin:

Gotta love the African continent and it´s secret erbs, just thinking what more it has in it´s pockets to reveal..

Im currently searching more info about old rasta community that moved in 50-60´s in Ghana to grow traditional sácrament.. Now that is something I am very interested to find more info about, think about if they bought their favorite sativa strains with them, years they have acclimitazed on Ghanaian soil etc.. :yummy:

Gonna do a little info packet and post it in several threads that has the sativa thang going on!


Yo guys,

A lil update on the Jahwi's Joy :D

15+2 weeks, that's 107 days... 12/12 from seed, 6 liter pot.

And guess what?

Jahwi's Joy fresh out of Ghana, from 2008...
I'm calling it Jahwi's Joy #2, since Jahwi never said their "name".
The seeds have come into existence in the Eastern Region...

They are hard to germ, but I've got plenty ;)


Herbal relaxation...
Lousy update of Swazi´s...

Here´s the daughter at day 96 of flowering lightcycle..

And the mummy at day 87..

Im going to take better pics very soon and that´s a promise my fellow African cannabis afflicianados!

JRW: So you know someone from the region?

That is going to be ecxiting grow fo´shure and im quite confident we are going to see their progress at this thread, right? :D

Your scrog seems to do the thang with JJ #1 :yes:


Yo Herbalistic,
I wouldn't say "know" but a danish guy downthere sent the first Jahwi's Joy to a seedbank here in Denmark.

Got in contact with him directly and he asked me if I wanted some fresh beans from the recent harvest downthere :D

He doesn't know much about the plants they grow, but he's working on a visit to the fields :smoke:

They are not very used to white people in the villages, so they don't fancy the idea much though :D

I have succeded in germing and planting one seed out of 6 so far.
They need some patience I guess.
Got another four germing that have cracked.
No visible tail so far though.

The Malawi Gold x Haze sounds and looks awsome!

Here's some pure Malawi Gold kids
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How them Swazi's looking Herbalistic? Any noteworthy smells or charcteristics in her? I've got a few of mine in flower right now and they're just begining to put out hairs. I ended up with 3 males and three females, they've all got a bit of variation in phenotypes. I'll post pics soon...


Crazy X Seeds Breeder
I've still got aload of original malawi gold and aload i've inbreed myself from old african seeds/seedmans stock i got years ago and i'm planning to open pollenate the what i've got left later in the year and wack em up on the bay after testing them.


Herbal relaxation...
Adios sativa´s Africano´s lovers :wave:

Here´s a little update on Swazi´s as LB did ask for...

First the mummy on "traditional" shot, after 94 days...

Then I decided to bend her carefully, so you guys can see her in all glory!

+ Check this, little Desstroyer pollen escape and this is what happens with the help of shaking fan :D

Quite lovely, eh?

And the "firstborn" daughter :biglaugh: at the tender age of 103 days...

Some cola closeup´s :yummy:

Btw, I did harvest my Powerplant mummy today, lousiest yield I have ever harvested of this cut :no: Dont know was it because of the seeded mainbranch, or the lack off nutes, because as you might have noticed my grow has consisted of almosst pure sativas and Ii´ve been dosing nutes very lightly :chin:

marijuanamat: Splendid project ahead :yes:

JRW: Thank you for the info mate!!!


Herbal relaxation...
Here´s some pre-harvest day/pretrimming pics of the lousy yielded Powerplant...

After trimming/just before harvest pics from yesterday are coming soon :wink:


Yield doesn't look too lousy at all to me, and she looks well flushed if the nice fading is any indicator, I'll take an ounce of well-flushed buds over two ounces of overferted buds any day!


Yield doesn't look lousy AT ALL! :D Very nice.

Here's my Jahwi's Joy harvested at 16 full weeks 12/12 from seed.

I'm very satisfied with the way it turned out and yield seems very nice too.

Take care everybody! :joint:


My Jahwi's Joy refused to flower under 12/12, she is now 150 days old and flowering nicely under 11/13. I pollinated her with some Purple Afghan pollen:



Yeah, she probably has another 100 to go! Hope she's worth the wait, certainly an extreme sativa expression. I hope the cross to the PA ill make her much more manageable indoors, in pure form she's an absolute monster!


Herbal relaxation...
Ganja Pasha said:
Yield doesn't look too lousy at all to me, and she looks well flushed if the nice fading is any indicator, I'll take an ounce of well-flushed buds over two ounces of overferted buds any day!

Trust me mate, compared to last run its very low and full of wispy buds... They just didnt full up this time, dont know was it because of lower nute regimen, or the one pollinated mainbranch that seemed delay these precious flowers :chin:

However, I agree you 100 % with the above statement about well flushed buds over overferted, even if there was more of it!!!

This plant has shown beautiful colors last run, when rinsed thoroughly..

Your Jahwi´s Joy really seems to show extreme equatorial expression :chin: The Swazi im currently growing also seem to be quite extreme.. She also prefered 11/13 more than 11.45/12.15! So tiny resin they are producing with complex odors,and what about those beautiful, slim pencil flowers :yummy: Man.. I cannot wait :D

I hope Destroyer will add more chunkiness on her and make her little earlier, maybe that´s too much to ask, but I still would like some earliness on her -IMO-

Have to say we are making this great thread guys, thanks for that :respect: Here´s some very good information and is a great thread to get "first touch" on African cultivars IMHO..

Enjoy of the Jahwi JWR :yummy:


Ganja Pasha said:
Yeah, she probably has another 100 to go! Hope she's worth the wait, certainly an extreme sativa expression. I hope the cross to the PA ill make her much more manageable indoors, in pure form she's an absolute monster!
Haha. Supercool Pasha! Sounds like some wicked beans she's gonna shed :headbange

BTW guys, I'm having a hard fucking time germing these Jahwi's Joy #2 beans.
Only have one going out of 8 so far. They crack a little and then stall. I soak in water until they sink, the put 'em in a plastic box with loads of sprinkled water and those napkin kind of things you buy for cleaning little people that wears diapers (they don't disolve and mess up the tiny taproots, and holds water very well - the thingies, not the little people!).

Any suggestions?
I'm germing landrace african genes, so I'm not completely off topic :D
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And guys, if it's not too much to ask.
Would you please take a close look on the Jahwi and give me some constructive critique on the way she's been handled nute-wise.
I use hard organic ferts and maybe need to tweak the mix a little.
Do you see any disruptive needs or overloads?


Herbal relaxation...
I only have little time now HRW, so I really take quick look...

It seems you feed her much/normal doses PK fert´s, right? Reason I said that is because of the burned tips tha thave turned into burned leaves..

Do you flush your plants regularly?

I have the same problem with Swazi´s, too much PK and I should now by this day :bashhead: Seems she only needs some N to flourish :chin: