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Afghan Kush Ryder not flowering yet


New member
I started the Pakistan Ryders on 4/13. I had the 7 seed package which had 8 seeds in it for some reason, got them from Attitude. All popped within 24 hrs except 2 which popped the next day. Planted them in FF soil and ended up with 8 viable plants from a 7 pack of seeds. They are growing well but as of today no signs of preflowers...22 days from germination. They are between 6 and 7 1/2 inches for 7 of them and 1 pheno that grew funny, kinda like an umbrella is about 5 inches. They do stink pretty bad and it seems to be getting worse.
I can't find anywhere World of Seeds says there is a 9 or 10 week harvest from seed. They give an approximate flower time but say veg time is dependant on flowering. Kind of a way to say nothing at all. Check the site at www.worldofseeds.eu and see if you can figure it out. I have LR#2, Tiaga and joey weed White Russian seeds on standby...wish I had'nt started with these damn seeds after the poor reviews I've seen. Hoping to hear of someone whose seeds autoed sooner or later. I'll try to keep you updated on what goes on with mine.


Good to have more info on the WOS autos radar. I hope this thing goes into full on bud creation and not just tease me with the preflowers. I'm going to go look at it right now.


New member
Started seeing preflowers last night, 4 plants have them today. They appear to be female but it's too soon to say for sure. That would make them 22 days old from germination to the first sign of preflowers under MH 20/4 light cycle. I managed to get 2 photos uploaded but no photos of the preflowers...tried for about an hour to get them to upload but could'nt, crappy server I guess. I'll keep you posted on whether or not they actually start to flower.



So preflowers under 20/4 must mean they ARE autos for sure? Man I wish I'd bought some LR or Mdanzig strain. Geez. The suspense is really bothering me.


New member
Not neccessarily, preflowers are not the same as flowering. They will show in vegitative growth on almost all strains after 4 or more weeks normally. I am thinking the fact that they showed up so quickly might mean they are getting ready to kick off into full flowering. Don't really know. If I can ever get these damn preflower pics to upload, I'll put them up. I ordered some Easyryder today. Going to grow them with some LR#2 I already have next. Should do just what they are supposed to do without all this worrying.
The suspense is really bothering me.

I ordered some Easyryder today. Going to grow them with some LR#2 I already have next. Should do just what they are supposed to do without all this worrying.

I'm with you guys. Like, I'm at 43 days now and only one lady is lazily beginning to flower, the rest are just pre-flower. I'm here tying down almost 60cm tall bushes instead of counting down the days until harvest, just because the breeder was too lazy to publish detailed information about their product... or maybe because I assumed it would be like most other autos.


From WOS site:

Bank: World of Seeds Bank

Sex: Feminized

Way of crop:
Exclusive for indoors. Outdoors the crop is reserved for the months from may/june when the photoperiod is on its maximum.

Linage: Pure Landrace proceeding from Afghanistan re-crossed with Rudelaris.

Genotype: indica-rudelaris 100%

Hight: 40-80 cm

Wight: Limitated to what one stem can proporcionate. It is not recommended to do cuttings with autoflowering strains.

Growing phase:
its growing phase depends on its flowering phase.

Flowering phase: 45-55 days indoors and outdoors. Its flowering does not depend on a photo period.

Resistance to mildew:

Resistance to plagues:
Middle/ High.

Irrigation tolerance:
It does not like to many irrigations because of its rudelaris genetic. Fertilization is tolerated specially in advanced phases of flowering.

Production: 100-150 gr /m2 indoors

Medical value: High

Smell: Hahs

Taste: Noble wood

Effect: very narcotic, almost devastating.


100-150 grams production? This thing is getting big. I can see it producing that amount if it keeps growing at the rate it is now. I'm guessing it's autoflowering but it starts budding later.

Among ruderalis plants, are there differing phenos with different lengths of vegetative phase? If ruderalis HAS differing phenos, maybe this bank worked with a pheno with a longer veg phase.


New member
Wish I knew. All 8 plants I have are showing female preflowers but they are tiny and no sign of actual flowering yet. They have grown about 3 inches in the last 2 days with more branching. I don't have room for all plants to flower if they get much bigger. I'm gonna give them another week and switch to 12/12.


New member
Noticed asymmetrical branching on a couple of plants today. I think they a going to flower and I should'nt need to go to 12/12. I'll keep you posted.


ive had the same problem as you lot but with a different strain, little angel and little devil from the ministry of cannabis. they said the plants will flower after 2 1/2 weeks. i was also growing lowryder 2 at the time. my lowryder 2 was finished and smoked before i saw the first pistils. in the end i got fed up and bought some lowlife hindu kush, they have not dissapointed!! i complained to the ministry and they sent me another batch of seeds but i havnt bothered with them. ive put the "auto" plants in the garden and still nothing!! its been about 3 months now. the annoying this is they did start to show sex but suddenly decided they didnt want to flower anymore. will probs use the rest of the seeds for a geurilla grow. i definitely feel your pain, nothing worse than spending lots of money on autoflower plants that dont autoflower. go for lowlife or the joint doctor as they are proven to start flowering after a couple of weeks.

ive recently bought a new strain, russian rocket fuel by short stuff. they claim thats autoflowering so fingers crossed it will be!


Noticed asymmetrical branching on a couple of plants today. I think they a going to flower and I should'nt need to go to 12/12. I'll keep you posted.

What is asymmetrical branching indicative of? The side branches on mine have really shot up in the last three days.


New member
When plants are vegitative state the branches come from the main stalk in pairs, one on each side or symmetrical. When the plant begins the flowering stage the the branches come off the main stalk one at a time, asymmetrical. Here is a pic of the asymmetrical branching, sorry it kinda sucks but you can tell what I mean. Compare the two branches above my finger to two branches off your main stalks. Also think I found a male preflower today so I think I might have one hermaphrodite. I'm going to keep an eye on it for a few days to make sure before I pull it.


New member
Pulled the male and the umbrella shaped pheno today. The 6 left are looking good and starting to show tiny calyxes on the branches now. Switched from MH lamp to HPS, still on 20/4. Going to water with bloom ferts tomorrow. Things look like they are going to turn out ok and produce a few flowers. I'll keep you posted.
I pulled 3 of 4.

They had already missed the boat, so to speak. I'm not sure the last one will make the window either (I only have four weeks left in this place.)


hey grimcreeper, any results yet. I have 2 of these under T5's about 8 days old. I can tell they grow fast but i have searched and see the same complaints about the afghan kush ryder. I was gonna throw them under hps after a few weeks but now im not sure.
please keep us updated


New member
Went to 12/12. I'm tired of fucking with these things. If they don't light up in a week I'm going to pull them and grow something else. I could have grown a standard strain in the time I have invested in these. Best case senario I'm going to have 3+ months in a nonautoflowering indica watered down with ruderalis genes. Worst case, 4 months invested in some weak-ass ditchweed. I sure as hell hope anyone looking for autoflowering seeds stays away from World of Seeds products.


Went to 12/12. I'm tired of fucking with these things. If they don't light up in a week I'm going to pull them and grow something else. I could have grown a standard strain in the time I have invested in these. Best case senario I'm going to have 3+ months in a nonautoflowering indica watered down with ruderalis genes. Worst case, 4 months invested in some weak-ass ditchweed. I sure as hell hope anyone looking for autoflowering seeds stays away from World of Seeds products.

i feel your pain! my "autoflowers" that i bought in feb that didnt flower still havnt flowered! little angel and devil, steer well clear if i was you! nothing worse than paying 2 to 3 times as much as regular seeds that are supposed to be autoflowering females and get males, and i presume females, that just will not flower!


Unlucky stuff. Seriously search the web for anything possible about a seed bank. Then make your decision of what to by.