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Advancing Eco Agriculture, Product Science


Yeah....I read that a few minutes after you intially posted jidoka but refrained from responding because I was waiting for the troll.........and still am.

Milky hates corporate america. This fuckery is on another level.

EDIT: Just confirmed with a reputable source off the board. Monsanto offered him a pretty sweet deal. I don't think I could have turned it down either. I still like the guy. Best of luck to him wherever he may be.
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Active member

Edit: for the record. I don't believe Monsanto picked up Milky, and jidoka is Milky. I don't believe Monsanto would lower their standards that much. I also don't believe Milky would sell out that bad. Time will tell I guess.
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On that note...., @slownickel or anybody else knowledgeable, does Spectrum labs report elemental phosphorus and their soil reports or phosphate?

I got their T3 test (for gardens and turf) and the AApH8.2 test and it was $44 for each test and they had them done in less than 24 hours of receiving my soil samples. Just FYI and I'm happy with them.


I talked to him this morning; he said he's under contract now. I guess they picked him up because of his experience with micronutrients. Remember when he started calling out Zinc deficiencies when everyone didn't know what it looked like (leaflet symmetry, leaflet tips that aren't straight, etc.)? I guess they are paying him now way more than what he'd make growing. I feel like we just got scored on by the opposing team.

Foothill, you pegged him from a mile away. I hope you're happy with yourself.

Lightweight, I think you have the option with most labs as to how you want your P reported. They of course probably have a default but just give them a ring if you want elemental or P205.


I talked to him this morning; he said he's under contract now. I guess they picked him up because of his experience with micronutrients. Remember when he started calling out Zinc deficiencies when everyone didn't know what it looked like (leaflet symmetry, leaflet tips that aren't straight, etc.)? I guess they are paying him now way more than what he'd make growing. I feel like we just got scored on by the opposing team.

this is for real? wow


Active member
Was it Monsanto or Monsanto by way of Hawthorne Gardening Co?

Thanks slownickel for the pdf re: calcareous soil testing.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Fuck monstanto

Fuck monstanto

Time to organize guys.

If you all organize and do your trials, I guarantee what will happen. Fuck monsanto.

Time to create a working group to do the research that these guys haven't even thought about yet.


Active member
ICMag Donor

Ask Spectrum to run Al and Na as well.

If you would like, ask Spectrum to post the results to my account so that we can see the indexed copper and manganese.


Active member
lol, I had milky pegged from a mile away......Monsanto sell out Drunk with a bad attitude. All you fools thought he was on our team, but I was right. Savatage from the start.

Put your faith in people you can trust. I came in this thread talking about my experiences only, and Milky trolled the crap out of me. At least we understand why now right? Because he is a low life, that will sell his soul for any reason, and envy was often the root of Milky's motivation. Enjoy the cesspool Milky.

Even if this isn't true about Monsanto, I stand by the rest. If it is true, Milky goes down as a true cannabis trader. Up with the likes of Rez dog, Dutch Grown and Sam The Skunkman. All the secrets and experience we shared here is now in the hands of Monsanto. Thanks Milky.

The rest of you........you really liked Milky?

Edit: for the record. I don't believe Monsanto picked up Milky, and jidoka is Milky. I don't believe Monsanto would lower their standards that much. I also don't believe Milky would sell out that bad. Time will tell I guess.

I wish he was drinking, eating shrooms and doing the occasional line. That is when he was a fun motherfucker. We use to sit in a local brew pub every thurs, fri and just get hammered and meet tons of people. Far as I know he hasn't had a drink or line since Jan.

He use to be fun. Then he got to be friends with backyard farmer and starting thinking he might be special. Now he thinks he needs to be paid for everything he has learned....that aint how life works. Just one high end weed pub and he and I could have been set forever, not stupid rich but happy, there is a difference. I don't wanna blame byf...but hey, he didn't help anything from my point of view.

Anyways, he is still my bruv and I love him...just like a sister that turns into a crack ho. Hell when I met him he had just spent 32 weeks in one yr overseas working for corporate amerikkka....he hated it, the dude has memory for shit.

Anyways...the difference between shit attached to cec sites and stuff not attached...that is a difference that does not show up on a soil test. I feel better off getting my cec reasonably full and then at the beginning of the grow adding something...chicken shit, whatever to feed the grow. If my soil test ends up where I started...perfect. I fed a balanced diet. If not, back to the drawing board.

And using a little AEA along the way seems like a good idea


Active member
I wish he was drinking, eating shrooms and doing the occasional line. That is when he was a fun motherfucker. We use to sit in a local brew pub every thurs, fri and just get hammered and meet tons of people. Far as I know he hasn't had a drink or line since Jan.

He use to be fun. Then he got to be friends with backyard farmer and starting thinking he might be special. Now he thinks he needs to be paid for everything he has learned....that aint how life works. Just one high end weed pub and he and I could have been set forever, not stupid rich but happy, there is a difference. I don't wanna blame byf...but hey, he didn't help anything from my point of view.

Anyways, he is still my bruv and I love him...just like a sister that turns into a crack ho. Hell when I met him he had just spent 32 weeks in one yr overseas working for corporate amerikkka....he hated it, the dude has memory for shit.

Anyways...the difference between shit attached to cec sites and stuff not attached...that is a difference that does not show up on a soil test. I feel better off getting my cec reasonably full and then at the beginning of the grow adding something...chicken shit, whatever to feed the grow. If my soil test ends up where I started...perfect. I fed a balanced diet. If not, back to the drawing board.

And using a little AEA along the way seems like a good idea

edit...btw neither of us believes in a soul so I don't even know what you are talking about there. I am pretty sure he would have sold his soul for a ribeye any day. So wtf are you talking about.


Active member
Speaking on professionals in the industry:

I should explain a little further about my consulting with lead:

I ordered and paid for 20k worth of fresh base mix, peat, compost, lava/perlite/rice hulls. Leads job was to help me dial in the soil. We took the base mix, and sent it into Logan. Received the tests, and amended accordingly. Back to Logan, then amend, retest. Once we had done this 3 times, Lead wasn't understanding why the Ca levels were not raising. He didn't understand to the point where he would have me retest the same samples at logan, and the same results came back.

Well, I re-tested and amended my soil 6 times before Lead was frustrated, and couldn't figure out my Ca levels. He then told me, he added too much Ca and wanted me to spend another 20k and cut the soil we had been making.......... Then out of no where, supposedly Milky and BYF told lead to stop consulting for me, which he did. No evidence of anything, just his boys telling him not to.

So, 20k in soil and 6 soil tests later, and Lead can't even figure out the Ca levels in my soil........I quickly remedied this, which I had already figured out while Lead was still helping. I was sending in two sets of soil, Leads recs and what I thought was right........Kind of sad.

My point here, is the professionals in this industry are pathetic. I was on the boards one day when somebody was posting how LeadSled was robbing him of around 500k because his consulting left his grow in ruins. My dumb ass since I had been to a conference with lead, and thought we were cool, told him about this guy. Turns out dude had been plastering that all over the different sights.

There is just no accountability in this trade. People can spread lies, not follow through on their promises, and the same people would steal your harvest from you in the middle of the night with snips. Same people, different evolution of the cannabis game.

In the future, I am making huge strides into the legal market. I have set up networks which will survive the new laws coming up. Lawyers are on retainer, new facilities are being drawn up, and capital is being lobbied for. When this industry levels out, people like Milky will be working for others. I plan to establish a farm which will employ a large number of people year round and comply with local, state and federal laws.

So who is with me? Lets stop the dick swinging and start helping each other. Lets make it a common goal from here on out to make strides into the legal market. Lets keep the legal market out of the hand of Monsanto with the knowledge and hard work we bring to the cannabis trade. The power is always with the people, the people just have to unite.


Active member
Foothill. Which seminar do you speak of? I am curious.

I have noticed some UN symmetrical leaves and I would like to know more.

A plant sap seminar put on by Crop Health Labs. Zn deficiency will have the tips of the leaves dart one way or the other. Not the entire leaf, or half of the leaf divided by the center of the leaf.

This picture shows a slight Zn deficiency. (and Ca) look at the large leaf, third and forth leaf from the top going clockwise. The tip is slightly darting to the side. Sorry for not a better picture.
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Well-known member
Is there an exchange of money for these consulting services? If so i think ill pass on those doll hairs. Im always wondering why people are getting so upset and there has to be fees involved. If its free you get what you pay for.

I've also seen talk of high Ca being a problem. Which is weird to me since Ca is always unavailable. However I don't like BAS and I could see problems arising. The soil I got from.them is on the floor of my ghouse after I put gypsum on it to balance the 15% K. Only in CO.

Did anyone every think jidoka could be milky and he's just stiring the pot? During the milky fire jidoka rose from the ashes? If so it's good see evrryone together again with the common goal of hatin on a muthafucka. The team is back lol

Johnny Redthumb

So many people "guess" at what a deficiency in cannabis looks like. I'm tired of it. When u do an image search, its the same pics from the 90s from the Marijuana Garden Saver book. I'm gonna do a hydro grow this winter where I purposely leave out each element and take pics. Maybe I'll even publish one of those "how-to-grow" books, since everyone is an expert these days anyway. Who needs credentials?


Active member
Reppin2c - Yea, I have called Jidoka out as Milky sever times now. Also, I have soil results from my coots mix from Grass Valley.....Seems different than you experienced.


Here are better pictures of Zn deficiency. Went down and took these pics today. First pic is of old growth, and the new growth still shows deficient. I have been having a hell of a time getting copper, Zn, Mn and Iron into my soil and tissue. The plant pictured is my SSH hybrid, and is very temperamental.



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