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Advancing Eco Agriculture, Product Science


Active member
So AEA has micropak, nutralive, and holo for sale. I am so confused. I thought these were all the same. I was going to buy a micro and a macro product but have no idea.


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ICMag Donor

Read a bunch more history here. Seems like you were advocating 72% Ca, congratulations. Love to hear the story behind that since you were bucking the talking heads to begin with.

Realize that when we talk about calcium, we need to think in plural, calcium(s). Carbonate, sulfate, lactate, nitrate, phosphate and be pushing tests with others such as gluconate.

I would also think that this has to be a dynamic issue, where we start with heavier calcium(s) early on, peak on K in grow, and then bring K down with more Ca in flowering.

No offense taken. I have gone back and forth with Graeme several times, especially when he went to Brasil (my old stomping grounds) so as to prepare him for what he was going to see. Graeme is a neat guy but at the end of the day, a fertilizer salesman.

I have one guy at my farm that has been with me more than 10 years. He runs one of my lime groves. He didn't graduate 8th grade. His grove is my best. When he sees a problem with one of the trees he asks me for more gypsum. If he still sees a problem with that tree, he asks for more gypsum. 90% of the time he is correct. But this all depends on where one is standing. Every soil is different.

Your grasp of soil science is excellent and I can see why several folk live off of every word you post. I too went back and started delving into your posts, excellent work.


Well-known member
My ghouse soil was 75/8.3/3.18/.68 base cations and I had to spray epsom salts. Imagine how taco ed my leafs would have been with more Ca.

But I get the regular amendmentioned of gypsum to keep the Ca up top


So AEA has micropak, nutralive, and holo for sale. I am so confused. I thought these were all the same. I was going to buy a micro and a macro product but have no idea.

i believe milkyjoe said nutrilive (now called special blend a/b) and holo are both complete micro/macro blends of most of the aea bottles, but the holo left less or no residue on leaves with foliar.
his post is several pages back if you want to be 100% sure.


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ICMag Donor

How much P did you have? That should have been plenty of Mg.

What do you mean taco shells? Cupping of leaves? You think that comes from excess Ca?


Well-known member

How much P did you have? That should have been plenty of Mg.

What do you mean taco shells? Cupping of leaves? You think that comes from excess Ca?

P was 2.5 times K. Roughly 680 ppm K and 1580 ppm P. If I remember right. I brought in sea stim in flower to balance the ratio a touch.

Leave margins where rolling a bit. Sprayed mg sulfate and it flattened out. That was on the kush's


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ICMag Donor
Applying magnesium foliar works just fine.

Hopefully you didn't run any into your mix.

How much are you applying of magnesium sulfate at a time? 1% 2% in your foliar?

1 % = 1 kg in 100 liters of water.


Sorry for opening a worm can with the roundup question. Mn in that soil should be around 70ppm. I made sure to add micro sulfates more than a month before planting anticipating that there might be residual glyphosate. I also don't feel like its right to call it a chelator, but maybe plants don't have the right cellular machinery to disassemble the complex. According to Huber it locks up more than just manganese (Ca, Fe, Zn...)

Thanks for the kind words Slownickel and also for the resources Avenger and Avinash. I'll dig a bit more. Might be worth making a thread about it.


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ICMag Donor
Roundup toxicity is a big issue here and everywhere I work. It is the goto herbicide for nearly everyone.

I bought some of that woowoo juice that Avnish recommended from Amazon. I know exactly where I want to try it!

No worries, excellent question and helps everyone!


Active member
ICMag Donor
One last thought. Given that Roundup grabs everything, imagine a soil that is made of iron, 120 ppm say. And then imagine that this soil only has 20 ppm of Manganese. (actually a real example), the iron is already toxic and out of balance. But, what happens after the glyphosate? The minimum of Mn won't be there by a much greater proportion compared to the Fe.

This is what I seen. Most soils, when in dust form, in this part of the world stick to a magnet.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Roundup toxicity is a big issue here and everywhere I work. It is the goto herbicide for nearly everyone.

I bought some of that woowoo juice that Avnish recommended from Amazon. I know exactly where I want to try it!

No worries, excellent question and helps everyone!

woowoo juice, i like it
slownickel: where do you get testing for glyphosate done thru? what lab? iirc rodale institute does a glyphosate test for around 200$

if i can find anything specifically about glyphosate remediation with r palustris i'll post it here. but imo it's a good place to start, and a quick google scholar search i found this:

i've reached out to some people and asked about sources, maybe when/if i get more info I will start a separate thread for it, since this is unrelated to AEA

i will say about AEA - i've remained interested in it for some time and this thread continues to provide insight into the uses of AEA products AND overall soil information
For any of the cannabis gurus that participate in this thread and use AEA products:

I thought I ordered Pepzyme, but apparently didn't. The sales rep I talked to said Rejuvenate has Pepzyme in it and I did order Rejuvenate. So, would you guys still get Pepzyme? I know milkyjoe likes Pepzyme and it seems like most, if not all, here do. I'm thinking based on what milkyjoe has said and others in this thread (many of whom I respect very much as cannabis growers even you all are apparently just a bunch of "talking heads") that I'll order some unless there is a reason not to. Thanks very much guys :)
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Well-known member
Pepzyme- yes I use it.. Mostly in my teas at 30ml for 55 gal. A small bottle....I think it's an acre lasts me a season. I don't spray microbes and Pepzyme more then once or twice a crop life. I'd prefer to have my soil dialed beforehand and have it fend off on they're own.

Glyphosate- that shit is real bad. 22 year half life, binds Mn and zn (if I remember right). Break the bond and it retyes forever it seems. I could die before roundup runs it's course. But at some point we need to be be able to fight it with the right course of action. It's not gonna go away and trace elements can be found in almost all river run off in the US. I'm at a loss there.

Slownickel-I used epsom salts at 1 tablespoon per gallon foliar for a mg def. I got some pics from a couple friends and suggested the same application rate and got called back 2 hours after the application like "holy fuck dude" it is a major change. I have 2 that I need to do tomorrow, wierd because they're cuts in the same soil. What I can say is IBLs are super sensitive.

I'm not a great cannabis grower or agronomist or guru or whatever but I'll just keep learning

Keep on keeping on hosers

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Pepzyme- yes I use it.. Mostly in my teas at 30ml for 55 gal. A small bottle....I think it's an acre lasts me a season. I don't spray microbes and Pepzyme more then once or twice a crop life. I'd prefer to have my soil dialed beforehand and have it fend off on they're own.

Glyphosate- that shit is real bad. 22 year half life, binds Mn and zn (if I remember right). Break the bond and it retyes forever it seems. I could die before roundup runs it's course. But at some point we need to be be able to fight it with the right course of action. It's not gonna go away and trace elements can be found in almost all river run off in the US. I'm at a loss there.

Slownickel-I used epsom salts at 1 tablespoon per gallon foliar for a mg def. I got some pics from a couple friends and suggested the same application rate and got called back 2 hours after the application like "holy fuck dude" it is a major change. I have 2 that I need to do tomorrow, wierd because they're cuts in the same soil. What I can say is IBLs are super sensitive.

I'm not a great cannabis grower or agronomist or guru or whatever but I'll just keep learning

Keep on keeping on hosers

[URL=http://www.dayzeddesigns.com/images/ctxkhm47pjxca0v7.jpg]View Image[/URL]
I think you're a fine cannabis grower reppin2c. Good enough to take advice from anyway :) Thanks for your response about Pepzyme. Do you use Pepzyme and Rejuvenate though? I'm pretty set on putting in an ordering because milkeyjoe suggested I use both. I'd prefer to have my soil dialed in too, but it's not going to happen right now so I'll use AEA stuff to crutch my way through summer. The advantage to living in Hawaii is I have all year to work towards getting it right though I'd like to take advantage of summer time as much as possible.


Active member
AEA order update. So I called to let aea know the package was not delivered due to being damaged. They sent out the replacement the next day 2 day fedx. I received the rejuvenate today. They sent the two 1 gal orders in two 2 1/2 gal containers to avoid problems. It worked and I'm happy with there quick remedy.


Active member
For any of the cannabis gurus that participate in this thread and use AEA products:

I thought I ordered Pepzyme, but apparently didn't. The sales rep I talked to said Rejuvenate has Pepzyme in it and I did order Rejuvenate. So, would you guys still get Pepzyme? I know milkyjoe likes Pepzyme and it seems like most, if not all, here do. I'm thinking based on what milkyjoe has said and others in this thread (many of whom I respect very much as cannabis growers even you all are apparently just a bunch of "talking heads") that I'll order some unless there is a reason not to. Thanks very much guys :)

Once again, sorry about my PM.

Really not trying to pile on AEA, but anybody else notice how often the wrong package is sent, or bottles explode? This is a major problem people, and they need to fix it.

I have always assumed the rejuvenate had enough. I always buy more Pepzyme, but never apply it because I never see a response from the plants. I imagine this product is great for new soil/soiless season crops, but my full season doesn't seem to need the pepzyme. So, I say stick with the Rejuvenate.

Anybody else care to comment?

AEA order update. So I called to let aea know the package was not delivered due to being damaged. They sent out the replacement the next day 2 day fedx. I received the rejuvenate today. They sent the two 1 gal orders in two 2 1/2 gal containers to avoid problems. It worked and I'm happy with there quick remedy.

Glad to hear, hope they arrive in one piece........I put my 2.5 gallons bottles in 5 gallon buckets, and if I didn't drill the hole, the pressure would have popped the buckets as well. Still be careful, and I suggest you drill a hole in the cap if there is not one already.

They keep telling me the reason for the exploding bottles is the vent cap. Eric told me (head of shipping) they bought 20,000 more caps, so why is this still happening? I don't like being lied to.


Active member
foothil, Thanks for the tip. I'll drill a hole.
Sounds like AEA doesn't have their sh*t together yet. Confusion with their products and name changes holomac nutralive why separate names? exploding bottles. They seem like a good company with a good product but need to hire someone to take care of these issues asap otherwise one of the hundred other nutrient companies will pass them by.
gobiodiversity is another company with some similar products. I've used some and liked them. They are located in nor cal. Good luck

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
On the exploding bottle thing...one thing I noticed with the Rejuvenate I ordered is that it's the shaking that causes the bottles to expand and eventually explode. Just a small amount of shaking can lead to pressure building up. If you're not far from aea, you probably won't have this problem. If you're far away, that means longer shipping time and more shaking. Vent caps would help, but the stuff is still gonna spill out of the cap regardless. Mine came with a plastic bag that was tied off. Luckily, the bag did its job and I only ended up having to waste a minimal amount.

What aea should do is set up distributions/logistics system so that the time the bottles spend in transit is reduced. Well, that and fix the cap issue.

I'd order from them again in a heartbeat if they fixed this.



Im still waiting for half my order from a month ago, I too would order again in a heartbeat if they got the logistics straightened out...

Im definitely going to go around aea and get the same products from other suppliers, pacific gro for sea shield, sea crop from green stone.nutes, use a PVFS bloom as pht phos, ect...