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Advancing Eco Agriculture, Product Science

Once again, sorry about my PM.

Really not trying to pile on AEA, but anybody else notice how often the wrong package is sent, or bottles explode? This is a major problem people, and they need to fix it.

I have always assumed the rejuvenate had enough. I always buy more Pepzyme, but never apply it because I never see a response from the plants. I imagine this product is great for new soil/soiless season crops, but my full season doesn't seem to need the pepzyme. So, I say stick with the Rejuvenate.

Anybody else care to comment?

Yeah, no worries about the PM; it was just a little misunderstanding. You're cool braddah and a fine farmah. I'd take pointers from your easily. And thanks for your input on the Pepzyme :)


Active member
On the exploding bottle thing...one thing I noticed with the Rejuvenate I ordered is that it's the shaking that causes the bottles to expand and eventually explode. Just a small amount of shaking can lead to pressure building up. If you're not far from aea, you probably won't have this problem. If you're far away, that means longer shipping time and more shaking. Vent caps would help, but the stuff is still gonna spill out of the cap regardless. Mine came with a plastic bag that was tied off. Luckily, the bag did its job and I only ended up having to waste a minimal amount.

What aea should do is set up distributions/logistics system so that the time the bottles spend in transit is reduced. Well, that and fix the cap issue.

I'd order from them again in a heartbeat if they fixed this.


I am not sure about this....... I left my bottle in a climate controlled room set at 68, and in the dark. I burped the bottle everyday. On day 4 or 5, the bottle exploded on an entire light dep crop......

The key is having a vent hole, that is the only way these bottles survive. IMO.

Eric told me they have these bottles sitting in wear houses ready to go......I call bullshit, they fill the bottles, say a prayer, and send them out.

I am glad people are starting to get real about the AEA shipping in this thread. I still have yet to see anybody say the AEA lineup is of low quality. However the shipping problems are impossible to hide at this point.


Well-known member
vent hole in the cap seems like a simple fix... the simple fix for shaking the bottle and not getting it all over is a free moving cap liner... you've seen em fall out of the cap when you unscrew it from time to time.. a lot of times i just threw em away, but now I see the purpose...


i just got my AEA products as well, i had both 2 1/2 gallons leaking of rejevenate and something else i forgot,

but i had a question. i foliar sprayed with

SeaStim SeaShield SeaCrop Rejuv and photomag all at 8 ml per gallon, is that going to burn the shit outta my plants?



New member
i just got my AEA products as well, i had both 2 1/2 gallons leaking of rejevenate and something else i forgot,

but i had a question. i foliar sprayed with

SeaStim SeaShield SeaCrop Rejuv and photomag all at 8 ml per gallon, is that going to burn the shit outta my plants?


No it will not burn. I spray everything you mentioned at 1oz per gallon. Except the Sea Crop. I spray that at 5ml per gallon


Active member
Have y'all ever wondered what if cannabis really is a weed. That is what if it has a completely different nutrition profile than your avg plant that is farmed for profit. They always say weeds are pioneering species that try to balance the soil either by taking up excess or mining deep to bring needed minerals up.

Has anyone played with ratios far off the normal?

I know people say cannabis is a Mg hog which I know is wrong. But what if it is a Mn or Zn hog? Got no clue what the answer is but I wonder things.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Interesting JIDOKA, I agree completely. This plant, like many more, prefer more Mn in the soil than iron. Check out the files that I posted and look at which soil and leaf analysis profile/relationships you see. Also look at P, P/Zn.

As you will see, many of those in this forum in high calcium are growing amazing crops. Leadsled recommended manganese applications weekly!

And I also share your opinion regarding Mg. What else you thinking?


Active member
Zn...and it could just be the really high P that is tying it up in the soil or it could be some kind of need.

I see Zn as the symmetry mineral. I have seen exactly one grow where the leaves were serrated all the way to the tip, the two leaves where the petiole goes into the leaf and the tips of the leaves did not turn a little bit left or right.

It was sprayed with salute Zn at 1 ounce (in a little 3 light room) per week...generally split up into daily sprays. It was a one off experiment so it doesn't mean anything other than to make me curious.

It could also be too much N simply causing the plant to grow faster than it is capable of translocating ions
Thought I would post this up for others to see here as well, because sharing is caring. My Saturated paste test sucks, but soil tests seem pretty good. Gator is first year soil. Meso is native soil with compost and aeration added, Eden is my oldest peat based mix.




ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
those look like some great #s FF1 ~i just got some results from spectrum analytic! P, K iron & zinc are pretty high on mine {as is pH} & i need a smattering of sulfur, copper, boron & manganese. gonna rig up a micro-dose of those right away

these are seed beds in about a 4' wide trench a foot deep. i'm thinking i'll have to lay some sandy loam on top & till in to "dilute" the fert load this fall then; re-apply the solution i arrive at for those micros. probably get better performance w/ that & re-test once it's been a month or 2 from adjusting it

i tested 4 different batches of soil & found they were all so low on N that spectrum suggested 120 lbs/acre for each 1. must be pretty standard as 1 did have 112ppm of nitrate N in1 ~compared to the 2s & 4s of the others {same rec though}
That sounds like a great plan. If you use AEA, how has it helped with your soil numbers? Do you mind posting them up? I posted in this thread my numbers at the start of the season, and now. I had one test in between, but AEA and my micro heard have been doing a good job. Still some scary numbers I need to straiten out, but my numbers in the late winter / early spring were far from where they are now. Maybe next year I will obtain some Albrect numbers.


Active member
ICMag Donor

If you are using the a mix with all those shells and all, ask the guys at the lab to run your bases using Ammonium acetate @ 8.2 It is a couple of bucks more.

Post your results if you don't mind.

And if you ask the lab to do so, at no charge, they will index your Mn and Cu. Worth doing. Plus if you ask, they can send your results in an excel format so you don't have to type everything in to calculate ratios...
Have y'all ever wondered what if cannabis really is a weed. That is what if it has a completely different nutrition profile than your avg plant that is farmed for profit. They always say weeds are pioneering species that try to balance the soil either by taking up excess or mining deep to bring needed minerals up.

Has anyone played with ratios far off the normal?

I know people say cannabis is a Mg hog which I know is wrong. But what if it is a Mn or Zn hog? Got no clue what the answer is but I wonder things.

Cannabis really isn't a weed. Wild hemp is a weed. Drug-type cannabis has been bred for something like 3500 years, which is as long or longer than a lot of commercial food crops have been bred. And it may relatively be a zinc or manganese hog (I don't know) and some varieties are pretty tough, but it's not really what I would call a pioneering plant like it's cousin hemp. In saying that, it might not do as well as some think in really out of whack soils. Where on the other hand, wild hemp will grow well in a wide range of places and you'll most likely never be able to get rid of it in many areas of the world.
Foothill, why are those sodium levels so high?

In what test? The paste test is throwing me off, and I don't like it.

% wise, it's right on point. I think my soil in general is loaded up, yet my EC is low. I am going to hit the Gator and Meso with some N to raise that a bit, and some other goodies.

Why do you think? Over watering maybe? I don't really use too much Sea Crop or others that might carry Sodium. What AEA products might bring that up?

I know my water source doesn't have high sodium, so scratch that off.


Milky was the first person to tell you there was a problem with your microbes. He's probably right, but maybe you didn't like the way he worded it. Either way, you're floundering because your plants don't look perfect, but you're probably still going to have a good season. Maybe its the sea shield. Too much of anything can shut down certain species.

Fwiw I've found paste tests to be practically worthless also. I've seen paste tests with numbers all over the board, highly variable, all growing similar looking plants.


In what test? The paste test is throwing me off, and I don't like it.

% wise, it's right on point. I think my soil in general is loaded up, yet my EC is low. I am going to hit the Gator and Meso with some N to raise that a bit, and some other goodies.

Why do you think? Over watering maybe? I don't really use too much Sea Crop or others that might carry Sodium. What AEA products might bring that up?

I know my water source doesn't have high sodium, so scratch that off.

Usually its poor quality water then comes the soil what is sodium other then SALT build up so there can be a number of reasons why not enough aeration in soil in other words you may think you have good soil but it truly is poorly structured , low infiltration rate very bad drainage