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Advancing Eco Agriculture, Product Science


Look first at the sea stim...a huge dose of kelp. That is the key. It manipulates hormones...think what jacked up insulin does to you. It pretty much assures you that cytokinins become dominate over auxins.

This prevents true stretch...node spacing increasing provided you have enough nutrtional support. The sea shield.

Having luxury levels of Mn signals the plant that it has what it needs to make mucho seed...so it sets lots of bud.

But the main key is manipulate those hormones. Without that the rest won't work.

Just my guess though.

Btw...coot has pointed out sprouted corn seed teas are also powerful cytokinin manipulators

so if i use this 2 weeks before 12/12 indoors will my plants keep growing tall? if i spray them 2 weeks out they are only 8" inches tall. does this act like bushload pgr?
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Active member
had some PHT potassium explode in my workshop... plastic seem in the bottom of the container skeeted out the whole bottle... shitty part is they were on a shelf above a workstation...


Senior Member
I honestly have no clue how pgrs work...never had any interest.

If your height comes from wider node spacing then yes...it will keel them shorter. But if you are providing enough food...energy...they will continue to grow vigorously.

Sorry I don't know the exact answer


I honestly have no clue how pgrs work...never had any interest.

If your height comes from wider node spacing then yes...it will keel them shorter. But if you are providing enough food...energy...they will continue to grow vigorously.

Sorry I don't know the exact answer

perfect- thank you milky.:biggrin:


Active member
I was under the impression that the stretch in the start of flower was from lack of trace minerals.. mostly Manganese....


Senior Member
The stretch where where node spacing increases is mostly hormonal...auxins become dominate over cytokinins.. Sea stim stops that.

It is when you get auxin dominance you quickly do not have enough root mass to take up enough nutrients to support healthy growth and you get node stretch. K is also important to move sugar To growing tips at this point...but virtually all of our soils have at least 3% and will be fine.

Anyways that nutrtional aspect is supported by the sea shield.

The mn is to support a strong reproductive response causing additional bud set...IF everything else is in place. This is the one to be careful with.


Senior Member
One of the reasons Coot's mix works so well is cause he uses so muck kelp meal. That mix takes care of cytokinins without foliar or fert support. Coot knows his stuff for real. That crab meal was true genius also.

Honestly if you are gonna spend the money on soil his mix is genius. I kinda like 40 $ a yard soil though that I can make work with supplements
I bought 40 yards of coots mix this year. Best first year soil mix I ever used. Got soil reports if anybody is interested. That mixed with AEA's products has been a major breakthrough in my gardening skills.


Senior Member
You think an auxin imbalance is what causes fox tailing?

I don't know.

If you want a wild guess Ca. It does not transfer from leaf to bud. So when people "flush" the mobile elements move to the bud which is still trying to form.

So you are forming cells without enough Ca which tends to make for less than ideal shaping


Senior Member
50yard...I see regalia is and extract of giant knotweed. I also heard essential oil growers use an extract of japanese knotweed to increase essential oil production...for all I know maybe the same thing. Have you noticed an increase in essential oils?

How are you using regalia?
I have only used regalia since August. I have been using it as a preventive against PM with foliar sprays. I have had three days of rain in a row earlier this week, not even a spot of PM, yet. Lost some colas to cats. (I do have outdoor plants, as well as greenhouse) I have not noticed an increase in oil production myself, however my plants are producing a good deal of oils. Is it due to the Regalia? I don't know. I sprayed all my plants with the regalia, so I have no controls.

The person who has been mentoring me with an IPM program and fungal programs recommended Regalia to me. He also uses it during transplants, and has great results. He says plants don't stall at all. He is also having some success fighting soil pathogens with Regalia, however this is not conclusive yet.

Neither of us have used Regalia close to harvest, although the product says it's safe up to the day of harvest. I sprayed two weeks out from my first wave of harvest. Regalia works by boosting the immune system of the plant, and it takes a couple days to kick in, and should help for several weeks. So a spray up to harvest isn't needed.

Regalia also will penetrate leaves, so if you spray the tops it also treats the bottoms of leaves. Which makes it slightly more effective.
I should have mentioned most soil born pathogens infect plants during transplants. So even if symptoms don't show up for months after transplants, often times it's contracted during transplants. Regalia helps reduce this. Another plus for Regalia.
Crap, can't edit my posts yet. Sorry for post after post.

The coots mix was excellent. I didn't feed at all, two harvests in a row. Just compost tea and foliar sprays. Some plants turned out as good or better than anything I have grown outdoors. The GSC was superb! Veg was a little slow. I recommend hitting coots mix hard with teas in the first month, and some Pure Protein Dry to get the N moving.

This mix was so good, I think the numbers I got from the coots soil mix is what I will shoot for when making my own soil from native soil. I normally go for William Albrecht ratios, but coots mix worked so well I am going to experiment with those %'s.
Just started runnin the nutra live as base nutrient and am lovin it. Also played with age old bloom a little this year..cano3 at around week 6 really seemed to help as well.

Trenches seemed to work best.


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Senior Member
Cep...here is the Oddesey. Coming down mid next week. I have literally taken two months off smoking to reset. This is the one I am popping my cherry with. Every bit as hard as Jager.
