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Advancing Eco Agriculture, Product Science


Senior Member

Why I like foliar regardless of how balanced, or living, or whatthefuckever the soil is.

I like to call this Living Balanced Soil or LBS or just pounds.

I am starting to feel the same way about P that I do K. Easy enough to spray but too much in the soil is just a pain in the ass blocking Fe, Zn, Mn and probably Cu.


Senior Member
I am not yet cause I have plenty in the soil. Tainio products make it available.

But I am spraying zn an mn cause the P has it tied up. I use aea salute for those.

When I get there I will use hypercap or just 15% P acid
Is hypercap similar to put phosporus?

I'm picking up some ogbiowar products as I've found some root aphids and that seems like the best organic solution for them from what I've read. I see that the spores that both mycogenesis and ogbiowar have, that ogbiowar has more of each per gram. Also it seems their product is geared more towards our kind of grow. I might be making the switch from the mycogenesis to ogbiowar, I'm just curious if the pepzyme would work well with the ogbiowar too....


Senior Member
HD...hypercap is P acid and cano3.

For root aphids call our buddy Quantrill...he absolutely wiped them out with microbiology.

I ain't ever moving away from tainio
HD...hypercap is P acid and cano3.

For root aphids call our buddy Quantrill...he absolutely wiped them out with microbiology.

I ain't ever moving away from tainio

After speaking w tainio, I'm right with you there. I definitely have not been using the innoculants enough. Plus just because they don't have a strain listed doesn't mean it's not in their product, so disregard my statement that Biowar has strains that tainio doesn't.

With that said, I'm have two soil beds w aphids, I'm going to go tainio on one and Biowar on the other. Not because I think Biowar is or could be better but just to compare for others and share my results w tainio to see if they may want to make some changes.

He did tell me it's more cost effective to hit the soil w the mycogenesis first and then follow up w biogenesis after, as you don't need to innoculate the myco every 2 weeks. He said you could also do the myco and follow up w spectrum, but that's only for cost saving. He stated following w the biogenesis every 2 weeks is better than following w spectrum every 2 weeks.


Senior Member
So biogen is spectrum plus diatoms plus whey protein. I tend to add plenty of diatoms up front and some ferti nitro to feed the spectrum.

But yea...I will switch to bio. 1 pound per acre every other week? No pep? Who did you talk with?
Dennis, he said he uses 1 lb per 6000 square feet. Sometimes I don't feel like they even know what their application rates are lol, for pepzyme I figure it's 12.5 oz per acre and myco/bio is 1 lb per acre. So if he uses 1 lb per 6000 square feet then That would mean 12.5 oz pepzyme per 6000 square feet. That just in an attempt to keep the myco/bio to pepzyme ratio the same. But he also said don't go over 2x application rate on pepzyme, not sure what application rate that is. I'll clear thing up tomorrow with him.

He said follow the myco w bio every 2 weeks.
Enzymes are already created by the spores in the myco/bio so I would assume to shot for the per acre application rate on the label, rather not over do it.

So his myco/bio recommendation comes out to 0.0757 gr / sq ft
The product label for a per acre basis comes out to 0.00849 ml / sq ft
Looking at their labels,

Myco: 10 grams per yard of soil, 1 gallon of water per gram of myco
Pepzyme: use 12.5 oz per lb of myco

So converting yields:
(0.0495 grams myco and 0.0403 ml pepzyme) per gallon of soil applied with 1 gallon of water

I think you could go way higher than 1 gram per gallon of water, they call for over 20 grams per gal for a root dip. Yeah I'm not dumping 1/4 of a 1 acre bag for a root dip....I've been doing 1.5 grams per gal


Senior Member
I did their acre converted to yards...807 yards in an acre furrow slice. About 0.6 grams bio per yard of my dirt. But then you look at greenhouse recommends and they are way higher. It does get confusing


Senior Member

Cep...here is the Jager this morning. Ima try to let it go til the 6th. It is not even close to in full sun but still rock hard.
I did their acre converted to yards...807 yards in an acre furrow slice. About 0.6 grams bio per yard of my dirt. But then you look at greenhouse recommends and they are way higher. It does get confusing

I go with the green house #s. For a heavy hit I double up on the myco and leave the pepzyme where it is.


Right on Milky. I just got out of the woods, about to hit them with the last foliar before chop. Forecast is mostly clear and 70ish for the last week, pretty happy about that.

Also received an other recent shipment of sea shield that is rancid. I think they need to add more p acid back into the recipe to keep it from spoiling.


Your jager looks good Joe. Looks identical to mine. Theres a few different ones floating around in my area that all look somewhat similar but whenever people see mine theyre like whoa man this is the original jager. I've had it for a long time and given cuts to just about everybody. Would think people would be getting played out on it but its always the #1 requested flavor.

Did yours have any bloom issues? I use air-pots, feed kelp a lot and usually plant it a week later than my other strains just to try and keep it from triggering. Thats the only drawback about it.


Senior Member
I did not get it off to a good start. But I don't remember any issues. It started quick and I will prob harvest next week...but I need one of those


New member
I hear AEA got bought by a holding company recently. I was trying to purchase some AEA from one of their distributors and turns out they changed their go to market strategy cut off all their distributors.