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I remember reading back in the day about cobalt being useful in reversing females ala silver thiosulphate and giberillic acid



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that's actually virgin (unamended) soil, from outdoors in a real soil garden..


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Just read your sig cray, and people from AEA have posted here. They were scared off by the hostility however.

Your garden looks amazing, and that landscape is to die for. Can't wait to see what gets produced in that garden, best of luck.


I'd like to give John a big hug, and a high 5, not necessarily in that order..
After burning the shit out of my plants using outdoor rates I'm finally gettin them back to health with no more than 3 ml per gal and less frequent feedings . Thanks for the tip milky!


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Active member
Has anyone been electrocuted by sea crop? I just received a fresh gallon, and when I went to tear off the seal, I got a fairly strong jolt. I thought I must have stepped on or brushed up against something, so I moved, wearing rubber soled flip flops, and again I was electrocuted when I touched the lid. After that the charge was gone and I didn't receive anymore jolts. This was stronger than your typical static electricity.

Anyway, just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience.


Senior Member
Has anyone been electrocuted by sea crop? I just received a fresh gallon, and when I went to tear off the seal, I got a fairly strong jolt. I thought I must have stepped on or brushed up against something, so I moved, wearing rubber soled flip flops, and again I was electrocuted when I touched the lid. After that the charge was gone and I didn't receive anymore jolts. This was stronger than your typical static electricity.

Anyway, just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience.

The pm formula has an ec of 5. Tell me again how sea crop is not soluble...bullshit. check the ec of photomag vs pht p...case closed as far as I am concerned

St. Phatty

Active member
I remember reading back in the day about cobalt being useful in reversing females ala silver thiosulphate and giberillic acid

I remember sitting in Cody's in Berkeley reading the Ed Rosenthal grow manual.

I think it talked about using Colchicine to produce genetic variation.

I think Fem seeds are a very handy innovation, too. :tiphat:


Senior Member
That dude thinks Montana grow is gold...we use Red Lake Earth instead. (67% amorphous silica with the rest being calcium bentonite)...you can buy it at Tractor supply, used as an animal food, We eat a tsp a day ourselves.


Plus I been thinking...if you use the coot mix why use neem...get all your protein from crab shell and get the benefit of the extra chitin. Then make sure you have the fungi T Harzianum in the mix...which produces chitinase enzyme...which breaks chitin down into chitosan.


Active member
We also use the red lake earth, approx 100lbs per 1200 gal of soil mix, same with pyrophyllite clay.

Montana grow @ 140 per 35 pounds its not something I'd be interested in.


Active member
From what ive seen each source can have differences, looks like they're touting the K, 5% is nice. Sound like de.


Senior Member
Why do they use MgCl in the Photomag over MgSo4?

MgCl comes from sea crop which is 3%. Most of the Mg does come from epsom salts but there is a little sea crop in the mix.

MgCl is a clue in aea products. You can bet when you see it sea crop is the source

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