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Ace Purple Satellite


Well-known member
Hiya Solar!

Sure thing. I’ll post some pics up in a day or two I have, but didn’t post, for both of those plants.

Funny - those PS F2’s have structure like little plants because of long internodal spacing, but those fan leaves are like 10-12” across so pics don’t do justice! Fantastic Oax expression coming on.

The HPH/KC x PS are VERY PS-leaning indeed. It will be interesting to see how terps and high result from this cross!!!!

Yeah, GT...N-overdose I was walking a fine line and thought it was likely to happen. Part of my plan is knowing those will go longer than the others so now that my main plot work is done I can lay off those going forward. I’m happy where I stand right now!

We put my father to rest yesterday and I am blessed to know he is in a better place - seeing and thinking on my plants was a good therapy. :) Family arriving at my place shortly for a celebration. :huggg:





Well-known member
Hiya Solar!

Sure thing. I’ll post some pics up in a day or two I have, but didn’t post, for both of those plants.

Funny - those PS F2’s have structure like little plants because of long internodal spacing, but those fan leaves are like 10-12” across so pics don’t do justice! Fantastic Oax expression coming on.

The HPH/KC x PS are VERY PS-leaning indeed. It will be interesting to see how terps and high result from this cross!!!!

Yeah, GT...N-overdose I was walking a fine line and thought it was likely to happen. Part of my plan is knowing those will go longer than the others so now that my main plot work is done I can lay off those going forward. I’m happy where I stand right now!

We put my father to rest yesterday and I am blessed to know he is in a better place - seeing and thinking on my plants was a good therapy. :) Family arriving at my place shortly for a celebration. :huggg:

I'm sorry to hear about your father, my sincere condolences to you and your family. I'm glad you have found peace with it. Blessing to you and yours.
Peace, God bless


Well-known member
CannaRed you are killin it brother. So pretty. What is your environment and lighting if I may ask?

Solar - thanks for the kind words brother.
I misread your post on GT and nitrogen. Yep same soil prep as for PS ‘s. Understood now. They should have plenty veg time left so I will hit them with more guano in a week or so.

I cropped some of the original pics and added a couple new. Don’t mind the bug bites on the leaves guys. This is guerilla! Apologies for cruddy photography, learning how to document as I go, in the past I would only grow and smoke. :) I will take more and better for you next time.




Edit: PS3 was normal in appearance at transplant. One week later something looked weird in the growing tips. The lower leaves continue to appear normal.


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Well-known member
CannaRed you are killin it brother. So pretty. What is your environment and lighting if I may ask?

Solar - thanks for the kind words brother.
I misread your post on GT and nitrogen. Yep same soil prep as for PS ‘s. Understood now. They should have plenty veg time left so I will hit them with more guano in a week or so.

I cropped some of the original pics and added a couple new. Don’t mind the bug bites on the leaves guys. This is guerilla! Apologies for cruddy photography, learning how to document as I go, in the past I would only grow and smoke. :) I will take more and better for you next time.


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Edit: PS3 was normal in appearance at transplant. One week later something looked weird in the growing tips. The lower leaves continue to appear normal.

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Hey, thanks for those pics my friend, but you really didn't have to go back out so soon, I understand asking for pics of a GG is a big request. Thank you very much, it's greatly appreciated.
I think you're right, PS 3 just some strange mutation in the leaves, nothing to worry about as it's growing out of it. I must say, they all look very nice. Unfortunately it seems the HPH/KCxPS, PS has dominated on the structure of theHPH/KCxPS. The narrower leaves also looks more PS. The HPHxKC put on the most solid and consistently the fattest buds and calyxes of anything I've grown in years. Even what you would call popcorn on the very bottom would roll easily 4-6 nice joints. Lets hope she is making long arms to support those long colas. I have a feeling at the worse case, the flowers will resemble PS but more solid and compact. That's a good thing, because PS puts out nice buds for a NLD sativa.
The HPHxKC went 8 weeks OD from seed in flower. The PS finished Sept. 13 OD from seed here in N. Cali at 38.5L, so lets hope for an early finisher.
Best of luck and thank you again very much.
Peace, God bless


Well-known member
After dry and trim all the Zacateca Tribute on the dessert tray, I filled 7 jars
for a liter, I didn't weigh the plant after the dry,
but when i emptied the tray i got one last gift from
the plant, that did not want to die, 14 fresh seeds of Zacateca Tribute .



As far as the quality of the grass is concerned, the Zacateca Tribute made me go back to the early 90's when you smoked a herb that knew the way of the mind and didn't cheat you with just the high thc.
What can I say spectacular comes directly to your head, headbend
and it never ceases to rise for at least a couple of hours, the flavor is felt the lemon trait mixed with that of hash and conifer but to give a final judgment on this I have to wait for the right period of jar.
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Well-known member
Hi farmerlion,

Yes, sometimes stem rub doesn’t give much away. Sometimes it develops more through flowering. But, some plants and some strains can stand out even early and small.

stem rub on my F1’s is a generic fruit smell like you say. The F2’s I’m running were selected to Oax side and give up a very distinct lemony smell on stem rub, and one stands out more than the others with a little more of a lemon pledge cleaner smell. Honestly I would almost enjoy if that plant ends up male. :) Next pics should be a gender reveal party.


Im wondering where the Lemon smell comes from, as Vmans Oaxacan not is a lemon smelling strain. He never mentioned lemon smelling Plants in his Oax as far as i can remember, also all of his Oax Plants i've grown never had a lemon smell, it's more a piney balsam fir smell with slightly berry and creamy notes. On one pheno right now (the longest flowering one) i have that slightly licorice smell which comes through in some Purple Satellite Plants. Most of the Purple Satellites i grew had something of that berry licorice smell as far as i can remember. Maybe that lemon smell just occurs when the Oax is crossed to other strains? :)


Well-known member
Hiya Solar,

Yes, the PS dominated in that cross with the HPH/KC. Appearance is only part of the equation - let’s see how she smokes! (def fem preflowers so your work to produce and share these fems is much appreciated :)) I am not disappointed as I’m optimistic best of both worlds can still come to be - great high, more NLD-type colas with maybe more density.

Provolo - awesome plant and result. Congrats are in order. :trampoline:
I think you posted one of the first smoke reports on this gem so many thanks. It gives us something to look forward to!

PineapplePunch - yes, you may be correct about origin of the lemon coming from somewhere else, maybe a unique combination. I recall you grew the Hawaiian Fed Sativa. What were the terps on her? I don’t recall much on the Baglung Nepalese either. I will give more reports as flowering gets underway as we know things can change week to week.



Well-known member
Hiya Solar,

PineapplePunch - yes, you may be correct about origin of the lemon coming from somewhere else, maybe a unique combination. I recall you grew the Hawaiian Fed Sativa. What were the terps on her? I don’t recall much on the Baglung Nepalese either. I will give more reports as flowering gets underway as we know things can change week to week.


Yes i grew a good amount of Fed. Hawaiian Sativa, most Plants smell like incense lemony Vicks Vaporup, really liked that smell. Maybe some of that smell traits are hidden in Vmans Oaxaca from the outcrossing and backcrossing with the Hawaiian Sativa and are activated when being crossed to other strains?! Who knows...on the Oaxaca itself i not found anything smell wise what reminds me to the Hawaiian Sativa, very different, also bud formation etc. looks very different. The only thing what maybe reminds me to the Hawaiian are the big leaves on young Plants, but that changes when they become older, later leaves looking different to the Hawaiian as well. :)


Well-known member
Thanks PP. Then guessing the HFS must be the connection here. Some of the F2’s I’m running are the ones giving lemon, like you describe an astringent lemon, apologies if the F2 part was not entirely clear. They were selected towards more NLD which might have actually served to isolate HFS as opposed to (or in conjunction with) Oax. My F1’s do not give any lemon.



CannaRed you are killin it brother. So pretty. What is your environment and lighting if I may ask?


I'm in 3x3 tents. This pic is from the 315 cmh tent.
Other tent has another p.s. in it is a 400w MH.
This was first time blooming under 400mh. I usually bloom 600hps, but was trying something new.

The p s under 315 was more colorful purple, but could be difference is pheno as well.


I chopped down my two Purple Satellite. I can see some f2 seeds popping out of calyxes.
After it dries, I'll sift out all the seeds and try to send out a few to those that have asked.
I'm not sure how many there will be.

I'm also going to take one male and one female and put outside. Let them do the nasty in privacy where only God can see. Lol
Should have more seed then!

I'm don't think I'm going to keep clones. I like the plants, but have too much other plants I want to try out. I don't have alot of space, and really want to work on my own breeding projects.

Gonna check on all the p.s. pollen again to make sure it didn't mold or anything.


Well-known member
Hiya Solar,

Yes, the PS dominated in that cross with the HPH/KC. Appearance is only part of the equation - let’s see how she smokes! (def fem preflowers so your work to produce and share these fems is much appreciated :)) I am not disappointed as I’m optimistic best of both worlds can still come to be - great high, more NLD-type colas with maybe more density.

Provolo - awesome plant and result. Congrats are in order. :trampoline:
I think you posted one of the first smoke reports on this gem so many thanks. It gives us something to look forward to!

PineapplePunch - yes, you may be correct about origin of the lemon coming from somewhere else, maybe a unique combination. I recall you grew the Hawaiian Fed Sativa. What were the terps on her? I don’t recall much on the Baglung Nepalese either. I will give more reports as flowering gets underway as we know things can change week to week.

How are the HPH/KCxPS doing? This day last year my PS was going into early flower at 14 hrs. 37 minutes of daylight on April 14, 2019. Today is also 14 hrs. 37 minutes daylight and my purple haze satellite is also in early flower.

Here is my PS this day last year

Here is my PHS 4 days ago

I'm hoping your HPH/KCxPS will also be an early finisher, which was a big reason for the cross. Using female pollen from the PS should make it easier to search through the various phenos by not having to deal with males. There won't be any F2s to make unless you can grow a few more next year, select a couple good girls to reverse. Only if it turns out to be good smoke or something you want to keep, otherwise, I have better stuff you can try next year. I may self my PHS in case she is something I want to keep around.

Peace, God bless


Well-known member
How are the HPH/KCxPS doing? This day last year my PS was going into early flower at 14 hrs. 37 minutes of daylight on April 14, 2019. Today is also 14 hrs. 37 minutes daylight and my purple haze satellite is also in early flower.

Here is my PS this day last year
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=80361&pictureid=2056806&thumb=1]View Image[/URL]

Here is my PHS 4 days ago

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=83027&pictureid=2056807&thumb=1]View Image[/URL]
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=83027&pictureid=2056815&thumb=1]View Image[/URL]

I'm hoping your HPH/KCxPS will also be an early finisher, which was a big reason for the cross. Using female pollen from the PS should make it easier to search through the various phenos by not having to deal with males. There won't be any F2s to make unless you can grow a few more next year, select a couple good girls to reverse. Only if it turns out to be good smoke or something you want to keep, otherwise, I have better stuff you can try next year. I may self my PHS in case she is something I want to keep around.

Peace, God bless

Hiya Solar, great to hear from you!

I owe you an update plus I’m really anxious to go see my girls and boys. :) Just back from vacation but plan on visiting them this Sat or Sun and will grab some pics. I expect things should be swinging!

I have high hopes for the HPH/KC x PS. There are actually two of those but were planted in same hole (limited space). One larger one small.

It’s amazing how dominant the PS is in these. I can also see quite a bit PS shining through in the Zacatecas, though the balance with BSHB is clear (more branching).

Based on your PHS flowering, and the PS dom expression in these HPH/KC x PS guessing they will be flowering. Again - many thanks to you for the opportunity to try them. :tiphat:

It is amazing to me your PHS are flowering already! And structure is greatly improved. Your eye and gut for breeding is obvious in the work you show and share. Appears PS could be quite a nice tool for working up hybrids with longer-flowering sativas.

Immediately after I put my first plants out, I got empty nest syndrome and started four more PS. :dance013: i don’t expect much yield but main objective is to use as additional genetic pool to work with.


Stay tuned in coming days Solar!



Such a fan of purple satellite.

I am just an old Dj short seed and Sativa landrace fan here but the look of the Nepalese baglung x to Oaxacan79 made some of the most beautiful plants.
Glad ppl are making F2's of purple satellite

I once grew an Oaxacan strain By Eskobar seeds. And boy she was the most amazing purple candy she grew like an indica but had the sativa high.
Gotta love the Oaxacan varieties.

So what happened to green mountain seeds ? Are they still around ? Seems like they are only on Ace seeds website but all sold out ?


Well-known member
Such a fan of purple satellite.

I am just an old Dj short seed and Sativa landrace fan here but the look of the Nepalese baglung x to Oaxacan79 made some of the most beautiful plants.
Glad ppl are making F2's of purple satellite

I once grew an Oaxacan strain By Eskobar seeds. And boy she was the most amazing purple candy she grew like an indica but had the sativa high.
Gotta love the Oaxacan varieties.

So what happened to green mountain seeds ? Are they still around ? Seems like they are only on Ace seeds website but all sold out ?

Hiya TheSg,

Last word I read Dubi is in contact with GMS and working to get more stock in. In short, COVID has reared it’s ugly head. I trust Dubi and Vermontman will make this happen, meanwhile we must be patient. :clock watch:



Well-known member
Hiya Solar, great to hear from you!

I owe you an update plus I’m really anxious to go see my girls and boys. Just back from vacation but plan on visiting them this Sat or Sun and will grab some pics. I expect things should be swinging!

I have high hopes for the HPH/KC x PS. There are actually two of those but were planted in same hole (limited space). One larger one small.

It’s amazing how dominant the PS is in these. I can also see quite a bit PS shining through in the Zacatecas, though the balance with BSHB is clear (more branching).

Based on your PHS flowering, and the PS dom expression in these HPH/KC x PS guessing they will be flowering. Again - many thanks to you for the opportunity to try them. :tiphat:

It is amazing to me your PHS are flowering already! And structure is greatly improved. Your eye and gut for breeding is obvious in the work you show and share. Appears PS could be quite a nice tool for working up hybrids with longer-flowering sativas.

Immediately after I put my first plants out, I got empty nest syndrome and started four more PS. :dance013: i don’t expect much yield but main objective is to use as additional genetic pool to work with.

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Stay tuned in coming days Solar!

Thank you brother for your kind words again. It's good to hear the plants are going into flower, especially the HPH/KCxPS. My HPHxPS didn't start flowering until mid August so your HPH/KCxPS may finish a little early.
Purple Haze Satellite has a wonderful berry, pine, incense smell to her, she could be a real winner. I took a couple clones and will try reversing her and make S1, since the PS reversed fairly easy. I'm glad I didn't top her, she has a great shape to her. The leaves are more narrow than the PS. Hope to get the PS flower structure though.



Well-known member
Hello all,

Hope everyone is managing the day to day challenges. Interesting times for sure. For me, 2020 is a year of reflection and perspective. Both are an opportunity for personal growth. For that I am blessed.

First. Dubi and Vermontman - love and good karma to you both for this work you share with all of us.

Solar - I am really liking that PSH! Incense from the haze, that is fantastic. She is more NLD for sure, will be looking forward to seeing how and when she flowers. The PS F1’s I’m running are “generic” in smell now but pistils are just starting to throw so hope to get the berry terps soon! I have to admit I’m challenged with PS structure these days. I’ll expand on that shortly.

Went out to the patch yesterday and things were a wonderful mess. spent most of my time working so apologies for low quality pics. The promix/perlite/native soil mix is loose so plants are starting to fall/lean as I expected they would. Did a hack job tying them up, cleaned up lower branches, fertilized, and added another bag of mulch for the impending August drought.

Group shot - Zacatecas Tribute far left is trucking right along as are the purple satellite F2’s (far right). Solar- that’s your HPH/KC x PS in the middle. She is still not in full flower, and ~10ft. Smell is nondescript, but loud, me thinks good smoke is coming! Also in the mix are golden tiger and an anonymous NLD.

This is a PS F2 I’m under. Lemon Pledge stem rub. I should have tied these ladies down to make things more manageable. I may still do that. Amazing these were only ~1 meter end of June.

PS F1 from Vermontman. So glad I planted this second round of PS as all at my big patch are showing female. I have two males and two females at this patch and will make F2’s. Only difference I notice amongst these is on stem rub, this male has stronger terps.

To the bad...need to research this black stuff. I fear a fungus is the culprit as it has been very rainy and high humidity. Any feedback on this is much appreciated. Will take some lactobacillus out next time and spray everyone down.



I trimmed and jarred the purple Satellite today.
These are the f2 seeds that fell out while trimming one of the plants. Still have another to trim and I didn't break up any of the buds.

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