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Ace Purple Satellite


Well-known member
Looks like spades to me (insert phalic emoji here).

I’m actually hoping for a couple males to show so I have some choices. :)

Why don’t more of us share pollen??? Maybe logistics are just too difficult. Seems just as or even more important than all these girls we cherish.

I always love it when people show pics of their studs, they are just as important to me as females. Often, I do want more males to search through than females. Especially long flower sativa, collect the pollen and you're done with that plant, now there is room to move on with another plant. I have enough smoke, so it's more about selection for me.
Best to mail pollen though during the winter, I'm afraid the summer heat will cause too much damage to the pollen. I've had a couple strains of pollen shipped to me during winter from UK, taking 13 days to get here, put it into my freezer and used it 8 months later, with a lot of viability and potency.
Peace, God bless


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Purple Satellite male

Purple Satellite male

Here is a few pictures of my Purple Satellite. I think we can safely call it a male plant. I will let him go a few more days and se if there is any hermaphrodite characteristics. I'm going to Mayo clinic with momma for an appointment Monday. I don't know if I want him left alone while we are gone.

I could move the bag on the fan vent side of the greenhouse and leaving it there for a few days. It would be unlikely to suck the pollen back around to the front but is possible. I have the Auto Malawi x Lebanese now. Purple Satellite x Auto Zamaldelica could have some earlier electric potential.

Does anyone have any thoughts? Or just cull it?
Peace farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
The third picture actually shows the best but it came up blurry. I generally prefer to wait for actual nanners. I have been wrong before and was glad I waited. By Saturday afternoon there will be no doubt.
Peace farmerlion


Well-known member
Farmerlion - first, I wish you and the wife a safe and fruitful trip to the Mayoclinic. I have worked on a few research projects with them - it is a top notch institution with great people.

To your male - any interesting smells from a stem rub? How about structure? If you’re worried about balls dropping while you’re gone maybe take a cutting now and stick it in a glass of water in the fridge till you return?


gorilla ganja

Well-known member
Another good way if you're worried about male sacs opening when your gone is to pluck off all the early sacs.
Then you can deal with the male when you are ready and you can cut off the top that will be full of male flowers ready to open. I just put it in a glass of water and get plenty of pollen in an isolated room or closet.

Peace GG


Well-known member
And the rest [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Vermontmans Green Mountain Seeds ,strain in my bondage LST balcony: Purple Satellite , Pinnapple banana, Mountain Gold ,Mountain Grape and in the left Golden Tiger 3 fem, Panama Thai fem ;Cambodian fem[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]freebies from khalifa genetics.[/FONT]


Well-known member
And the rest [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Vermontmans Green Mountain Seeds ,strain in my bondage LST balcony: Purple Satellite , Pinnapple banana, Mountain Gold ,Mountain Grape and in the left Golden Tiger 3 fem, Panama Thai fem ;Cambodian fem[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]freebies from khalifa genetics.[/FONT]
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Looking nice, seems you have almost the whole Green Mountain Seeds line up running. :headbange


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
F2F, I haven't done any stem runs on anything yet. There's no balls yet to remove either. Maybe they will be betting formed today. I have my daughter coming to take care of the girls while we are gone. Thank you for your kind words too.

Gorilla Ganja, it's always good to see you. I might just have her pull nanners while we're gone and do a bunch of misting on him. I would like to see how dense the flower sacks are and how strong of aromas he is going to produce.

Provolone, that is a nice family of plants you have there. I look forward to seeing them finish. Good luck with the rest of your grow season.
Peace farmerlion


Well-known member
Provolo, you definitely need a bigger balcony man :) These girls will take over the whole space in no time, and you'll have to stay inside :D
Lovely plants, have a great summer!



Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hey brother I was doing a stem rub a few minutes ago. It didn't have an easy identifiable smell. A sweet aroma of decaying fruit might be the closest.

The plants are in a hormonal transition right now. In two weeks they will be in full reproductive swing of things. I will add their aromas to my notes at that time.
Peace brother


Well-known member
Hi farmerlion,

Yes, sometimes stem rub doesn’t give much away. Sometimes it develops more through flowering. But, some plants and some strains can stand out even early and small.

stem rub on my F1’s is a generic fruit smell like you say. The F2’s I’m running were selected to Oax side and give up a very distinct lemony smell on stem rub, and one stands out more than the others with a little more of a lemon pledge cleaner smell. Honestly I would almost enjoy if that plant ends up male. :) Next pics should be a gender reveal party.



Well-known member
And today last pic of Zacateca Tribute before the harvest
i have identify the smell when I had the resin on my arm
I clearly smell the ash mixed cedar like the description of oxacan gold pheno.




Central Bud


Left Bud



Well-known member
Stunning plant Provolo! Hope you’ve saved a cut.

I just put on a small box for cut and mother plant the first in the box 3 bonsai mother plants of this Zacateca Tribute of which I will leave only the best, and wait for the next cuts to make the other mother plants of the Green Mountain Seeds collection, that are in the my balcony waiting to see their sex.:biggrin:


Zacatecas Tribute - Test bud

Zacatecas Tribute - Test bud

Just pulled a little 2 gal pot Zacatecas Tribute. The bud still had white hairs popping out. Early test vape of 2 day old bud is fruity and floaty...The vapor has a nice fruity taste, and the buzz seems to be pleasant. I can feel the "HeadBand" around my head.... The buds look like braids or foxtails!

I popped 2 seeds and got 2 females. I grew them both in 2 gal pots so the yield was nothing. I just wanted to test the bud out first....Glad I cloned both plants. I will run them again with a proper veg.

I also ran 2 banana bud seeds. Both sprouted, but stayed sprout sized for several weeks. DId not grow at all. First duds I've had in a while, but it could have been my HOT SOIL!!!! I'll try them again one day....

Now I have a couple purple satellite sprouts!! Excited about these babies. Also Super Malawi Haze and Golden Tiger 3rd gen sprouts!!!


Well-known member
Update on VMans gear. Solid stuff!

Group - I guess ten plants in all at this plot. Looking good overall. Two each of Golden Tiger (GT), Zacatecas Tribute, one HPH/KC x Purple Sat, and four Purple Sat (PS), plus one little anonymous NLD not labeled. 50:30:20 Promix: Native soil: perlite; ~80ft3 in all, plus ~3lbs Marine cuisine, 2lbs N bat guano. Biggest plants (PS and ZT) are ~ 3.5ft still some time to beg and grow before budding starts. The PS are finally starting to branch enough I can cut clones soon. The GT are lagging a little. Maybe they are just smaller in stature genetically, but wondering if I stunted with too much N. ZTs are growing up and also showing good branching. High hopes for these plants as well. It’s been so hot some of the preflowers have withered so I’ll wait a little longer before making decisions. Peace to all and enjoy your day of rest.



PS3 - someone tell me what’s going on with this PS? Should I yank it to protect the others?

PS1 - this is an F2. astringent lemon pledge on stem rub. Love this plant. Very vigorous.

ZT1 - nice smelling fruity stem rub, great vigor here as well. Good branching starting to develop.


Well-known member
Update on VMans gear. Solid stuff!

Group - I guess ten plants in all at this plot. Looking good overall. Two each of Golden Tiger (GT), Zacatecas Tribute, one HPH/KC x Purple Sat, and four Purple Sat (PS), plus one little anonymous NLD not labeled. 50:30:20 Promix: Native soil: perlite; ~80ft3 in all, plus ~3lbs Marine cuisine, 2lbs N bat guano. Biggest plants (PS and ZT) are ~ 3.5ft still some time to beg and grow before budding starts. The PS are finally starting to branch enough I can cut clones soon. The GT are lagging a little. Maybe they are just smaller in stature genetically, but wondering if I stunted with too much N. ZTs are growing up and also showing good branching. High hopes for these plants as well. It’s been so hot some of the preflowers have withered so I’ll wait a little longer before making decisions. Peace to all and enjoy your day of rest.


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PS3 - someone tell me what’s going on with this PS? Should I yank it to protect the others?
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PS1 - this is an F2. astringent lemon pledge on stem rub. Love this plant. Very vigorous.
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ZT1 - nice smelling fruity stem rub, great vigor here as well. Good branching starting to develop.
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What a great job you are doing out there. Those plants are really loving the care and the soil you prepared for them, very nicely done my friend. If GT has the same soil mix as the others, the problem is likely not too much N, as my PS couldn't take as much N as my GT. Plants will grow very slow or come to a stop in hot weather (90F in my area) not factoring if RH counts. We still have another 4-6 weeks, depending on location for veg, but once they get into their stretch though, they will really take off.
Next time you get to the plot, can you get some closer pics of the leaves on PS3?
Can you get some closeups on the HPH/KCxPS also, if it's not a problem? She is looking PS dominant from here, but a close up would be cool. I think I used PS reversed pollen on that F1, so it should be female. Any smells on the stem rub?
Thanks for posting, this is really a great grow.
Peace, God bless

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