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Ace Purple Satellite


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Purple Satellite

Purple Satellite

Good morning, here is my female. She's only going to get six maybe seven weeks at best to finish flowering. The Tributes are a week behind the Purple Satellite plant.
Most likely they will get a full cure and be turned into hash. Without being crossed with a Auto Zamaldelica going forward. I don't think I will run them again. The Grape are two weeks into flowering and will barely finish. I'm still excited about the Grape. The second picture is the Grape and the third is the Tribute.
They're all beautiful plants. My Romulan is just starting to flower right now. I will try and heat the greenhouse for a little while. Covid has been kicking my ass financially. I need to be careful on what I'm spending going into winter.
Peace farmerlion


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Well-known member
Hiya Consolidated,

Getting fruity smells. Can’t really distinguish yet but if some carries through the cure I’ll be delighted! Let’s compare notes on this.

NEN- right on man! These things have vigor don’t they? Will be bountiful for sure.

Thanks for the boost Farmerlion. I will use that positive vibe - bring your own weather as they say. :) yours are looking healthy indeed. Let’s see and hear about your product when done! My early PS3 lower sample smoked just now - quick dried - is encouraging. You’ll be pleased I think even if an early chop is necessary.

Indeed one of my PS males at a different plot smoked different than the other. Started with expansiveness in the top/front of my head quickly, then moved to headband position at ear level and added at the center of the body eventually. Expansive seems to capture the buzz of this guy. High hopes for the progeny. The other male was a slower onset and more even buzz through head and body at the same time, similar to the PS3 female.

Peace and cheers to all,


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Purple haze Satellite

Purple haze Satellite

We've been experiencing extreme hot weather, up to 110f/43c. We've had fires in N.Cali for a couple weeks. We had ashes falling for about 10 days. Today, the air did not smell of smoke so hopefully everything is back to normal.
Purple Haze Satellite is not going to finish early like her PS side. I haven't topped her, but I tied her top down which helped the top bush out a bit. She has a lovely berry incense profile.



Well-known member
We've been experiencing extreme hot weather, up to 110f/43c. We've had fires in N.Cali for a couple weeks. We had ashes falling for about 10 days. Today, the air did not smell of smoke so hopefully everything is back to normal.
Purple Haze Satellite is not going to finish early like her PS side. I haven't topped her, but I tied her top down which helped the top bush out a bit. She has a lovely berry incense profile.

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=83027&pictureid=2068767&thumb=1]View Image[/URL] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=83027&pictureid=2068768&thumb=1]View Image[/URL] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=83027&pictureid=2068769&thumb=1]View Image[/URL]

She looks more than 6ft Solar. ;)

Glad to hear the fires are subsiding in your area. Scary stuff...stay safe friend.

Hard for me to tell how far along she is, but maybe you’ll still see flower time shorter than the haze? Berries sound great. My recollection is many report the purple hazes have that berry terp profile, as does PS. And now incense to boot - wonderful! The plant certainly has nice structure. Wonder which way bud structure will lean. :)

Great stuff as usual Solar.



Well-known member
Hi all , from mine i smell fresh, pure pine... in my inner garden I never have these scents. Maybe because in the end I found that insufficient ventilation caused the buds to rot, and I lost 2/3 of the crop. Lesson learned...
Some pictures from #2.


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I really wish I was better describing the aroma and tastes.

This probably doesn't make sense, but the first thing that comes to mind is "Clean". It's the opposite of the stanky dark dank funky smell.
It's more of a crisp clean smell with a fruity berry-like aroma.
Sometimes a slight odor of vanilla or maybe a creamy smell....
I know these words really don't help, but it's best I can do.
I would really like to get a set of isolated terpenes to use as a baseline to help me describe.


Well-known member
I really wish I was better describing the aroma and tastes.

This probably doesn't make sense, but the first thing that comes to mind is "Clean". It's the opposite of the stanky dark dank funky smell.
It's more of a crisp clean smell with a fruity berry-like aroma.
Sometimes a slight odor of vanilla or maybe a creamy smell....
I know these words really don't help, but it's best I can do.
I would really like to get a set of isolated terpenes to use as a baseline to help me describe.
Sounds pretty spot on to me friend, mine weren't skunky or dank, but mixes of pine, berries & cream with vanilla. The berry smell carried over on my cross with PH. 6 month cure is really potent, 9 is smoothed out a bit. One year is a delight.
Peace, God bless


Sounds pretty spot on to me friend, mine weren't skunky or dank, but mixes of pine, berries & cream with vanilla. The berry smell carried over on my cross with PH. 6 month cure is really potent, 9 is smoothed out a bit. One year is a delight.
Peace, God bless

I'm going to try my best to to last that long! Lol!
Actually I can actually do it this time. I have enough of my other strains to let this sit.

In long term cured like 6mo to a year are you guys still opening jars? I would think not much, but truly haven't had this issue come up. Lol.


Well-known member
Hi all , from mine i smell fresh, pure pine... in my inner garden I never have these scents. Maybe because in the end I found that insufficient ventilation caused the buds to rot, and I lost 2/3 of the crop. Lesson learned...
Some pictures from #2.

Plants are looking great and putting on size. Mine finished in my area Sept. 13 last year. Doesn't look like you have too much longer. Pine is great, my favorite pheno was a pine, Oaxaca orange/red hair pheno.

I'm going to try my best to to last that long! Lol!
Actually I can actually do it this time. I have enough of my other strains to let this sit.

In long term cured like 6mo to a year are you guys still opening jars? I would think not much, but truly haven't had this issue come up. Lol.
If mine are truly ready for the jar, I usually check mine after 2 days to be sure they are still not too moist, then check again in a week, then 2 weeks. If moisture content is perfect and no risk of mold, I put aside half the jars and vacuum seal the rest for long-term storage, in the back of my curing cabinet where I will forget about them. I'm sure others have better methods, I just like things simple. BTW, I store all my jars in large (very secure) metal cabinets, which stays dark and cool at 62-67F/17-17C year round.


Microbial Repositories
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Purple Satellite

Purple Satellite

Hello ?, starting to get some fade and some little buds. I have all of September and maybe a week in October if I'm lucky. Snow and freezing temperatures the last two October 2nd's in a row. They will be getting pulled early, but that's ok.

These are a beautiful plant, I love the colors. Be safe and have fun!
Peace farmerlion


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Well-known member
Hello ?, starting to get some fade and some little buds. I have all of September and maybe a week in October if I'm lucky. Snow and freezing temperatures the last two October 2nd's in a row. They will be getting pulled early, but that's ok.

These are a beautiful plant, I love the colors. Be safe and have fun!
Peace farmerlion
Beautiful Farmer, those should finish by the second week of Oct.
Are those ladies of seed? What is the cross?
Great job, best of luck my friend.
Peace, God bless


Well-known member
Hello ?, starting to get some fade and some little buds. I have all of September and maybe a week in October if I'm lucky. Snow and freezing temperatures the last two October 2nd's in a row. They will be getting pulled early, but that's ok.

These are a beautiful plant, I love the colors. Be safe and have fun!
Peace farmerlion
Farmer, here is a pic of one of mine, 5 weeks before harvest. I'm pretty sure you will have time to finish, it could be close, but I think the time is on your side.
5 weeks before harvest

I think yours looked farther along than mine above.
Peace, God bless


Well-known member
Hello ?, starting to get some fade and some little buds. I have all of September and maybe a week in October if I'm lucky. Snow and freezing temperatures the last two October 2nd's in a row. They will be getting pulled early, but that's ok.

These are a beautiful plant, I love the colors. Be safe and have fun!
Peace farmerlion

Love it farmerlion. Those burgundy striped stems are beautiful, and sounds like some cold weather puts you in the running for some pretty purple hued buds as well. :)



Well-known member
Sounds pretty spot on to me friend, mine weren't skunky or dank, but mixes of pine, berries & cream with vanilla. The berry smell carried over on my cross with PH. 6 month cure is really potent, 9 is smoothed out a bit. One year is a delight.
Peace, God bless

In the Oaxaca79Skull i noticed the same slightly berry licorice type of smell like i noticed in the Purple Satellite. In the Purple Satellite the smell was a bit louder as the Oaxaca79Skull on it's own, also the resin profile was better, more crusty i would say. I also had a Oaxaca79Skull pheno which smelled fruity and creamy. :)


Well-known member
In the Oaxaca79Skull i noticed the same slightly berry licorice type of smell like i noticed in the Purple Satellite. In the Purple Satellite the smell was a bit louder as the Oaxaca79Skull on it's own, also the resin profile was better, more crusty i would say. I also had a Oaxaca79Skull pheno which smelled fruity and creamy. :)

walked by two of my PS yesterday and caught a whiff of the usual skunk/dank type weed smell. Not overpowering, but definitely there. Not even a hint of this was there until now. It was berry/fruity (not real loud) all along. Maybe it is a sign of things wrapping up, the fact they are seeded, or the guano/molasses tea put on a week ago?



Well-known member
walked by two of my PS yesterday and caught a whiff of the usual skunk/dank type weed smell. Not overpowering, but definitely there. Not even a hint of this was there until now. It was berry/fruity (not real loud) all along. Maybe it is a sign of things wrapping up, the fact they are seeded, or the guano/molasses tea put on a week ago?

That's good news brother, hope you get an early harvest. I loved harvesting my PS the second week of Sept. I can't think of the last time I harvested something that early OD.
Depending on how heavily seeded the buds are, the buds with seeds will mature a few weeks early. I seeded a few of the KG clones and the buds that were seeded I let finish on the plant to the point that they are brown and dry, but the rest of the plant still has a few weeks. That's cool if the bud is just for seed, I prefer to let the seeded flower dry up, as long as the seeds aren't dropping everywhere.
Looking forward to your pics next time you're out.
Peace, God bless


Well-known member
Right on Solar. Reading my mind :) I’m now watching the seeds intensely for signs of finish.

I’m following your’s and other’s work with the KG, mostly to hear about the effect. Did you see the Andrha Bhang accession at Ace? Interesting growth habit/structure that might add to some crosses.

This small seed patch I can see every day. I’m seeing seed pods swell, but still a little reflowering here and there. I’ll do exactly what you said, and will be able to watch the calyxes start to split and catch them before they hit the ground.

Hoping to visit the bigger plants at the other patch this weekend. I know PS3 is done and PS1 & PS2 should be getting close.


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