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A Guide to Fishsticks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...back to the garden today,yesterday was a bunch of cleaning,even scrubbed pots and didn't even bitch about it! i will however bitch about having just cleaned out a 2x4 tent in veg and then promptly dropping a crappy spray bottle and snapping off half a plant and getting medium all over the freshly cleaned tent....fuck! at least the plant wasn't mission critical...anyway,up-potting and plant prep for flower on the menu for the day,and a quick grocery run...and trimming!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:watchplant:alrighty,an exciting day of garden chores done,9 plants pruned,cuts taken,and into flower,14 plants up-potted,9 black cherry ice cream in the veg tent also got topped,and the 3 gmo as well,move the rest of the plants in early veg along in their cycles...everything in veg got a double blast of ipm as my leaf hoppers have come back with a vengeance, so fogged the shit out of them with dr. doom then came back and drenched them with lost coast plant therapy...as well they got microbe+ and i'll hit them with a foliar of microbe+ tomorrow...
also swept and mopped the veg tent and flower room,hit the flower room plants with a soil drench/feeding including beauveria bassiana which is a fungus that infects bugs with something i hope is super painful as they grow micellium that turns them into dead fungus farms...i had a minor outbreak of root aphids,but the bb seems to have knocked them way down,next i'll get some hygrozyme to deal with the dead roots...

yup,gonna be a pricey grow store trip...hygrozyme,some sledgehammer (yucca/quajila extract to lower waters surface tension and make it easier to mix the bb spores,more silica,safer's end all,probably another can of dr. doom,and about time for more lost coast...good thing i work there and get 30% off everything


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...another exciting day of gettin shit done...laundry and grocery shopping today,gonna take a couple trips,laundry and wallyworld,then back home to drop off,and right back out then home and one more trip to lowe's for cooler supplies...anything to avoid the rest of the trimming!

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Sorry to hear your garden issues. Sounds like you nuked em good though. Just dr doomed an area that has been ready to plant but sitting idle.

That hygrozyme is worth every penny. I use 6ml a gallon on everything. Which I believe is less than the label calls for but I have found is the magic dose. It's pricey but I think worth every penny.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear your garden issues. Sounds like you nuked em good though. Just dr doomed an area that has been ready to plant but sitting idle.

That hygrozyme is worth every penny. I use 6ml a gallon on everything. Which I believe is less than the label calls for but I have found is the magic dose. It's pricey but I think worth every penny.
it really helps getting 30% off everything

really looking forward to free cooling season when the bugs all die off


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...back to the frog mine...looks like next week no more sunday book club and probably going to winter hours soon as well...so a smaller paycheck from now on,but more time to deal with the garden....summer is almost kinda sorta over,only like 7-8 more weeks of hell heat...
best get moving,need to water veg before i go to work

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
A story, in pictures.

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Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Whats crazy is that I could not get down to get a hair cut and my hair grew about a extra half inch. One lady said she like my hair since I grew it out. Then I got it cut and two ladies said it looked great. One saying I looked handsome.

Women cant make their mind up about anything you know.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Whats crazy is that I could not get down to get a hair cut and my hair grew about a extra half inch. One lady said she like my hair since I grew it out. Then I got it cut and two ladies said it looked great. One saying I looked handsome.

Women cant make their mind up about anything you know.
but at least one can settle for less!

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