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A Guide to Fishsticks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i do everything by bike...no real separation in my mind between going to the store or going and riding out in the middle of the desert...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
cloning is just one of the mysteries of the universe...there doesn't appear to be any one method that works for every grower...i have had cuttings root in a glass of tap water sitting next to a fancy aeroponic cloner root faster than the machine designed for the purpose...

mornin campers...

another day of chores...managed to get a bunch done around the house this week...not a lot of riding but that's how it goes for me,just don't seem to be able to ride and get stuff done...that and sleeping in every morning aint helping!

i'm wondering if the cbd salve is having some effect on my sleep cycle...been using it on old injuries,stuff that's been hurting for years like my knees,and my shoulder which i injured a couple years ago in a wreck...my knees are feeling better,normally it takes a few miles to get them to pop and settle down on rides,maybe not exactly painful,but there was discomfort for sure...that seems to be fading nicely...and much better range of motion in my shoulder without the sharp pain from going too far...

best get moving here...time flies when you get up and start doing bong hits first thing in the morning...
I've never been able to get cuts to root in a glass of water. Even if I change it every 3 days. It does keep cuts alive for a few weeks until I have cloner space.

Pink banana crush. 1st tester run has a great aroma. It's coming from the pink panther. This cross will do well.



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:got in a nice little spin on my way to wallyworld today...jam packed with people,turns out there's a 2 day softball tourney at the city fields just a few blocks away...250 teams...pretty crazy down there...

i was wondering why there were so many hotties in there...imported from out of state i guess!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
October 9, 2018

Led Zeppelin by Led Zeppelin is the first and only official illustrated book ever to be produced in full collaboration with the members of the band. Celebrating 50 years since their formation, this definitive 400-page volume charts the group's unparalleled musical career from the very first performance in a tiny club, to their performance at London's O2 Arena, when 20 million fans broke the world record for highest demand for tickets for a single concert

Useful Idiot

Active member
you guys are all making me cry ! And im not an emotional guy �� i will be home in a day or 2 and ill get caught up with everyone here . yeah this shit came outa nowhere and really fucked me up good . lung collapsed. Half filled with fluids the other half packed with cancer thats spread into my other organs and abdomen . dunno what i ever did to deserve this at only 55 years old ....but i aint ready to hive up yet !!! Joes been fanfuckintastic at getting me the RSO and dosing charts and stuff . thank you again a million times brutha !!!!! I only hope i can rrpay the favor someday somehow !!!! Talk at yall more in the next few days
I don't spend as much time here as I used to...I come here today and see this...I am a rugged old dude...but I am in tears at the moment.

Um...I recently made a really strong batch of vegetable glycerine tincture for a stage 3 leukemia patient. I have a pint left brother...it is yours..please remind me of your address if you want it.

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
I have tried a bunch of cloning methods....and am convinced one isn't any better or faster than the other, the key is having healthy moms to start off with. This time, just for curiosity I tried 3/1 parts perlite/promix. Cheap hormone from HD. 10 days later :woohoo:, pretty cheap rooting technique

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:dunno: cloning is just one of the mysteries of the universe...there doesn't appear to be any one method that works for every grower...i have had cuttings root in a glass of tap water sitting next to a fancy aeroponic cloner root faster than the machine designed for the purpose...

I finally got sick of the fluctuating results I’ve been getting with my aerocloner so I decided to try rapid rooters. I’m really glad I did! Since the 3 weeks I’ve been using it, I’ve had 100% success rate. And most root before 10 days...some are rooting in 6! And all I’m using is tap water that I don’t even pH. Along with the same rooting powder unreg has in the pic.

All the water changing, pHing, adding this and that, cycle timer, cleaning the damn thing... starting to think these rr might be just slightly easier, for me atleast. Ever since that dudding issue, my aero strike rate is crap.

Oh, and I seem to be rebounding nicely from having to get rid of my moms. I was able to save the 2.0, Corey, KarmaRado OG, green crack, and wwk. I ended up losing the GG4, blue dream, tangie, and maybe a couple more I can’t think of now.

Anyway, everything seems to be back on track and growing better and more vibrant than they have in a year. I’m still paranoid AF about seeing another dud! :hide: So far so good though.

Josie was right about the stem nematodes. Good lookin out dude! :good: Pretty sure they rode in on the hammers kush clone I got a while back. Along with the russets on the same hk! Lol. That’s why I could never get the HK to root and kept posting pics asking wtf was wrong with it, even after I got rid of the russets. And once the summertime heat got here, the stem nematodes took off. I kept thinking that the poison the russets inject into the plant permanently messed it up. Lesson learned....next time I recieve a questionable clone, just toss it before it infects others.

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
What did you use on the nematodes to kill them?

Nothing killed them! I just got rid of anything that even looked like a dud! I tried chitosan and Zerotol 2.0. I didn’t try anything else because by the time I realized what was causing the dudding, I read that there is no stem nematode killer. Regular nematodes live in the soil, so you can use certain predators to kill those. But stem nematodes live inside the plant. Supposedly they do go into the soil if the plant is dying or if the season is about to turn cold. But otherwise, they just stay in the plant.

I read plenty about preventing them outdoor in the ground by doing things to the ground when they hibernate so next season’s crop would be ok. But nothing about actually killing them while in the plant.

Pretty sure I was infecting other plants by using scissors that weren’t sterile. Like cutting an infected branch with them, and then using them on another plant. From what I read, they mainly enter a plant through a wound. Which makes sense, cause I was having healthy plants that were touching duds and never got infected. But a plant on the other side of the area from a dud did get infected. Before I knew what it was, I was all types of confused! Lol. So for now, I clean my shears/scissors with iso after cutting on every plant until I know I for sure got rid of em.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
When i had it I thought it was in the media because like you said I had to plants side by side and one dudded and the other didnt. I was reworking my coco and thought that is what it was from.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I would get the nematodes after I would kill a infected plant and put another in the same pot. After killing the infected plants and starting over with new coco the problem went away. Cost me hundreds of dollars to bring in all new coco. I had about 175 five gallon bags full of coco that i pitched out. That is about 50 coco blocks I pitched out.

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
Pesky lil fukrs! I’d honestly rather have russets. Atleast you can kill them. Once a plant gets sn, it’s done...no coming back. I’m using so much soap, bleach, hand sanitizer, and iso at my grow spot now, it’s ridiculous! :biglaugh: you pretty much confirmed that they are in the medium of the infected plant too. I suspected it. I’ve been using soap/hand sanitizer every time I touch soil in a container as well after I touch a plant. It’s crazy how paranoid I am. Lmao. I think I myself am infected with stem nematodes and they are making me OCD!

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Coconut bacon is bomb!

Here is my problem child. She is like some hot bitch you have to fluff and coax , and serve hand and foot to get her right. Everything has to be perfect.

I think we first grew this like 8 years ago, and I still fuk it up. Ive only got it right about 3 times, but when its right, it can drop you to the ground, out like a light, with one bong hit.
She got a late start, and didn't like the weather lately. She will be top shelf, but not white out weed.

Ill climb in there and get some close ups of her on Tuesday. She is a late finisher

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Pesky lil fukrs! I’d honestly rather have russets. Atleast you can kill them. Once a plant gets sn, it’s done...no coming back. I’m using so much soap, bleach, hand sanitizer, and iso at my grow spot now, it’s ridiculous! :biglaugh: you pretty much confirmed that they are in the medium of the infected plant too. I suspected it. I’ve been using soap/hand sanitizer every time I touch soil in a container as well after I touch a plant. It’s crazy how paranoid I am. Lmao. I think I myself am infected with stem nematodes and they are making me OCD!

Well my problem started when I dunked the root balls to treat for fungus gnats. I had the dudding before this but only inn the GG4. Shortly after dunking it spread to other plants. But it was random threw out my grow. Plants next to each other could be good or bad and it did not transfer by the leaves touching.

After I stopped reworking the root balls and culling the infected plants it went away. Took me about 4 months to figure out it was in the root balls. I just culled the bad plants and reused the bags and it always came back. After stopping that for about a year I have not had it come back.

I didnt have to do anything really more than that. No clean my pruner or snips. Just dump the coco and wash the pots in bleach.