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A Guide to Fishsticks


And I thought the two-spotted spider mite and PM were tough battles ....glad you got it figured out and your garden is rebounding VP :tiphat:

Napped too long yesterday and am up way too early.....gonna twist up a fatty and sit on the back porch for a bit.


Welp, not much was going on today so enlightened the morning a bit


Culls from the seed run so far.....but not done culling yet


How many cacti do you spy with your little eye? 16 total ....4 different varieties



Chemdog & Kush Lover Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Nothing killed them! I just got rid of anything that even looked like a dud! I tried chitosan and Zerotol 2.0. I didn’t try anything else because by the time I realized what was causing the dudding, I read that there is no stem nematode killer. Regular nematodes live in the soil, so you can use certain predators to kill those. But stem nematodes live inside the plant. Supposedly they do go into the soil if the plant is dying or if the season is about to turn cold. But otherwise, they just stay in the plant.

I read plenty about preventing them outdoor in the ground by doing things to the ground when they hibernate so next season’s crop would be ok. But nothing about actually killing them while in the plant.

Pretty sure I was infecting other plants by using scissors that weren’t sterile. Like cutting an infected branch with them, and then using them on another plant. From what I read, they mainly enter a plant through a wound. Which makes sense, cause I was having healthy plants that were touching duds and never got infected. But a plant on the other side of the area from a dud did get infected. Before I knew what it was, I was all types of confused! Lol. So for now, I clean my shears/scissors with iso after cutting on every plant until I know I for sure got rid of em.

When I worked on a tomato farm, picking tomato's all day. They had us dip our sheers into a solution to prevent the spread of disease. After every cluster the sheers needed to be dipped. They mad eit easy for us and gave us a gallon milk jug. Cut the top off and wear the jug on your hip with your belt going thru the milk jug handle.

Couple times plants did get infected. Those rows were then alieniated , sheers thrown away, and the people working those rows went home for the day and were told to wash the clothes they were working in.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:back from riding...

that turned out to be quite annoying...i'm all for these inclusive no drop group rides but honestly at some point people need to not go if they can't do the basic mileage...it was a 40 mile ride,basically for me 3 1/2 hours with a long break at the halfway point...took 5 1/2 hours today and i eventually just said fuck it and rode home once i realized there was going to be another frickin 10 minute break after 5 minutes of pedaling...grrrr...

time for breakfast...i can tell my blood sugar is low...

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Two days ago, I found a tiny bit of worm damage on on one of the Bucksaw plants, and removed one whole lower bud. Its been sitting on the deep freezer out in the garage. It was still slightly moist, but I did a bong load anyway.
I think this is going to be some really strong smoke. I got a real good head high off the hit, and my ears are ringing. Wet bud doesn't usually do it. This one did. It tasted good too.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
gonna drop into the 40's overnight this week...actually have the swamp cooler shut off in the house,it was getting too cold in here...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
not quite there yet...gonna pop back up to almost 90 later in the week...we won't have first frost until next month...

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Already have a bunch of clones going indoors. Its cool here too. Some plants are beginning to show purple traits. I have 1 OGMango x Maple Leaf that is purpling up. I didn't have faith in the maple leaf, but this plant has a very good purple smell to it. I don't know where that purple is coming from....

Its windy here. There are so many pit falls for outdoor growers, but the rewards, if you can side step them all, can be pretty awesome.

I smoked smoked some strawberry milk. Nice taste.
That Bucksaw kicked my butt. Some electric weed.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
In real time

In real time

Lebanese from Ace
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This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 697x929.


$$ ALONE $$
Gonna be harvesting the Blue Dreams wednesday. Cant wait. My grow partner across the street leaves for work at 5:30 a.m so I gotta get up and play security gaurd till 8:30a.m when its nice and light out.
Dont need any greedy fence jumpers taking our 5 lbs of Dream 2 days before we harvest them.
I go to bed around 1a.m so 4 hours of sleep is killing me.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers

columbus day so i'm gonna ride to the west and see if i can find some natives to exploit...and buy a mattress..:biggrin:

looks like i won't even need to turn the swamp cooler on in the house today...and i will need to shut the workshop cooler off tonight as it will be dropping into the 40's....

garden chores today,and of course a trip to walmart since i've been lazy and only taking a backpack for groceries...can't get much that way...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
1st Zurple bx is down. Still have 2 others. I will use #21 to make something with.

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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:some desert!

barely even cracked 60 today,looks like some rain coming too...sort of a gloomy fall day...should bring out the spectacular desert fall colors...tan and grey!

barely broke a sweat out riding today...almost wanted a jacket...gonna be down in the 40's tonight...

looks like gelato season is about over!


Well-known member
Did you confirm u had stem nematodes?

the soak out technique? when u cut up then soak the stems in a bag of water, let it sit for 5 or so minutes. then top drain the bag leaving an inch or so water to collect in the corner of the bag. then scope the water?

they flee the stem and into the water, then sink to the bottom of the bag. then with the bag tillted to one corner they sink into that corner. then the inch of water u can scope

if u continue to have problems. University of Amherst Massachusetts has a plant diagnostic lab u can send samples to. they will test soil or plant tissue for any known disease, bug, nematode, pathogen or deficiency.

you goto their bookstore an order an pay for the foriculture disease, foriculture insect id, foriculture nematode . a complete test is $150


fill out the questionnaire/form, label it as hemp if your worried (mass is a legal state) then send samples into the address on the form.
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