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A Guide to Fishsticks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
more like an LGBQTier power rates!

back from riding...got in 25 quick miles on my way to walmart which is only 1.25 miles from the house...got caught up watching the vuelta espana again this morning...so far in the race it looks an awful lot like here as far as the terrain...not a lot of top tier riders in this grand tour so it's a bit more up in the air as to the final winner...looks like a tough course,even the "flat" stages are pretty hilly...in comparison to the tour de france theres barely any spectators along the road...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Lets see what it looks like after it drys...

Its not gonna change much. The green will lose that vibrate color, The pistils will stay the same. I will take some pics in a few days.
I live in the hottest part of the San Fernando Valley..Woodland Hills, Ca

It was 117f a week ago, electric bill over $1100.00 a month. I don’t grow in the summer.
plant grow.gif

My PGE is that every month

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
200$ is considered a high electric bill here on the east/best coast. Can run 4k with accessories along with normal house stuff for 200 all day. A 3k square foot house and 4k. Guess we have it good.

@starcrash that looks amazing!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I use about 7000w of lights for both flower and veg. Add all the other stuff like fans and pumps. This is just the garden. Using the AC and other house stuff adds to that.


~star~ damn you are killing it again this year, nice job!

Dr. P, those are the coolest looking leaves...

Hammer, that is a beautiful color on that bud...…


Evening folks :tiphat:


Busted open a 7 month cured jar of NASA Bruce.....gotta keep that rotation going :biggrin:, and thanks to many members on here I have been able to grow my own first quality medicine and cut out all the bullshit that goes with buying off the street. I know exaxtly what I am smoking/ingesting. Couldn't say that just a few years ago. Thanks y'all!






Bug Scissor Hand
my last couple power bills have been between $450-$550, once it cools off some it will drop to$250-$350.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
~star~ damn you are killing it again this year, nice job!

Dr. P, those are the coolest looking leaves...

Hammer, that is a beautiful color on that bud...…


Evening folks :tiphat:

Thanks, I will be doing a large run of the keeper when I pick it. I still have 2 more to flower before I pick my keeper. I still have another 30 seeds of that cross. Really happy how well that turned out.. This is the mom I used to make Flashbang. Got a bunch of testers out being run now. I have a few of them in veg as well.


Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
The new mosquito trap works well. Ive dumped it twice so far. thousands of dead mosquitos, moths and flies.

We have west nile virus here, and I don't need that.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...

exciting end to the vuelta stage today...looks like i started watching at a good time as the early part sounded pretty boring...a wreck split the field towards the end of the stage then crosswinds took their toll...

group ride tonight,have a quick errand to run so probably grab some easy miles today then get in about 30 tonight...

off day from the garden,just some quick clone related chores...and filling the ro barrel...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
is there ever a single day when ya don't ride? if so what happens 2 U ??

not may days anyway,maybe 21 days all year i don't ride,plenty of days i just go to wallyworld which is only 2.5 miles for the round trip...if i don't ride at least 20 miles a day then i don't sleep as well...and feel sorta dumb for having an absurd number of bikes around...

:tumbleweed:back from the first ride today...frickin hot again,may have something to do with not leaving the house until 11:30...18 miles for this one,i think tonight will be about 30 miles but at a slow pace...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
98 right now...i think i may peel off the ride tonight when we get back to where the bike path intersects with the ditchbanks we will be riding along...that will cut like 10 miles off the ride as the start and end point are a ways from the house...maybe not though,the sun will be going down early in the ride,it gets a lot nicer to be riding once the sun is down...just have to see how many people show up...87 last week...too many for my taste,too many noobs...it gets dangerous riding near them...