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A Guide to Fishsticks


Well-known member
we've had 4 inches of rain all year!

monsoon has been pretty weak this year...on the other hand no really bad storms so far...glad summer is almost over...

Sheesh, you're practically flooding over there. We're at 3.32 inches, since last October! One third the normal rainfall. Thank goodness there's no such thing as global warming and climate change. Then we'd really be screwed


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
there was a little storm northeast of town that just dropped 2.6 inches in 50 minutes...

probably some good flash flood action happening in the arroyos downhill from there right now...


Well-known member
Appreciate that Guys !!! :huggg:but its kinda hard coming in looking at everyones gardens doing so well & i can't grow yet . i do have my moms to take care of so its not like i'm totally outa the game . just gotta find a house to move into that can accomodate my grow too .

hopefully soon !!!

now that the person/reason i had to move my grow out of the house is no longer in the picture , i can set up in the place i live again . & with my health like it is ..... its about the only way i can maintain a grow .

just gotta find a spot !!!

Good to see you popping in again Dan

If you're not growing full time, then you must be doing a lot of riding and camping .


:tumbleweed:mornin campers...

speaking of cuts,about time for me to take another round so i'm prepared when i can fire up the gavitas again...gonna be some serious cookie action this winter....

yeah,i won't be repeating the pre made soil mistake again....happy frog just plain sucks,ocean forest isn't much better,the black gold just ended up bringing bugs into the grow...

so far so good with pro mix HP with some compost and ewc added though,plants seem to be loving it....

garden work today,got a tire on one of the bikes that needs to be fixed,looks like the valve stem is leaking,should be easy to deal with...

I picked me up a bale today... So we'll see


Smoke of the evening.....

Smoke of the evening.....

Jarring flowers is the chore this evening......Bitter Moon from HappyLittleTreeCo is the smoke of the evening. Bitter Moon = ECSD x Silver Mountain. One of two phenos



Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Nice lookin bud

I still prefer the Royal Hawaiian Gold.
Jumbo bag for $20 cash.
It seems like some of you pay a lot for medium. It must be added on shipping costs.
Now Orchard supply hardware store carries grow supplies. They even have Ocean Forrest on the shelves

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Morning all.

Duds huh? Must be going around, just had some dudding on a sour power that i popped from seed earlier in the year. I think it was just the third time I've run it. Not a good sign.

Think I'm going to pick up some Zerotol.

ZeroTol 2.0 Algaecide, Bactericide, Fungicide for immediate control of Anthracnose, Algae, Dollar Spot, Snow Molds, and more. ZeroTol 2.0 is a peroxycompound concentrate that offers superintendents a powerful new tool for controlling a broad range of turf pathogens. ZeroTol 2.0 is a broad spectrum bactericide/fungicide formulated to kill active and dormant spores. Tank mix ZeroTol 2.0 with BioSafe Systems’ AzaGuard to reduce Nematodes.

ZeroTol 2.0 Algaecide, Bactericide, Fungicide is also a sustainable chemistry that gives landscape professionals a tool for controlling a range of pathogens on grasses as well as ornamental and bedding plants. ZeroTol 2.0 effectively controls turf diseases and plant pathogens like Alternaria, Rhizoctonia, Pythium, and Phytophthora. ZeroTol 2.0 works on contact to reduce populations of dormant spores and active disease organisms. Tank mix ZeroTol 2.0 with a compatible systemic chemistry to increase the spectrum of activity.



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...

really slept well last night...that's french for " i'm a lazy stoner with no job"

got the regular thursday night gravel ride thingy going on and that's really about it for the day...i suppose i will find something to do until the ride,i'm almost positive i will need to go get groceries again...if only there was some way i could bring a list of things i need with me to insure i don't need to go back over and over...or didn't have the memory capacity of a retarded goldfish:)


Bug Scissor Hand
Nice lookin bud

I still prefer the Royal Hawaiian Gold.
Jumbo bag for $20 cash.
It seems like some of you pay a lot for medium. It must be added on shipping costs.
Now Orchard supply hardware store carries grow supplies. They even have Ocean Forrest on the shelves

yea they want $ 32-$36 bucks for pro mix at local feed store here , i get a nother feed store that doesent carry it to order it for me,for $25 a bale,i can get a couple generic brands mix for about 20-26 bucks.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor

looks extreme! outstanding job:) i LOVE Hammer Kush

I broke my collarbone doing just that

we keep a slow pace and it's all flat riding

I talked with Star. I was just kidding brother Dan. No problems over here my friend.

weird that you would complain about these cuts over here in fishsticks >>> but at the same time they are good enough for U 2 to advertise for sale at gene traders event:whistling:


yea they want $ 32-$36 bucks for pro mix at local feed store here , i get a nother feed store that doesent carry it to order it for me,for $25 a bale,i can get a couple generic brands mix for about 20-26 bucks.

And so what size bales/bags are you talking about? 30, 60 pound?

you talk about 25-36 for a bale. Makes me think the $55 I paid for a 60 pound bale was highway robbery.


Yup, you got robbed. Bales of pro-mix up here go for $30.

shipping cost may be included in the price I payed. This store has always been more costly. But they ran the other store out of town. Too bad I'm not in a BIG city maybe I'd be able to find stuff for cheaper


Chemdog & Kush Lover Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
shipping cost may be included in the price I payed. This store has always been more costly. But they ran the other store out of town. Too bad I'm not in a BIG city maybe I'd be able to find stuff for cheaper

No farm supply stores there ? I get mine at an Agway. Or what about tree nursery's ? Our's sell soil.

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