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A Guide to Fishsticks

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Has anyone here ever had a male plant that was shooting blanks?

I have a Skunk Haze male that I separated from the girls back in early June...
He grew up to have nice structure and other good traits..

The flowers began opening a few days ago and I went out to collect the pollen on a sheet glass mirror..

Nothing! not a grain of pollen. Opened flowers fell all over the glass, but not a grain of pollen..
There wasn't even any evidence of pollen dust showing on the the large leaves directly under the flower sacs....

I was really hoping to collect some but it appears this male had a vasectomy.



  • sterile Skunk1 X Haze.jpg
    sterile Skunk1 X Haze.jpg
    230.7 KB · Views: 11

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
mornin campers...

off to do laundry this morning,then the usual garden chores and another few hours of trimming...

tomorrow i get to haul medium home,it may end up being two trips since i'm not using the black gold anymore...came with gnats last time...and it's apparently just earthworm castings and some compost added to sterile medium,both of which are easy enough to add into a bale of HP pro mix...

Been thinking about switching from Happy Frog to Promix HP. What pH do you feed with in Promix?


What kind of rack for the back of the/a bike would you suggest for strapping a few grocery onto?

I'm sure we all know this is directed towards Unc.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
that would mostly depend on how much you want to spend...

that said,i think blackburn makes a rack/bag combo thats fairly cheap and sized like two paper grocery bags so a good amount of space...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...

gano...a basic rack from blackburn or planet bike and a set of grocery panniers will set you back about 100 bucks...but check craigslist for your area as there are often racks for sale...important things when looking at racks is the wheel size of your bike and whether it has the proper mounting points on the frame,and if your bike has disk brakes...as always,your local bike shop is your best bet...

up late last night....so up late this morning...luckily theres nothing much going on and i would have to wait until now for the grow shop to open anyway,so only sorta behind schedule...hauling medium home today,then a group ride this evening...better get my lights charging up...

tomorrow i should be getting a half dozen new varieties in the form of cuttings,and i will have a nice big stack of pots to wash and a bunch of up-potting to do...still have a bunch of trimming to deal with but i'm giving thought to just hashing it all...i'm gonna rent (as in trade product for the use of) a better rosin press,and get a new cooler so i can go get dry ice,and get set up for some squishin...

so i still need to break down a bunch of stuff for that...

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
My cleaning crew arrived last night from Oregon. Yay!

They were pressing rosin last night.

Love that OGMANGO rosin. One hit through the nectar collecter, and I slept through the night and woke up refreshes.

The Red Leb is looking like a Thai. Real thin leaves


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:toohot: phew! that was a tough haul...road work along the way so extra distance due to road blocks...hauled a bale of medium,a bag of compost,and two bottles of nutes,call it 100 lbs of stuff,plus the bike and trailer,another 45 lbs...and uphill all the way home,what fun!


Active member
Has anyone here ever had a male plant that was shooting blanks?

I have a Skunk Haze male that I separated from the girls back in early June...
He grew up to have nice structure and other good traits..

The flowers began opening a few days ago and I went out to collect the pollen on a sheet glass mirror..

Nothing! not a grain of pollen. Opened flowers fell all over the glass, but not a grain of pollen..
There wasn't even any evidence of pollen dust showing on the the large leaves directly under the flower sacs....

I was really hoping to collect some but it appears this male had a vasectomy.

Sorry to hear that Bud I really wanted those seeds.


Chemdog & Kush Lover Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Plain Pro-mix is best bewtween 6.5-6.8, in my grow anyways it was. Too high or too low and I started to see lockout happening.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:the a/c on my bikes isn't working very well...:)

heading out to ride here in a bit...hot today,not as humid...still bringing at least 3 bottles of fluids on the ride tonight...

got a quick hauling trip in the morning,still need ewc...but i can get those at the nursery like a 1/2 mile away...and bonus it's basically downhill on the way home!

big garden day tomorrow...should be an all day fest...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
It's really mind blowing there's people that believe the crap coming out of thee mouth. This new group called QAnon are down right loony.

They believe the crap Trump is doing and the investigations he under where all his big plan and was intentional. The Russia investigation is actually a cover story for special counsel Robert Mueller and Donald Trump working together to expose thousands of pedophiles hidden in plain sight. Hillary Clinton (and Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama), who will soon be under arrest. (Or perhaps already have been and are on their way to Guantanamo Bay.)

Are people really that uneducated to believe this stuff.


Well-known member
It's really mind blowing there's people that believe the crap coming out of thee mouth. This new group called QAnon are down right loony.

They believe the crap Trump is doing and the investigations he under where all his big plan and was intentional. The Russia investigation is actually a cover story for special counsel Robert Mueller and Donald Trump working together to expose thousands of pedophiles hidden in plain sight. Hillary Clinton (and Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama), who will soon be under arrest. (Or perhaps already have been and are on their way to Guantanamo Bay.)

Are people really that uneducated to believe this stuff.
short answer is yes
avg. iq is 98 in America