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A Guide to Fishsticks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
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Goddamn frickin Mogollon taggers, defacing perfectly good rocks. Need some rangers out there bad.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
they go on for quite a ways,basically a stone age street corner! theres hundreds of them along the canyon walls...tough spot to get to is why they are unharmed,cant really drive there


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
those are about 800-1000 years old,theres been more than one period of native settlement in this area so theres older and younger stuff out there...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:coffee: mornin campers...

just the usual monday chores today...need to go grocery shopping again since some ravenous beast ate quite a bit of my food yesterday after the bike ride...

that was a good ride,the epitome of what krispy kreme sunday is all about...go and ride your legs off while going someplace cool! then donuts!

yup,the ride home was pretty brutal,my muscles were right on the edge of cramping up the whole way home...and yet we still tapped out a pretty decent pace,stayed around 15mph all the way back albeit on flat river levees and ditch banks so we managed to spend the bulk of the ride on dirt at least...in spite of the fact there was a perfectly good paved road that was several miles shorter than the route we took...

garden chore today as well after a couple of trips to the stores to stock back up on food and whatnot...

best get moving so i have plenty of time for a nappy:)


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Cool pics! Ancient graffiti!

How did the new fork preform ?

the new fork was perfect,i can't say i really noticed it at all in any negative way,it felt perfectly balanced with the ride quality of the titanium frame which has a smooth,buttery ride...and for sure i felt way less beat up...

for sure it made the bike even more badass than it was and it was already pretty frickin badass before!
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The fucking people who drive in this fucking town don't know how to fucking drive. You got these ass hole who have the fucking right of way and they go and just fucking stop at/in the intersection. Are they turning left with out signaling or what, no they are going and stopping traffic so this f-ing ass hole on the bike can cross the street in the intersection just like some one on foot in the cross walk.

I don't need these fucker tarts stopping for ME when I don't have the fucking right of way!

Rant 1 over.............. Rant 2 will have to wait

On a side note I went for a little ride on the bike this morning. I'm finally back to the point where I can start to ride the bike again, or I should say safe for me to ride the bike again. Had another trip to the ER again earlier this week...

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
It was hotter then shit here today. My 3rd 12 hour shift. Now I have two days off. The Shiva garden is starting to kick in. Ive never smoked Shiva buds before, but the concentrate I got years ago was phenominal.

I was disappointed with the Sweet Tooth, LA Conf, and Maple Leaf plants, and let them go. They are not top shelf anymore.


the new fork was perfect,...and for sure i felt way less beat...

So the fork was in perfect pitch for that frame and you didn't need to tune it. Hmm, and here I thought you liked being a little flat and not perfect... :D

Oh, do you think it's wise to be in those arroyos/canyon bottoms with those flash flood warnings in effect? Don't seam like the best areas to be in.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
So the fork was in perfect pitch for that frame and you didn't need to tune it. Hmm, and here I thought you liked being a little flat and not perfect... :D

Oh, do you think it's wise to be in those arroyos/canyon bottoms with those flash flood warnings in effect? Don't seam like the best areas to be in.

well sure,if it had been raining it would have been a bad choice of places to ride,but with the recent rains the arroyo bottoms were set up like a mountain bike superhighway,we were barely leaving tracks in the sand...

mountain biking is an inherently risky activity,even more so when venturing into the back country where rescue would be complicated even if i had a phone signal down in the canyon bottoms...you have to understand your limits and ride smart,i certainly spend more time pushing the bike on rides like that simply because of risk management and keeping enough energy to finish the ride or at least get back to the roads...

and both my regular ride partner and i have vast wilderness experience and at this point have been riding together for a couple years at least and we've been to way crazier places than a simple trail ride...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
today would be a bad day to be arroyo riding...a couple of strong pop up thunderstorms firing off right now...fast moving but just the sort of storms that cause flash flooding in the arroyos...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have some of these in testing now. In 30 days I ill see if anyone wats to test some of these.

Pink Panther x Grape Krush) x CB) x MAC drying= Mac Daddy
Purple Forstbyte x Qurkle) MAC. Drying No name yet.

Still have to take down
Snowman s1 x Bio Diesel) x MAC in flower fading no name
Fire OG x GSC) X MAC in flower. No name yet.
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