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A Guide to Fishsticks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers....

finishing up the last of the c99 trimming....took for-frickin-ever for it to dry,been putting my bovida packs on the top of a lamp in the morning to dry them out then putting them in with the buds overnight...better get done though,got someone coming over in a bit...

a little more rain late last night...it's monsoon season for sure...same forecast today...

hopefully all the stuff i ordered will be in today...and i need to take a trip to wallyworld and get groceries...


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Waiting on my ride to the E.R....

After I was sick the other day I had these bruise like area's up and down my body. But they look different then bruises. One of them, I can feel a lump the size of the "bruised" area. Not sure whats up, called my Doc's office and was told to go to the E.R..

Good Luck Gano , hope its nothing too serious !!!!

good grief DB:comfort: if U still have my # give me a call tonight

will do brutha , i'll give ya shout while i'm a the garage after dinner :tiphat:


I'm home. Most likely I had a couple of seizures some time around/when I was sick and throwing up the other day. I wasn't able to take my meds due to throwing up around 24 hours. I thought that might have been what it was, but darn I've never had bruising like this. My normal Doc's office thought it might have been something more. I thought it might/could have been blood clots again. But they had to stick me many time before they could get any kind of blood.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
you should get a second opinion from a witch doctor,i'm betting you forgot to leave a saucer of milk out for the spriggans and cookies for the boggles,they can get pretty mean if you don't!:)

back from grocery shopping and the bike shop...went to the yuppie mart too where my wallet was molested to the point i need a bad touch doll...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:not very hot again today,but even just 10 miles of riding left me soaked in sweat...riding a singlespeed wasn't helpful in that respect...

and the clouds had gone from big fluffy happy clouds to massive,dark,threatening clouds between leaving the house and coming back from the bike shop...hearing rumbles of thunder now...must be monsoon season....already up to 1.04 inches of rain in july!

time for lunch,then on to installing the pike:dance013:

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
that was more work than i thought it would be but i got the pike installed...and a pic of the limited edition chris king/spurcycle bell...
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Evening folks,

Gano I am glad it wasn’t worse....good to see you post again so soon

I now only trim buds for photos....if it ain’t getting its picture taking it is getting the patented “bugman” trim :biggrin:

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Glad it wasn't worse but still scary Gano. Hope you feel better asap!

Dans, least you have your mother plants, another door will open soon I'm sure. Best vibes bro

The wife had a dozen shots in her spine today. She's in massive pain until the dope kicks in. More shit to numb the nerves, yet no plan to fix the problem. Insurance doesn't cover second opinions and we are stuck with her Dr who is coasting into retirement. Rocks and hard places.

Time to go roll a cone and float in the pool. 92 today with 77% humidity. Which sucks but in two months it will be 30 so not bitching too much lol.

Nice fork UNC! Those brakes look bad ass. Bikes have come a long ways. Kid down the road has a bike he put a motor on, that's more my speed! Been looking for a crotch rocket motor to put in a golf cart. That will be fun.

Cheers fishsticks!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
bikes have come a long way while still remaining some triangles welded together when you get right down to it...even the full suspension bikes are still basically just triangles...but yeah,it's pretty crazy where you can ride a bike these days,you should see the world cup downhill tracks...pretty insane what they go down,and at speed too!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
the flat stages are pretty boring until the last 20k then it gets exciting with the wrecks and the final sprint...sunday should be good...cobblestones...should be total mayhem...then the mountains next week...


Pisses me off....

Pisses me off....

That some sorry, lazy a$$ fuckers live in my neighborhood. Saw these off in the woods while out on my ride last night...brought them back up to the road to see if the guilty one will get them and do right.

If they are still there in when the 'ole lady and I go walking I will take the time to bring them home and see if there is an envelope or something inside that will tell who they are. I keep a pretty good eye on my end of the subdivision and already have it narrowed down to two homes. Both rentals....and both new tenants in last 6 months. Dirty fuckers. Trail cameras will go up if it continues.




Another gal of NASA Bruce...every seed popped has been great. I have a few left and will be looking for a nice male in those. Trying to stay focused and not ride the latest hype train :biggrin: Go with proven winners #no_mac_here


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