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A Guide to Fishsticks


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I cant put it off any longer my tooth is killing me. I gotta get my ass into the Dentist today. I tried to yank it out myself I cant get any leverage on it. I hope yanking my tooth wont cost much, Dentist aren't cheap.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I cant put it off any longer my tooth is killing me. I gotta get my ass into the Dentist today. I tried to yank it out myself I cant get any leverage on it. I hope yanking my tooth wont cost much, Dentist aren't cheap.

I'm off tomorrow if you'd like to wait for the good Dr. To make a house call.
I've got a needle nose vice grips that works like a charm.:biggrin:

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I went vegan about 2-3 months ago, and removed alcohol about a month ago. I'm dropping weight like crazy. My max was 216, and as of yesterday I was at 178 lbs. Now I can take my shirt off in public. I still need to cut or braid my arm pits


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed: mornin campers...

getting started on the trimming,still a bit wet after sweating last night,probably be tomorrow before the final manicure...had a good bit of rain last night,almost a 1/2 inch,and about the same chance for rain today and for the rest of the week really....temps are much cooler as a result,actually under average for this time of year...

good tour stage today,the breakaway got caught with only a kilometer to go....nice to see the break win on occasion but more common in the mountains...

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
It's going to be over 100 here today. I'm planning on going home sick.
I'd much rather sit around the house, get high, and watch the tube.
I may run by the grow house on the way home and grab the bubble man kief tumbler. Time to make a little light dep dry sift with the lower popcorn bud. Got plenty of it


Well-known member
Just shave 'em...seriously...you'll love it and so will the women...

F*** that. There's only one manly way of doing this: Go Brazilian and wax those suckers



Well-known member
I cant put it off any longer my tooth is killing me. I gotta get my ass into the Dentist today. I tried to yank it out myself I cant get any leverage on it. I hope yanking my tooth wont cost much, Dentist aren't cheap.

Professional dental work is well worth the expense. DIY projects around the house or grow area, sure. In your mouth? Not a good way to get better.

Fracturing the tooth, leaving fragments that later have to be surgically removed, injuring the nerve, developing an abscess that has to be surgically drained... there's just so many things that could go wrong and lead to long term misery, especially with Dr. P on those pliers.

Dental abscesses used to be a common cause of death in the pre-antibiotic era. The extraction may cost a lot, $250-400, but it won't cost as much as a treating a severe infection or having to get repeat procedures to fix a DIY extraction gone bad.

I hope all the X-rays, and other add on expenses don't run the price up too much but I think you're making a really wise choice biting the bullet, so to speak, and going to a dentist.

Good luck with it and I hope you're feeling better soon

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Ramesses II died from a infected tooth.

He was an idiot! He should have pulled it out and put it under his pillow. I made bank on all mine when I was a kid. We had a special envelope to put them in, along with a note to the tooth fairy. In the morning, I would wake up to cold hard cash in the envelope, instead of that stinky tooth. :dance013:


Chemdog & Kush Lover Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Don't trip me out, I got an infected gum that's way over due maybe 2 years tbh, I gotta see the orthodontist soon

I'm right there with ya. I have about 4-5 teeth that need to come out. Plus I have gum disease. So that post sure hit home for me, lol.


Folks, get them teeth fixed or pulled. Infections cannot be good for ones well being no matter how small. Fortunately I have dental insurance that covers X-rays when due and 2 cleanings per year....that and brushing/flossing daily and no issues for years.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
He was an idiot! He should have pulled it out and put it under his pillow. I made bank on all mine when I was a kid. We had a special envelope to put them in, along with a note to the tooth fairy. In the morning, I would wake up to cold hard cash in the envelope, instead of that stinky tooth. :dance013:

Well like the wise man said "Well yeah that's just like your opinion man".


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:barely cracked 80 today....muggy,chance of rain again but really not bad out...not helping the c99 dry out thats for sure...but there should be some good trail conditions...

speaking of trails...sounds like another group ride this sunday,could be another big turn out since these trails are a bit easier...and theres a parking lot at the base of the trails so zero approach for the car folks...an easy ride for me since its all on ditchbanks to get out there...