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A Guide to Fishsticks

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
Oh damn dude. That sux. I hate shit keeps not going your way. Wish I lived closer to lend a hand.

How did the LL find out? And you’re right...could’ve been a lot worse. Man I really hope karma turns around for you. You’ve helped out so many ppl just here at the Mag alone...you don’t deserve this string of bad luck. PM me if there is anything I can do....seriously.


Active member
Man Dan's that's rough sorry to hear that. I have had to break down and sell bud for others, sucks but it was the best of all my options. Some income is better than none.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
We had a land lord problem at one of the grow houses some years back. Same deal, get them out in 2 weeks. 3 foot tall plants. 50 of them. My son dug them all up, put them in 5 gal pots, and brough them to my house. He then proceeded to manually black box them in my garage. Every day the plants were all wheeled into the garage till dark, then back out. It was a real bitch, but he saved his grow and and didn't lose too much money.


Super Lemon Cindy seeds gifted to me to grow out, thanks buddy @ilynnboy :tiphat: (Super Lemon Haze x C99) . pic updates on IG as well soon.




Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
well life just keeps throwing curves my way !!! i no longer have a place to grow . the garage LL called me today , says he knows whats going on in there & can't have it going on . says hes not pissed or anything & personally doesn't care , but as a land lord , he can't take the chance i get caught . it could screw him as well as me .

which i understand , & am glad he was cool about it & called me & not the cops !!!!
but i have 2 weeks to get everything outa there ......

so .... no grow = no income ...... i'm pretty much fucked !!!
dunno how i'm gonna do this as my one kid is in the middle of moving an hour & a half away (the only one willing to help me do anything ) & my cousin is outa town for the next week & i can't even walk 20ft without gasping for air ......

still living in the house that i got scammed on & have no right being in ......

yup ....... lifes a real bitch sometimes & i seem to be the blunt of karmas joke right now for some fuckin reason !!!!

Sorry Had to vent a little & let ya's know ...... i might not be around for awhile .......

Sorry to here about ur grow db. Can u move it back home until u can find a better place?. Only other option is shut it down until u can find another place. I'm 3000 miles to far from ya to lend a hand.

I got a nifty timer from Blueprint BET-1. All that's needed is the time set and cycle set.. There are 2 buttons 1 for grow, 1 for bloom. It automatically sets the outlets on/off for 12/12 or 18/6 by just pressing the button u want. Cycle set tells it what time you want the cycle to start.
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:coffee: mornin campers...

up early today for a ride,got an hour to finish coffee and get ready...love/hate with the early starts...always nice to beat the heat,but getting up at 4:30 sucks!


Bitter Moon harvested just a few days early due to issues with mites (got them fuckers beat down by the way). Bitter Moon = ECSD x Silver Mountain made by @happylittletreeco. Freebies that he shared for no reason other than sharing them. Thumbs Up! If you are on IG go give him a follow...he is off to school for a week in Idaho learning CGNF techniques. Korean Natural Farming taught by Chris Trump. A week long class.






I don't know if any one else feels this way or not, but...

It seams as if in today's world, that there is something wrong in the world today. There is such a convenience today in ordering things online, its a modern day version of the mail order catalog business at it's height. Which is all fine and dandy, most of the time. It makes it super easy for ordering stuff. But I got into a habit close to 20 years ago of not mail ordering stuff that was grow related. Had to make a long drive to the nearest/closest big city with a grow store, which was in another state. But that was then and this is now.

With today's cyber securities issues, I see this may be even more of an issue for some growers depending on where you live.

Just something I've been pondering on lately.

Oh damn dude. That sux. I hate shit keeps not going your way. Wish I lived closer to lend a hand.

How did the LL find out? And you’re right...could’ve been a lot worse. Man I really hope karma turns around for you. You’ve helped out so many ppl just here at the Mag alone...you don’t deserve this string of bad luck. PM me if there is anything I can do....seriously.

Not all landlords will give you a notice like that. Most will call the cops first. The most devious one will time it so that shit goes down after they get the next rent and then keep your deposit too.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
The peace of mind that comes with a state issued license to grow the pot is sure nice. I use my credits cards, have stuff shipped to home, throw out grow garbage at home and take old plant carcass’s to the compost at the dump.
I simply am unwilling to worry about that stuff anymore. Of course if I was in a different state with no legal protection it would be a completely different story.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
...at least i have no landlord worries here...heck,he drove me to pick up 75% of the grow equipment and all the stuff like 2x4s and drywall...

well that was a real fucker of a trail ride! without a doubt the hardest trail in the area...a whole lotta difficult climbing mixed in with sphincter clenching downhills...and more rocks than you could shake a stick at...even a stick with rocks attached!! a bunch of people too,like a dozen showed up for the ride...
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Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Oh there is a blonde girl in there. Now I know why Unc when riding. And why his sphincter clenched up on the down hills.

You should watch the trail more instead of the girl and it would be a safer ride perv.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
3 girls today...all married i think,just met one of them today...

there's almost always girls in the larger group rides...

heck,i've been selling weed to this little hottie who recently broke up with her boyfriend,gonna tell her she doesn't need to bring him along anymore to get weed...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:tough ride today...lots of racing again today...on tv i mean...tour de france and more world cup xc racing...

still need to water in flower tonight...gonna be an early night i suspect...up at 4:30....