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A Guide to Fishsticks


This is one of two different phenos of bugman52's c99f2 that he was generous enough to gift me...nice work buddy & keep it up :tiphat:



Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
4 gallons is huge!

That thing will hold about 2 pounds of manicured buds without squishing them!

The jar is pretty as a gem. It had never been used for anything. $144 delivered.
That's a 1 gallon next to it and a 1/2 gallon next to that


New member
I've bben PVG for over 10 years. Mass went legal so now I can go public. A dude moved to my area from Ohio and put up an instagram account with the name Pioneer Valley Genetics. I told him to his face that Im PVG for 10 years but that account is still up on IG. Imagine if I named my new company Karma Genetics??? LOL! Then Karma came to me saying thats his name, but I still kept using it. Thats about the same thing thats happening here.

I thought the quote you bolded up explained it quite well?
Dude stole the name PVG and wont take it down or change his name.
It dont matter though. Its not the name that makes the company.
Its the man behind the company that makes the name!
Im so gratefull for all the love and support Im recieving from all the local canna-businesses. And for all the people here on IC that are very supportive and helpfull. Bless up!
It felt really good to give back and hand out the HK's at Genetraders to all you who came out to support PVG.

Greetings and blessings everyone....
im not here to start trouble but im here to address my name being dragged in the mud..im not here to bash anyone only thing i have is facts PERIOD!
first of all, Ive been growing for over 10+ years(IN MASS) also mass is my birthplace and im from the pioneer valley west mass (NOT OHIO!) ive put in alot of work and have helped numerous growers in my community.. i came up with the name pioneer valley genetics by myself time and date doesnt matter because it wasnt until around this time last year (2017) when i got the email started a Instagram and began giving seeds out for free to anyone willing to test along with me, packaged up and labled..ethics came first, and i have things ive been working since 2013-14..Now with that being said all i have is the facts and this is the real...this guy has been lying and talking about me on this platform for no reason... I didnt steal your name or anything about you dude, nor do i want to.. i dont know where this ohio fib came from i guess to sauce up your sob story, but thats a lie...this man came to the place i work about a month ago and we struck up a convo about breeding, then he started to say he was about to start back up on some breeding so i asked him whats his companies name and he said Pioneer valley genetics so i said "thats interesting because im PVG" he said ive been them for years i was like where? he said nowhere because it just turn legal i showed him my page and gear and everyone that knows me knows im a very nice humble guy so i offered to collab with him so we both could keep the name which i didnt have to do at all because im already established with email,ig page and pheno hunters thru out the city thats been growin my gear for a while now...instead since im a nice guy i put my hand out to partner with someone that is all nice and buddy buddy to my face then turns around next day to talk crazy about me online like its not gonna get back to me..i treated you with respect brotha.. and you accuse me of not being original? when you out here online throwing a fit because i established the name first...how about this..i'll make it easier for everyone and at the sametime show you how to really be creative...you can have the name and ride it all the way to the trash brotha...i dont want all i worked for to be tainted by you or have my people confused or scammed by your sob stories.. i feel bad for some of these people thats sending you bread thinking you spent it all on your grow when its really the poor guy you suckerd into your foolishness ...how do you get banned from a grow shop? your starting a seed company but your gorrila growing outdoors? are you gonna seed that crop? wheres your indoor crop? if you sell out of seeds today how soon can you restock? where would this project take place? why you selling s1's as clone onlys? why are you making crosses with these s1's? this is why im not battlin for a name your already tarnishing...even tho work always speak for itself...bad ethics always comes back to bite like karma...i will not be disrespected for any reason...you know where i work so if you have a problem with me you can tell me in person like you should of that same day instead of getting on here like i wasnt gonna find out...
stay positive everyone and beware of scammers :tiphat:
this is coming from the breeder formally known as THE ORIGiNAL PIONEER VALLEY GENETICS


Ouch :whip: :biggrin: Ouch

Morning folks, long week so ain’t doing much of anything today but piddling around the house. Got to rough trim, jar and seal last round....man I have a lot of variety to pick from right now....different day, different smoke.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Unfortunately as the growing/breeding game becomes real business you need to act like it is if you want to be protected and that is what trademarks are for. Until one has a TM locked down you have absolutely no rights to a company name.

Morning all, another chamber of commerce day here.


Well-known member
The jar is pretty as a gem. It had never been used for anything. $144 delivered.
That's a 1 gallon next to it and a 1/2 gallon next to that
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Yuuuge! What's that thing weigh Doc?

That jar is awesome Doc...:tiphat:

Only important thing is, will your hand fit easily through the mouth of the jar?
If so, that is perfect!:dance013:

Looking at how small it makes that 1 g jar look, I'm thinking his whole head could fit through the opening


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...

lol,guess i should get on getting a copyright on unclefishstick:)

and with all these meetings third is gonna end up running for mayor or something!

yep,just got some veg room work to do today....and watch the prologue of the tour...not generally that exciting a stage but it will be interesting to see how much crap froome is getting from the frenchies...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i was wrong,it was an exciting stage...at least the last 10k where there were a bunch of wrecks to stir things up..

time for garden chores...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:plant grow:alrighty...done for the day with the garden chores except waiting for the ro barrel to refill...got a ride planned for tomorrow,a trail i've never ridden before,one of the toughest around here,in the short but brutal category...taking the timberjack so i have that giant 50 tooth cog on tap...may be wishing for suspension but we will be doing it as a climb so it shouldn't be too bad...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
ah the dreaded pun torture!:biggrin:

big bike racing day...downhill and cross country mtb at via del sole,and the start of the tour...i spent the day sitting on my ass watching the interwebz:)

time for lunch,all this lazing around works up an appetite!:bongsmi:


Well it is torture when you need the water so you can water your plants, but you have to wait for the RO water to make enough to water every thing at one time instead of a gallon here and a gallon there.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I have a couple more jars on the way. Both old but like new. Both blue glass with a glass lid and bail. 1 pint and a half pint. I'm at work today. 4 12 hour days in a row

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I don't worriy about someone using the Dr. Purpur name anymore.
A couple years ago, my son was talking to an ICMAGer in person at a party. My son asks him if he new who Dr. Purpur was,and the other guy says " everybody knows who that is. He's all over the place, and growe all kinds of plants and makes crosses"
My son says " that's my dad". The dude instantly got irate, called him a liar, and was positioning to fight. My son got the hell out of there.
I wonder who the hell that was......Probably somebody we know


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
well life just keeps throwing curves my way !!! i no longer have a place to grow . the garage LL called me today , says he knows whats going on in there & can't have it going on . says hes not pissed or anything & personally doesn't care , but as a land lord , he can't take the chance i get caught . it could screw him as well as me .

which i understand , & am glad he was cool about it & called me & not the cops !!!!
but i have 2 weeks to get everything outa there ......

so .... no grow = no income ...... i'm pretty much fucked !!!

dunno how i'm gonna do this as my one kid is in the middle of moving an hour & a half away (the only one willing to help me do anything ) & my cousin is outa town for the next week & i can't even walk 20ft without gasping for air ......

still living in the house that i got scammed on & have no right being in ......

yup ....... lifes a real bitch sometimes & i seem to be the blunt of karmas joke right now for some fuckin reason !!!!

Sorry Had to vent a little & let ya's know ...... i might not be around for awhile .......

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