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A Guide to Fishsticks

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Its dropped from 105 to 101 degrees, but the house is creeping up. Ive got 2 portables and the downstairs main AC going and Im up to 73 degrees. I have to keep the door open to the garage to keep it cool too. 1/4 of is full of hanging plants


Well-known member
My mom was helping her mom can pears 80 years ago. Her mom turned around for a second and mom tried to swallow a half pear real quick. It got stuck in her throat, and she was scared that she couldn't breath, and that her mom would bust her. Most of what they ate came from their farm, and there were 9 of them, and they were poor.
The pear finally slipped through her throat and her mom didn't catch her.

My mom inherited 3 large cases of those old 1/2 gallon jars with the original tin/ porcelain lids when her mom died, and I inherited those same jars when my mom died. Now instead of fruit and vegetables, the jars get filled with buds. And yes, now my kids sneak buds out of them.
I always wonder which one mom was filling when she stole the pear :D .

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I borrowed this from a post Snype made a few years ago. here's the link to his post about sourcing old Ball 2 and 4 gallon jars



Well-known member
What's shaking Boys.... Wanna see how us Rookie Grower Chicks Get Down?

What's shaking Boys.... Wanna see how us Rookie Grower Chicks Get Down?

It goes something like this...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
What a scam on R-410 prices from the AC repair guys. They sale it for 70$ per lb. I can buy 25lb for 114$. I bought a 25lb cylinder for me an my pops to use if ever needed. I should learn how to add it myself.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
mornin campers...

up way too early...off to ride in a bit...first real ride this week....been blazy...thats busy and lazy at the same time...


Morning folks,
Been a relaxing morning so far...coffee and cannabis :woohoo: Have taken dogs for a walk and did 4 miles on the bike. Just waiting on the ‘ole lady to make breakfast.

Sad news is I see the mites on my last two gals in flower so they will get chopped a few days earlier than planned at day 73. Going to scope the damage and the thrichs in a few.

Kicking myself in the a$$ for slacking on the IPM :asskick: accidents happen....but this was just piss poor plant management

Been 36 hours w/o Paxil after slowly reducing the dosage over the last few weeks. Feeling ok

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
hey aspen U still going around hitting up peeps for $ and weed?

don't come around looking for attention... & i advise peeps to stay away from this person ...or else hold onto your wallet


$$ ALONE $$
The final finished LOGO. Ill have it within the week.
Excited! Im gonna bury that other fake Pioneer Valley Genetics. My shits taken off. Its the person that makes the company. The deep, tight knit connections one has with others in the right places.
2 or 3 distributors a maybe. 1 for Sure!
Dude stole my company name and then fell asleep on it. He wont take it off IG. Well, while he was sleepin'...I was creepin'. PVG taking over Western Mass!


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