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A Guide to Fishsticks


Active member
Yahooooo! Off early today and just picked up some stuff to make some chicken skewers, bacon wrapped shrimp, and margaritas. Its even a little cooler today than usual for this time of year...86 degrees!


:bongsmi:break time...

getting some yardwork done while it's cloudy out...not helping because it's humid...at least for around here...

frickin jam packed at wallyworld today...should have stopped and put some money on my card so i could buy one of these limited edition spurcycle/chris king bells...perfect for the timberjack...
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frickin 70 bucks a pop!! tomorrow for sure i will order one though...have 3 spurcycle bells now...tried a couple other brands that were half as much,the crane bell from japan is nice,but sorta weak sauce compared to the spurcycle....the lezayne bell looks nice but totally pathetic ring...

Sooooo, does this post have something to do about ringing your own bell? Or bells? I'm just reading between the lines, I think.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
The best thing about this job,is, that I really appreciate my days off.
My ex wife and I named my house Greenhaven, when we bought it 31 years ago. It's appropriate. It's my place of escape from the world.

When Hammerhead came over, I went upstairs for a second. I came down, and Hammer was gone! I'm like WTF? Where did he go?

I look out back, and he's way out there touring the plants.....:D
I think he liked Greenhaven


Busy evening....chopped and hung a few including this Super Lemon Cindy at day 71. Strong lemony smell, lets see what a good cure does.




Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I'm running 2 machines right now. One of them is drawing 260,000 watts, and the other is at 330,000 watts. That's just the heater portion. I'm drawing around 1 million watts or more right now.
How would you like to pay the electric bill on these?
This company reportedly is 2nd in power consumption for this valley. We have a direct line from PG &E feeding 67,000 volts to our sub station. We step it down from there, and the electricity is way cheaper then I pay per KWH at home


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Still alive & kickin guys ..... :tiphat:

took down 6 bruce banner #3's tonight , if these don't get fucked up in the drying process (to quick , to hot ) they should finally be a decent amount of bud . big fat heavy fuckers for a change :dance013:


Well-known member
Hammer's HK x TK results

Hammer's HK x TK results

I wanted to put in a word for Hammerhead Seeds' "Hammer's Kush x Triangle Kush" cross I just finished testing for him. I'm not what could be considered skilled as a grower but I got reasonable potency results. All four of the phenotypes I ran were between 23.3 and 24% THC. I had a GG4 from Grizz in the tent next to them and it came out at 23.2% in my hands. It was a test run and there were no hermie tendencies, no seeds in the buds at all. There were four distinct growth phenotypes so the yield was quite variable as were the terpenes but the potency was pretty even across the board. The strain had no cultural difficulties, no deficiencies, etc. By far the least drama of my four grows so far



#2 This was in the middle back of the tent so I never got any good individual shots but it turned out to be the least desirable plant so thats ok. It's the one in the back of this pic, with the spaced out nodes. Pheno #4 is the one in the front




#4, my keeper of the group


GG4 comparison plant


Thanks for the opportunity Hammer


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
mornin campers...

not much going on today...watering day again....need to run to wallyworld and put some money on my card so i can order the overpriced spurcycle/chris king limited edition bell


$$ ALONE $$
I wanted to put in a word for Hammerhead Seeds' "Hammer's Kush x Triangle Kush" cross I just finished testing for him. I'm not what could be considered skilled as a grower but I got reasonable potency results. All four of the phenotypes I ran were between 23.3 and 24% THC. I had a GG4 from Grizz in the tent next to them and it came out at 23.2% in my hands. It was a test run and there were no hermie tendencies, no seeds in the buds at all. There were four distinct growth phenotypes so the yield was quite variable as were the terpenes but the potency was pretty even across the board. The strain had no cultural difficulties, no deficiencies, etc. By far the least drama of my four grows so far


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#2 This was in the middle back of the tent so I never got any good individual shots but it turned out to be the least desirable plant so thats ok. It's the one in the back of this pic, with the spaced out nodes. Pheno #4 is the one in the front

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#4, my keeper of the group

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GG4 comparison plant

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Thanks for the opportunity Hammer

GREAT JOB!!! Looks fire! :huggg:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
feeling any better?

for the most part yes ..... my main problem is still my breathing . no one has really seemed concerned with it sense my heart attack , thats all they seem to care about . i do finally have an appointment with a pulminary doc , but its not untill july 30th ...... so its gonna be a long month !!!! turns out one of the meds they gave me to keep the stint in my heart clean .... also causes breathing problems , so yeah a double whammy on my lungs right now , trying to convince the heart doc to get me on plavix instead so it doesn't fuck with my breathing ...... we'll see what happens i guess ..... might have to get a little voicestrus to get my point across to these one sided jackasses !!! :biggrin: