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A Guide to Fishsticks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:scripture: yup,give them docs the bidnezz or they just don't hear you...most of them seem to think antibiotics cure everything...or some other pill they get paid to shill for...

:plant grow:it aint happening fast,but at least i'm getting some yard work done...it was doing that thing where water falls from the sky,i think they call that rain....gonna have to get into it here soon,there's some dead stuff that needs to come out,and some stuff i will probably pull to ease the crowding since it was so overplanted to begin with...not going to re-plant,gonna get weed cloth and gravel a bunch of areas...rocks are much easier to take care of!

time to go do errands...


Well-known member
:scripture: yup,give them docs the bidnezz or they just don't hear you...most of them seem to think antibiotics cure everything...or some other pill they get paid to shill for...

:plant grow:it aint happening fast,but at least i'm getting some yard work done...it was doing that thing where water falls from the sky,i think they call that rain....gonna have to get into it here soon,there's some dead stuff that needs to come out,and some stuff i will probably pull to ease the crowding since it was so overplanted to begin with...not going to re-plant,gonna get weed cloth and gravel a bunch of areas...rocks are much easier to take care of!

time to go do errands...

When I moved to SD in 1990, i couldn't figure out why people who had nice neat and trim homes, landscaping, etc. had these trailer trash looking gravel yards. Now I know. You don't need to mow or water rocks.

Always perfect growing conditions here except for that one thing that everybody else gets for free: Rain


Well-known member
for the most part yes ..... my main problem is still my breathing . no one has really seemed concerned with it sense my heart attack , thats all they seem to care about . i do finally have an appointment with a pulminary doc , but its not untill july 30th ...... so its gonna be a long month !!!! turns out one of the meds they gave me to keep the stint in my heart clean .... also causes breathing problems , so yeah a double whammy on my lungs right now , trying to convince the heart doc to get me on plavix instead so it doesn't fuck with my breathing ...... we'll see what happens i guess ..... might have to get a little voicestrus to get my point across to these one sided jackasses !!! :biggrin:

Sent you a PM Dan. Hope this gets evened out for you soon. Glad to hear the heart attack was limited and you could get the stent and stuff.
Your spot on with the priorities, can't go far without good breathing


Scoped the gals this morning....no moving critters anymore, just some egg sacs...sprayed with ferti-lome triple action first thing this morning and set outside. Some native bugs have taken an interest in the eggs which is welcome :woohoo: … I think! ?



for the most part yes ..... my main problem is still my breathing . no one has really seemed concerned with it sense my heart attack , thats all they seem to care about . i do finally have an appointment with a pulminary doc , but its not untill july 30th ...... so its gonna be a long month !!!! turns out one of the meds they gave me to keep the stint in my heart clean .... also causes breathing problems , so yeah a double whammy on my lungs right now , trying to convince the heart doc to get me on plavix instead so it doesn't fuck with my breathing ...... we'll see what happens i guess ..... might have to get a little voicestrus to get my point across to these one sided jackasses !!! :biggrin:
I have been using PLAVIX for a couple of years now. So far, no more strokes. The first few times you get a decent cut, you will be shocked at how much you bleed. It always stops though.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
When I moved to SD in 1990, i couldn't figure out why people who had nice neat and trim homes, landscaping, etc. had these trailer trash looking gravel yards. Now I know. You don't need to mow or water rocks.

Always perfect growing conditions here except for that one thing that everybody else gets for free: Rain
my yard is extensively planted,but it's all desert plants...the survivors anyway...haven't watered a drop out there since last year...everything that aint gonna make it is dead by this point..

What do you all store your harvested/dried/trimmed/ready to smoke buds in?

mason jars


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:dance013: sweet...got my order for the limited edition spurcycle/chris king bell in...there was only 12 left so good thing i got one...
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got my running around done for the day...and a sufficient amount of yard work to justify screwing around for the rest of the day...:bongsmi:

gotta do a little housework,but nothing too extensive...and water the children...


Well-known member
I live in a city and if I need someones attention, I hollar or whistle or hup,hup.
What you need a bell for in the desert? :biggrin:

As for storage, Mason jars are for transport here. Two gallon plastic buckets with sealable lids stuffed with turkey bags ,stuffed with weed is my method.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor

most of the trails around here are multi purpose,but there's way more hikers than mountain bikers,and hikers hate mountain bikers...so having a nice loud bell so you can alert them that you're nearby helps a bunch,like most people hikers react poorly when you yell,but they generally don't mind the bell...i always try and make sure they hear me long before i get to them,and remember to say thank you when they yield the trail....

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
for the most part yes ..... my main problem is still my breathing . no one has really seemed concerned with it sense my heart attack , thats all they seem to care about . i do finally have an appointment with a pulminary doc , but its not untill july 30th ...... so its gonna be a long month !!!! turns out one of the meds they gave me to keep the stint in my heart clean .... also causes breathing problems , so yeah a double whammy on my lungs right now , trying to convince the heart doc to get me on plavix instead so it doesn't fuck with my breathing ...... we'll see what happens i guess ..... might have to get a little voicestrus to get my point across to these one sided jackasses !!! :biggrin:

Yeah, get him to change that script asap!
Ive had both heart and breathing scares, and I know what it feels like.
Im vegan, and alcohol free now and feel great.

Try and get your colesteral in check after you get through this. We really don't need a lot of meat and dairy in our diet. Im 30 lbs below my highest weight now, and still dropping fast. Guys will be commenting very soon ay work. I still crave BBQ chicken thighs :biggrin:

You are gonna pull through this Dan. Its all gonna be getting much better soon.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
mason jars

My mom was helping her mom can pears 80 years ago. Her mom turned around for a second and mom tried to swallow a half pear real quick. It got stuck in her throat, and she was scared that she couldn't breath, and that her mom would bust her. Most of what they ate came from their farm, and there were 9 of them, and they were poor.
The pear finally slipped through her throat and her mom didn't catch her.

My mom inherited 3 large cases of those old 1/2 gallon jars with the original tin/ porcelain lids when her mom died, and I inherited those same jars when my mom died. Now instead of fruit and vegetables, the jars get filled with buds. And yes, now my kids sneak buds out of them.
I always wonder which one mom was filling when she stole the pear :D .



:dance013: sweet...got my order for the limited edition spurcycle/chris king bell in...there was only 12 left so good thing i got one...
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got my running around done for the day...and a sufficient amount of yard work to justify screwing around for the rest of the day...:bongsmi:

gotta do a little housework,but nothing too extensive...and water the children...

I use canning jars too.

That bell reminds me of a cylon's red eye. To bad it cant move back and forth. Or it could almost look like a part off of one of those T-800's or some other model.:biggrin:

Vacuumed sealed mason jars stored in the dark for the win. Foodsaver vac machine and the mason jar attachment is one of the wisest investments I have made

I've never vacuum sealed any of my jars.

My mom inherited 3 large cases of those old 1/2 gallon jars with the original tin/ porcelain lids when her mom died, and I inherited those same jars when my mom died. Now instead of fruit and vegetables, the jars get filled with buds. And yes, now my kids sneak buds out of them.

View Image

I put painter tape on my jars too to label them. I use to put the labels on the lids, until I swapped several lids on several diffent jars/strains.

The local wal-mart has been caring 1/2 gallon jars. I've even been using them for some of my cooking ingredients, like the different types of flour and ect...

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I just received notice that my seeds from Ace were intercepted and taken. Hopefully ACE replaces it. I also hope I don't hear anything further from the feds. It does discuss criminal penalties in the letter


I just received notice that my seeds from Ace were intercepted and taken. Hopefully ACE replaces it. I also hope I don't hear anything further from the feds. It does discuss criminal penalties in the letter

I saw a story the other day about the feds using dogs on mail coming into the Country. The story went on to mention about fentynl (sp?), so not sure about other type of things the dogs are hitting on.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
the website was calling that bell the "hal 9000"...the red and black combo always looks somewhat sinister though,it will be perfect on the timberjack...that things already like a spacecraft and with the I9 hub it sounds like a robot invasion!

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
Sup fishstickers?! :wave: In a week, my house is gonna be crazy. I got my daughter, son-in-law, and grand baby flying in from Witchita on the 7th. They’ll be staying with us until the 15th. And my wife’s parents are driving from Kentucky and staying the 12th thru the 15th as well. Should be real interesting.

The wife and I have our wedding
anniversary on the day everybody leaves, July, 15th. Good thing cause we’re gonna be running around the house naked, my balls are gonna be flapping with every step! :biglaugh:

Today is the wife’s bday too. Gonna be going out to eat at this old mansion they turned into a high class Cajun restaurant. Then out for some cocktails. But not too many...shit tends to get me feeling like crap the next day. Damn I’m getting old...

What do you all store your harvested/dried/trimmed/ready to smoke buds in?

I use 1/2 gal mason jars.


That sucks Dr. P, whilst there are seeds I would like to get from overseas I refrain now and stick to stateside vendors. That being said it is sad they intercept cannbis seeds, there are far more important things to focus on in my opinion

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