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A Guide to Fishsticks


What's in bloom? "Limelight" Hydrangea is starting her show for the summer.



Day 65 for Super Lemon Cindy (SLHxC99). Still throwing fresh pistils but the trichromes are quickly going amber...chop tomorrow or the next day



I have a bunch of seeds that I need to remove from the bud material. I was going to make some screened frames that stack on top of each other. Gathering all the needed parts and not having all the tools I'd need that at the moment has held me back.

So I need to come up with another option. I should mention I'm wanting to use the left over bud material to make bubble hash. I'm curious to how the hash will differ from unseeded starting material. I'm thinking for now I'll just use one of those a large green drip trays for your "soil" potted plants. But I'm going to go buy a couple of new ones that haven't had any nutrients poured into it and just use them for a low tech seeds seed separating process. If I'm going to make hash out of the left over "shake", I think of it more like a food grade type of process.

I think I'm just jabbering on now, not like this will interest many of you.

Time to get my coffee started.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
I didn't swim 2 miles today, haven't even been in a while since I no longer live by the coast...

My two most favorite places that I've been swimming are the waters of the Bahamas and the Persian Gulf...... you float like a cork in the Persian Gulf!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i did ride 22 miles with 1100 feet of climbing on a loaded bike...does that count?

it was hotter than burning donkey ass yesterday...a bit bigger day...30 odd miles and 3000 feet of climbing...a pretty good crowd of people showed up,more than half rode over...i think i was the only person who carried all their own gear though...

tired.dirty,hungry....i am however stoned so i will start from there and deal with the rest!


Going to the lake for a cookout so will do a bit of swimming but mostly will lay on a float and relax. With all the folks coming, the water will be the place to be.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i did pour water over my head quite a bit during the ride...does that count?

yesterday we had someone follow us up the pass...sorta hopscotched along to give us bottles of ice cold water...it was like manna from heaven...

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
All this talk about swimming....guess me and the wifey are about to get ready to go to the pool. It’s almost too hot for that! It’s like 100 degrees with smoldering ass Carolina humidity. I think I’m with Bug on trading humidities with some of you drier climate guys.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:not so hot today...only 96 out...it was frickin hot yesterday...i chugged up the pass yesterday without getting too cracked,the climb to the campground which is much steeper i had to stop a couple times to fight off leg cramps...today was a struggle from start to finish...felt ok,just didnt have the willpower...and there was a pretty stiff headwind until i got down close to town...i'm sure some of the others were having fun dragging their hangovers up the pass!
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Timing is right for having an issue....have dunked everything in veg and only have a few days left on flowering plants. Haven't noticed them on the flowering plants so may have caught them quite early. Must have came from outside as I haven't taken in anything in a long time. Going to delay my next seed run by a few weeks it looks like....but no sweat :jerkit: as the jars are full :woohoo: All organic now so will be ordering some predatory insects in a few.


Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
They sure hate getting sprayed with water mist. They wont eat for a couple days. Keep misting them real good twice a day for a week to ten days and they will die off.
We also use the predators

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