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A Guide to Fishsticks


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my seed room every thing has been toped once but no rooted cuts, gona take a few bottom branches & see if i can root a few, gota flip soon befor they get too big.

hey Bug I don't recall if you ever mentioned, but does the different colors of the containers have any special meaning to the plant growing in it?


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:good thing i don't have anything major to do today!

sure aint moving too fast this morning...

gotta go down to the bike shop and get the deets on the camp out tomorrow...

there's a vehicle hauling stuff so i need to figure out if i'm going to be lazy and let them haul my stuff or if i'm going to tuff up and haul my own gear over but let them deal with getting water over...gonna be frickin hot when the first group rides over...only 20ish miles but a couple grand in climbing....i might split the difference and send my gear over in the car and ride singlespeed...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed: 103 and 7% humidity right now...

pretty much how it will be tomorrow when we leave to go on the camp out:toohot:

at least it will be somewhat cooler with another 2000+ feet of elevation...

will be taking a trip in the morning to drop off a 5 gallon jug of water and my camp chair but it looks like most people will be dragging their own gear over....gonna be a slow crawl over the pass...then an even slower crawl up the final climb to the campground...the pass climb is on the highway so its only a 5% grade,the campground climb gets into the teens in spots...

time for a nap,then water in veg...


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
well that was fucked up !!! :noway: & explains why i have been feeling so shitty . I had an artery almost 90% clogged ! tuesdays trim session turned into a trip to the ER because i was damn close to a heart attack , they said i was lucky i came in when i did or it would have been a full blown heart attack . they got it opened with nitro & some other meds in the ER , but still rushed me into the cath lab for a stint .
just came home a couple hours ago ..... feeling a whole lot better than i have for the last couple weeks !!! had the wife throw all my ash trays & smokes away , haven't had one sense tuesday night & haven't really wanted one ..... so i guess its time to quit all together ! already have been eating healthy which helps , still have a few changes to make though ......

figured i'd stop in & tell ya why i haven't been around much ...... in case anybody noticed lol :tiphat:


Active member
well that was fucked up !!! :noway: & explains why i have been feeling so shitty . I had an artery almost 90% clogged ! tuesdays trim session turned into a trip to the ER because i was damn close to a heart attack , they said i was lucky i came in when i did or it would have been a full blown heart attack . they got it opened with nitro & some other meds in the ER , but still rushed me into the cath lab for a stint .
just came home a couple hours ago ..... feeling a whole lot better than i have for the last couple weeks !!! had the wife throw all my ash trays & smokes away , haven't had one sense tuesday night & haven't really wanted one ..... so i guess its time to quit all together ! already have been eating healthy which helps , still have a few changes to make though ......

figured i'd stop in & tell ya why i haven't been around much ...... in case anybody noticed lol :tiphat:
Damn Dan's glad you caught that before it was to late.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
well that was fucked up !!!
& explains why i have been feeling so shitty . I had an artery almost 90% clogged ! tuesdays trim session turned into a trip to the ER because i was damn close to a heart attack , they said i was lucky i came in when i did or it would have been a full blown heart attack . they got it opened with nitro & some other meds in the ER , but still rushed me into the cath lab for a stint .
just came home a couple hours ago ..... feeling a whole lot better than i have for the last couple weeks !!! had the wife throw all my ash trays & smokes away , haven't had one sense tuesday night & haven't really wanted one ..... so i guess its time to quit all together ! already have been eating healthy which helps , still have a few changes to make though ......

figured i'd stop in & tell ya why i haven't been around much ...... in case anybody noticed lol

Oh shit. So happy ur Ok brother DB. Make sure u relax and "STOP SMOKING TOBACCO" We want u around a lot longer.

Looks like I need to get a different server for my Movies and Music. My router has built in DLNA server but Win 10 wont let me edit any of the files. I can play them all but I cant add anything new that's not gonna work.

Will most likely get a Personal NAS cloud server. This will give access to anyone I want over the net.



well that was fucked up !!! :noway: & explains why i have been feeling so shitty . I had an artery almost 90% clogged ! tuesdays trim session turned into a trip to the ER because i was damn close to a heart attack , they said i was lucky i came in when i did or it would have been a full blown heart attack . they got it opened with nitro & some other meds in the ER , but still rushed me into the cath lab for a stint .
just came home a couple hours ago ..... feeling a whole lot better than i have for the last couple weeks !!! had the wife throw all my ash trays & smokes away , haven't had one sense tuesday night & haven't really wanted one ..... so i guess its time to quit all together ! already have been eating healthy which helps , still have a few changes to make though ......

figured i'd stop in & tell ya why i haven't been around much ...... in case anybody noticed lol :tiphat:

Shit. Talk about being lucky, on many levels. You didn't mention having an extended hospital stay. Could have turned out much worse.

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
Glad you’re still kicking dans! :wave: I’m glad I quit smoking but not gonna lie...still miss them occasionally. Nothing major though. Dans and others on this thread talked me into using Chantix. A lot of you guys’ stories about smoking/quitting smoking helped me thru it too.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:joint: got my gear packed for tomorrow...time to go through it and see what i can get rid of now...the less i have to lug over the pass the better...it is going to be like 103 when we leave...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Only 2 lights left on. 1 1KW, 1 630 cmh. The last light I will leave on will be the 1kw cmh. I can start cleaning soon. Veg room is packed. I will just have to pick whats important to flower. The rest of the larger plants will get cloned and culled.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Glad that turned out for the best dans. Could have been a lot worse. I just thought you were off because you were working on the camp.

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