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A Guide to Fishsticks


Bug Scissor Hand

an 2 BB3 X PCK seedlings


Bug Scissor Hand

my seed room every thing has been toped once but no rooted cuts, gona take a few bottom branches & see if i can root a few, gota flip soon befor they get too big.


Active member
It’s a bone chilling one hundred and ten degrees. Three percent humidity here. First day we’ve used the AC even the cats came indoors.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
It’s a bone chilling one hundred and ten degrees. Three percent humidity here. First day we’ve used the AC even the cats came indoors.

It sux to be you today :biggrin:

Its a cool 96 degrees here with 28% humidity.......

I just took a big bong rip of fresh picked Sour Dubb. It was one of the big mother plants I put out in the end of winter. I still have a bunch more to pick, then revegg and reverse it, same as the OGMango mother.

That's some smooth thick tasty weed, and its stoney as hell

Because Sour Dubb doesn't have great bag appeal, I always hand people a small taster bud of it. They come back the next day just for S Dubb. Connoisseurs catch it right away. You see them pinching and sniffing the buds, then looking at it again, asking, "what is this again?". I always tell them GG4s Mother, and how you did that cross.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:102 and 12% here...but i suspect you guys aren't going for a bike ride in a couple of hours!

only supposed to be 15 miles...of course i have no idea where we're going or where the ride ends up so i'm guessing it will be a bit more by the time i get home...not like a couple weeks ago when it was like 40 miles and the route was somewhat hellish...but that was the every 4 weeks monster gravel ride...

had a little lizard running around the house earlier...finally managed to catch it and get it back outside...

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I did another patch job on the pond a few days ago. I refilled it and it seems to be holding water. The birds and squirrels love that pond and falls.

The cast iron/ oak park bench for the pond requires all new wood slats. 3"

I got 40 liner feet of beautiful red oak for the slats and back rest. I have all but one slat cut and drilled.

The slat for the top of the back rest was curved so even though it is 3" wide, I had to jig saw it out of a 8" wide plank. I still have to route two planks. I practiced on the old planks

Bud Green

I dig dirt
It finally rained here yesterday afternoon.. It had been cloudy all day...and muggy...
First rain we've had in almost a month of HELL!

Today, sunny and 88 degrees, 40% humidity, NICE!

Just finished eating after cooking dogs and a big tray of fresh veggies out on the grill on the porch!:biggrin:

Perfect summer day...:woohoo:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
getting use to win10 is a pain. Finding out how tings work isnt easy. Networking my shit has been a PITA.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
home grown for the win ...always!

home grown for the win ...always!

they are starting to really ripen up & come in & i had to put up bird netting to enclose the entire patch it was a pain in the ass but it works well ...these are nice & juicy , this was a morning pick, i just shoved a big bowlful in the fridge from the sunset picking lot of berries for a while now & think be making some jam tomorrow ..yum

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Evening all.

Got a new ac put in last night. Went with a cheap 3 ton unit that I was able to grab in Detroit. Has a Mitsubishi compressor with dc inverter and all that but only a 16 seer.
Was hoping to grab a 22 seer Gree with Mitsubishi guts but was not in stock.
This will do me for now and I can actually add about 5 lights if I want to expand

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Park bench is almost done. Just a little finish work and the Varathane left to do.The planks are red oak. That top one was tricky to do

nd heres one of the sour Dubbs

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
So my daughter just got another $4600 in scholarships. So she will be getting a bunch of money back after paying for tuition, labs, and books.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
back from the ride...about 2 dozen people showed up...nice little wander around town on a bunch of different ditch banks...got cooler after the sun went down...still frickin hot out...

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
It dropped to 75 here. I turned off the AC an hour ago, and just switched on the all house fan. I love that thing. I run it all night, then button up the house in the morning

It's supposed to be 104 here tomorrow