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A Guide to Fishsticks


Gotta love fast finishers...day 61 for this NASA Bruce and we have mostly cloudy and a few ambers. The other pheno is about a week behind this one. Eeezy Peeze trim on this one as well.




$$ ALONE $$
Morning Fishsticks.
Sorry I havent been up yet Dans. I still got your CBs1.
Ive been stupid busy with the outdoor gardens.
Got 650glns of soil in 10x 65gln smarties. Got 2 more 65's to fill today and put the cages around the 12 of them.

Got 12 plants in 5's until I can afford the soil for the 45's, at another spot.

Got 4 Blue Dreams to put in holes all dug and filled as well.(supposed to put 45's on top of those holes with the bottoms cut out).

Then got 6 plants to put in 45's.

Im struggling hard! I havent eaten since breakfast yesterday. Im starving! I put every cent I had into this huge grow spread between 4 spots. 34 full season plants! UUUUHG! I get 16 total. (3 lbers about,..... if all goes well)
Still need 1k to finish it all. I have lots of Pharaohs Kush and Sir*Cough*a*Gas seed packs for sale so hopefully I get some orders this week on IG. Fingers crossed! I need a local investor bad!


$$ ALONE $$
Im making JamaicanLambsBread f4's and a few crosses.

Jamaican BananaBread
C-Banana x JamaicanLambsbread

Gorilla Banana Haze
C-Banana x (GG#4 x SSSDH)


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:time to head out to the grow shop while it's still reasonably cool out...only like 70lbs of stuff to haul today:)

harvest another big cherry cookies tonight...i might hold off until friday since i'm supposed to go camping saturday...don't want to miss the window of time when the buds need to go into a container to sweat...gonna be a hot week and the drying tent is in an area that isn't directly cooled...don't want to come home to crispy buds...


There is somethin nice in the strugglin'

Morning Fishsticks.
Sorry I havent been up yet Dans. I still got your CBs1.
Ive been stupid busy with the outdoor gardens.
Got 650glns of soil in 10x 65gln smarties. Got 2 more 65's to fill today and put the cages around the 12 of them.

Got 12 plants in 5's until I can afford the soil for the 45's, at another spot.

Got 4 Blue Dreams to put in holes all dug and filled as well.(supposed to put 45's on top of those holes with the bottoms cut out).

Then got 6 plants to put in 45's.

Im struggling hard! I havent eaten since breakfast yesterday. Im starving! I put every cent I had into this huge grow spread between 4 spots. 34 full season plants! UUUUHG! I get 16 total. (3 lbers about,..... if all goes well)
Still need 1k to finish it all. I have lots of Pharaohs Kush and Sir*Cough*a*Gas seed packs for sale so hopefully I get some orders this week on IG. Fingers crossed! I need a local investor bad!


If I didn't believe in self-medication I surely wouldn't be taking on another hobby :biggrin:

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Determined to wean myself off this damn $0.68/month prescription of Paxil that I have been addicted to for years, I can do this. Micro-Dosing for the win :woohoo:

Will have far more than 68 cents in it a month for sure but hey....

What is Paxil?

You should read up on Paul Stamets.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
What is Paxil?

You should read up on Paul Stamets.

Depression, panic attacks, anxiety disorders, and a severe form of premenstrual syndrome (premenstrual dysphoric disorder). It works by helping to restore the balance of a certain natural substance (serotonin) in the brain.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:toohot: that was a tough one...2 bags of medium,2 bundles of stakes,a couple bottles of nutes, and some root gunk...felt like a million pounds today though...

only 12:30 and already 97 and 5% humidity...

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
A little cheap beater truck with minimal insurance coverage, and discount for low yearly milage would make your life easier, and open up bike rides much farther away. A camping trip in your truck with a bike to explore rugged terrain.......

I just got the 3 year old giant Swiss chard plants (colors) transplanted to the center gardens to make room for a couple rows of silver queen corn. Also defrosting the chest freezer at the same time.

I have to pick some more OGMango, Sour Dubble, and Banana Mango branches. My kid loves the Sour Dubb. He came over asking to buy some yesterday! :D

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I just came in from tilling a new garden. I came in to cool off and have a have an ice tea, and I get a knock at the front door. I peeked through the shade and saw a badge. Two cops standing on my front step. I was thinking someone turned me in for having too many plants, and wondering how the cops would be handling this.

They were looking for a friend of my son who is working in Humboldt. His family reported him missing. What a relief!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:alrighty...last of the bike projects done...all the major hauling is done for the week,around 110lbs of stuff...should be fairly well set for the camp out as well...

time for dinner...need to water later...


Active member
If I didn't believe in self-medication I surely wouldn't be taking on another hobby :biggrin:

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Determined to wean myself off this damn $0.68/month prescription of Paxil that I have been addicted to for years, I can do this. Micro-Dosing for the win :woohoo:

Will have far more than 68 cents in it a month for sure but hey....

anyways GLAD TO BE BACK.. just went through the worst 6 months of my life.. that's for sure.. lost the girl.. lost my place to the girl.. lost all my genetics in clone form atleast.. and now restarting the mission! wish me luck guys im going to need it . not to mention getting over walking pneumonia ugh.. its been a fun time.

good job dude.. holy hell paxil is a crazy drug.. my uncle was prescribed it.. said it was the worst hes ever felt coming off anything... and the guy has been dependent on oxy, Xanax, gabapentin, alcohol... broke his back skiing and then broke his pelvis a few years later in a motorcycle accident. guy was lucky with his back and then gets hit by a kid on his cellphone.. great job weening yourself off that crap.. supposedly its horrible for you.. some even say shit about it screwing up your third eye .. seriously .. im not a big alex jones fan.. but his detoxes sure as hell work very well.. and ive seen help ALOT of people.. especialy the iodine and a few others ill have to get the names.. but I don't really like jones but after seeing how his stuff works I can say that the shit hes producing is actually worth the small amount of money .. and deff can say u feel amazing when your done with it.. it really gets rid of all the poisons and shit in your body that's for sure.. my buddy who turned me onto the stuff has made a complete 180 in his mental health and physical well being that's for sure.. and he said he has so much more energy and sleeps like a baby.. so many people keep saying this I think im going to take it for a ride honestly.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...

got a bunch of garden stuff to do this morning...then some sensible hiding from the sun...gonna be hot...surprisingly enough for the desert...over 100 for the next few days...

group ride tonight...campout on saturday...nice and hot for both...the ride across the pass on saturday i expect will be brutal...luckily someone is hauling coolers and gear over...supposed to be pizza and ice cream...and it's a couple thousand feet higher than town so it should be cooler up there...


Here it is hot enough where I need to get up earlier and get in a bike ride after walking the dogs....too hot in the afternoons when I get off work.

May have to check in them detox supplements....thanks for sharing


$$ ALONE $$
I was so hungry yesterday. Had not a dime to my name. Late last night I could'nt sleep I was so hungry and thirsty.
I put up some seed specials on IG and got a few responses and now have gas and groceries. Needed that bad!
$20 for a 12 pack of beans. plus $15 s/h.
Just about gave them away.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Here it is hot enough where I need to get up earlier and get in a bike ride after walking the dogs....too hot in the afternoons when I get off work.

May have to check in them detox supplements....thanks for sharing
at least here your sweat dries almost instantly so as long as you're moving it's ok....not pleasant,but with enough water its fine...

and seriously,i wouldn't take anything recommended by alex jones...

I was so hungry yesterday. Had not a dime to my name. Late last night I could'nt sleep I was so hungry and thirsty.
I put up some seed specials on IG and got a few responses and now have gas and groceries. Needed that bad!
$20 for a 12 pack of beans. plus $15 s/h.
Just about gave them away.

been there one too many times myself...it used to be i would have pre-sold 75% of my harvest before it was even done at outrageous prices just to keep the lights on and some amount of food in the house...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:time for a quick store run...now that it's nice and hot out,nothing better than a trip to walmart!

got the garden chores done...got at least one cut of everything aside from diesel fire rooted...think i need to recut and dip the last one in gel again and pray it takes...i might be able to scare one up in town though...