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400 watt club...


IMO your cab is a little big for a 400, a 1000 would be 60 watts per square foot. I like the one gallons also, although i have not done the test you described. The 400s penetration isnt much past the 30 cm mark. I would lollypop the bottom 1/3 of the plant.

Keep us posted on your grow. Im very interested in how it works out for you.


yeah well il be doin a mixed grow of all the strains i have cloned,most are from seed other growers around the area have swapped me,iv grown em all outside though not indoors so i think it should be interesting to see the results.thanx for saving the critisism mate,seems to be all iv got so far.
Just got done with my first harvest!! 3 plants total! on a 5 day dry I got 5.8oz's!

I had room for 1 more plant too!!! SO i figure I shoulda got atleast 6.5-7 ozs total. That would be 1.75oz per sqft. Or 200 grams/400= .5 grams per watt

Whats your opinion???

Are those good numbers coming from a 2x2x4ft cab?

Of course Im running a 400!


Way to go! Very nice first harvest BLUNToPOTomuss. You should be proud.

Be aware that more plants does not always mean more bud. Light and environment play the biggest roles IMO. Good growing, I'll be looking out for your next adventure!
IMO your cab is a little big for a 400, a 1000 would be 60 watts per square foot. I like the one gallons also, although i have not done the test you described. The 400s penetration isnt much past the 30 cm mark. I would lollypop the bottom 1/3 of the plant.

Keep us posted on your grow. Im very interested in how it works out for you.

30 cm thats only 11.81 inches...
less then a foot?!
thats sunburnville for the poor girls isnt it?
okay my tops are just over a foot at closest, but their on a shelf in the middle of the room with lots of air blowing and theyre all under a foot still
i just cant see having maturing tops much closer then that... i think prime lighting is between a foot to a foot and a half with decent penetration to two feet, beyond that im trimmin up to, any feedback... like if ive got em a foot from the light and ive got two foot plants with a foot of soil im good


I was writing about the penetration into the canopy. I have my light about 8 inches off the tops, i get a little bleaching. lots of ventilation is also a must. I try to keep the light as colse as i can.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I think we tend to get the light TOO CLOSE, sometimes you get better healthier plants when you move the lights back a bit, focus more on an even canopy (something I am going to be working on forever lol)

Even canopy, light not so close it burns the girls, feed when needed, wet/dry cycle, flush 2 weeks to harvest, hang, bag,cure TASTY!

I had a 400 for flower, sold it, now have a 600 and will be setting up a 400 for my veg, got to love the 400!


just put em as close as you can and adjust em as theplants demand,trial and error mate. i have one strain that iv been breeding for about three years for outdoor and it can handle bein half a foot from the 400 without a single prob so long as the fan is on it,it hits 45deg c in some of my outdoor plots in the mmiddle of the day in summer so im guessing the strain has adapted to the heat over the years iv been breeding it??


400 water - xmas

400 water - xmas

400 water here, Xmas pressies to myself, plan to flower at the end of the month + 65 days + cure - Santa time.

Strains - 2 x SLH, 1 x A-Train and 1 supposed to be AK48 Auto but has not flowered so its a mystery, obviously an indica though.

You can see in the last pic (A-Train), its def a trainwreck cross.

A little underfed, I think, gave them a little seaweed and nitrogen today.

Will update after the flip

Ding dong merrily on High! :joint:


Active member
I have officially joined the 400w club.


Active member
Holy crap! Two days under 400w compared to a lifetime under 70w. HUGE difference. It is like there are new leaves every day! Not to mention the internodes are thikening up with leaves too. Wow. I didn't know they could grow this quickly.

I am working on about 50w per sq. ft. now.


Hello 400W club, I am thinking of joining the 'club', and upgrading from a 250W HPS for flowering. Curious what y'all think of this...

I am a cab grower and have been producing OK yields (2-3oz/ month) on 4 plants in a 2'x2' x4'H space. I do a mod-SCROG method and it works out pretty well. I am running a 4" CanAm fan to a DIY cooltube design and cab temps hold pretty consistently at around 80-83 degrees.

I ran some clones outdoors at the end of summer and found that the weed far surpasses anything grown in my cab. In terms of tric density, bud density, and quality--the difference is night and day. Under my 250HPS, buds are sort of airy, but pretty good, however there seems to be a lot of wasted energy down low.

I am curious what y'all think about upgrading to a 400HPS? I know the yields would be better, but I concerned about all that light in such a small space. Vertical distance is no problem as I've never really run out of it yet.