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20k Back in Coco - 6kw BOSS Blocks!



It seems worth the heat. I have used one and the plants dont seem to hate the higher temp. Unless you are above 76-80f I would consider adding one. The hot ass thing made me a believer.

Let me know if you decide to get one or are considering one, I can prob get a great deal on any size you need. I use a 5 jet burner and it does 6kw no prob.

Is the Sour D the strain that is stacked up so thick? You got it at sr71 right? :rasta:
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In Vino Veritas

I've pulled beautiful work out of 90-95 degree rooms with CRAZY air exchange. I think there is a lot of hoop-la on what works best and what can and cant be done. I have co2 equipment but I got enough work as it is, so it will stay in the box. I personally think they eat better when its hotter, variable temperature is where it's at..

Heh.. you guys are lucky to be able to step out and genetics like that..round these parts you ask to much you will probably get poached..

Back to the attic I go!
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In Vino Veritas

Hope you're having a dandy afternoon man..

Live glorious..



20k hows it goin over there? got a quick question for ya, my humidity last night was off the charts, my walls were almost drippin. yes i'm orderin a dehuey off the bay tommorrow. is this related to my co2 injection cuz last run it didnt get real sticky and i wasnt pumpin the co2. i got my exhaust filter kickin on every 3 hours for 3o mins. do i need to exhaust more often? a few things fightin me on this run, reused coco(i'll never do again)not sayin it wont work fine it just seems to take longer to dry out, and my hydro store sold me a janky regulater that aint too regular. dangit i gotta hold on for just 1 more month! i've been able to maintain temps its just that humidity thats drivin me nuts. luckily my 2 strains are almost mold/mildew proof knock on wood!!

20kw dreams

Well, I'm running at 85+ right now with CO2, but with a burner you have to close the room up and the heat builds up to the point where you...or I anyways..have to vent. When you have 24 lights and 120,000btu CO2 gen running in 100+F temps, it's really not a good thing. I had to cut the lights back just to keep the room cool.

Yeah, when you seal the room to bump the CO2, your humidity can build up crazy. Best to vent for a couple minutes whenever the humidity gets above 65% or so, although that specific number I'm just pulling out of thin air. That would be before tight flowers. I'm pulling the CO2 whenever I think the buds are tight enough to develop mold, so I can keep the humidity down with the fans. I can't really run a dehumidifier where I'm at, for the noise...unless I can find a quiet one..

I'm having a prob developing now with the Sour D's getting too tall. I'm maxed out height wise on 3/4 of the lights. The bushmaster seems to be wearing off, and the CO2 is driving them up. I may hit them tonight with 1ml/gal Bushmaster, or else I run the risk of frying all the tops, which I may already fry a few of the. I may have to turn the temps and CO2 down as well.

In Vino Veritas

Why not bend them over? Tie them down with some rope.. You have to have some horizontal room available..

You guys see that much advantage out of Co2 use? Seems like a lot of work.. I have the equipment, never used it though..

20kw dreams

lol..barely..I bent one over just now, but I have bent them over at this stage, and the buds come out all wierd. CO2 does make them grow much faster, that's for damn sure. Is it worth the hassle? Yes, it's just you have to tweek the environment a bit, raise lights to ward against the hot spots in the higher temps, maybe adjust nutrient strength, etc. To take advantage of those high temps though, you definitely need CO2. With good air exchange and by raising the lights higher then normal though, high temps with lots of air flow are fine I would agree. It's the hot spots that are developing when my plants stretched more then I expected that's hurting me a bit. But hell, this shit is going to be frosty and straight LARGE, so if I get a few crispy tops, then **** IT!

I went in there to take a closer look at the situation, and I don't think it's really that bad. It's 5 tops, which are the exception, and definitely not the rule. I bent one over that really was right under the light, and the others are at the edge of the light. I've got a couple of old fans that the oscillation part broke on, but I'm going to throw those in there and just point them right under the lights.

So, I haven't been around for the past few days cause I went to go pick up some clones. I needed 120 to start. The plan was to go get in line at the crack of dawn at SR-71 to pick up the 72 max, then go to Harborside to get the rest. Well, I got to SR at like 7:45 or so, and was second in-line...to another ICMag member it turns out...who's name I won't mention...So anyways I picked up 24 of this new "Candy Shiva" they got, 12 of a new "Bubblegum", 12 of a new "Big Shiva", then 12 each of the AK I've been running for 6 months now, and 12 of the "Hindu Skunk" I've been trying to run but I killed on the overwater/whatever happened mishap. From there I go over to Harborside...4 TIMES...and NOTHING!! Not ONE DAMN CLONE! Well, actually the first time I went they had like 8 half dead clones, then I just kind of glanced over every other time, as they were kind enough to just let me check-in so I didn't have to use my 2 visit daily limit. Between a couple of those trips I headed over to CARE, and THEY didn't even have any. I believe they have the same vendors though, so it would make sense. So, I had to get another hotel. I get a room, and wake my happy ass up at 5:40 in the morning so I could get over at SR-71 by 6a. Turns out nobody else showed up 'till 8:10 or so...the whole time having to take a shit after the cup of coffee I picked up on the way over there. I was so afraid I would lose my #1 spot then nobody else shows up...HA! Go figure...Anyways I picked up another 24 "Hindu Skunk", 12 "Candy Shiva", and 12 "Bubblegum" to fill in the cuts.

I'm going to transplant those gals into 4" RW blocks tomorrow, then I'll get some new picks up of the new veg space, the clones, and the 28 day picks of the crop.

Peace out ladies


So, I


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
That sounds like a lot of damn work, but sure does sound nice to be able to go pick up clones like that. I'd love to be able to pop in and pick up some clones :D

Can't wait to see 'em in the run :yes:

In Vino Veritas

Damn 20kw, that's ****ing awesome.. I had no clue that's how it works for you guys under 215/420. I'm jealous...

Ohh, 10/3 was ran, got the door up - still need a dead bolt for it though. I'm going to return some shit now and finish the power set up, still got to connect the breaker at the main and configure the load center.. My babies are doing well - slow and steady wins the race. Hah.
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hey 20k thanxs for the input. i think i got too much outside cool air comin in my room hittin that hot growroom. it did it again last night but i think im startin to get a handle on it. i've unplugged the co2 until then. tomorrow is 30 days gottta keep holdin on....

20kw dreams

Too bad your moving pretty soon here, eh IVV? lol..(inside joke)

Nite - yeah, it was, but my weekend was more then that. We went over to the Exploratorium after checking in with HS every hour, and went to a restaurant that specialized in Hot Wings, and hung out and drank some beers on a pier over looking a bay at night, so it was pretty nice. I also actually love waiting in line to pick up those clones...after 8a or so anyways..cause you meet alot of other growers and get to discuss grow methods and experiences with growers, which under normal circumstances you can't. ICMag is all good and everything, but something about real one-on-one conversation that is just kind of soothing....like getting a load off. Honestly, it's kind of a lonely life growing, cause you can't really share the love and excitement of what you do with the people around you, not only for safety issues, but most of my friends that do know what I do still just don't want to hear me ramble about my experiments and mishaps and successes and what not.

I gotta go transplant....by myself...sniffle sniffle...lol j/k


In Vino Veritas

20kw dreams said:
Too bad your moving pretty soon here, eh IVV? lol..(inside joke)

Nite - yeah, it was, but my weekend was more then that. We went over to the Exploratorium after checking in with HS every hour, and went to a restaurant that specialized in Hot Wings, and hung out and drank some beers on a pier over looking a bay at night, so it was pretty nice. I also actually love waiting in line to pick up those clones...after 8a or so anyways..cause you meet alot of other growers and get to discuss grow methods and experiences with growers, which under normal circumstances you can't. ICMag is all good and everything, but something about real one-on-one conversation that is just kind of soothing....like getting a load off. Honestly, it's kind of a lonely life growing, cause you can't really share the love and excitement of what you do with the people around you, not only for safety issues, but most of my friends that do know what I do still just don't want to hear me ramble about my experiments and mishaps and successes and what not.

I gotta go transplant....by myself...sniffle sniffle...lol j/k


I just sent a whole lot your way.. Hah.. so for here I'll just say YOU DAMN WELL KNOW how right you are.

Even for those of us who love what we do but are in areas where we can't even be THAT open it's really hard. We go into the hydro shop, say hi and hand em a list of what we want, pay say have a good afternoon and hope we'll be back another day. I take pride in what I do, I find tranquility in it. I don't have ANY problem with it. Sucks I can't share that, even when people run their lips and share with me.

Good luck with the transplant, take your time on the response.. Unless you're looking for a new guy to borrow sugar from.. Hah! Back to to the attic.. I left half my tools up there.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I know exactly what you mean. I think that's probably the thing I'm most jealous of in CA - the community. I realize there are still security concerns, and you don't go around wearing an 'I Grow Pot' T-shirt, but you do have the opportunity to sit down and speak to folks who share your hobby.

My wife, bless her heart, let's me sit and talk on and on about the grow, but it doesn't make any sense to her, she's just being nice :D Kinda like I do when she talks about.... well, most things :biglaugh:


Active member
Hey 20k... It was good finally getting to meet ya. Crazy how we ended up being 1 and 2 . I picked up the Candy and Big shivas too. I'm gonna test em on this next run here.
The rest were HK/SK glad I didn't grab em all and you got some.

I really like chatting it up with other growers too even though alot of em have big ass egos. 20k was cool though no big ego. Alot of growers aren't open to hearing about other's methods. Like the dude that started getting all huffy when Bushmaster was brought up LOL.

My hydro store didn't have my readygro slabs in on time so this whole weekend I'm just sitting on my ass. I have everything ready to go except for the damn slabs which won't be in till next week. I went around to a bunch of other hydro stores, but it looks like the only way you can get the readygro slabs is to order them. Pleny of loose readygro bags just no slabs. Clones should be fine chillin in their rockwool blocks till then hopefully.

Glad you got to do something other than hunt for clones while you were in the Bay.

20kw dreams

LOL! That guy was funny! I was just standing there thinking,"it must be very sucky to be you."...BUT

Ahhhh, was that a moment you just had there meduser? lol...Good to meet you to finally...A-HOLE! LMAO! It's your fault I got there at 6a! Then nobody else shows up 'till 8! LOL I could just picture you laughing your ass off while I was standing there freezing my ass off, hungry as hell, having to piss and shit, but to afraid to walk to the corner donut shop for fear someone would jack my spot..cause you were telling me about that one guy who got there at 6:10, and you getting there at 6, and then it was a saturday and I figured everybody and their mother was going to show up at the crack of dawn...lol...ahhhh that's a good one meduser:biglaugh: j/k though, if I had shown up at 8, then chances are 15 people would have been there at 6.

Good hangin out though. Next time I go up there I'll hit you up so we can hang out together in the dark freezing our asses off for 4 hours:smile: You should have been there Saturday. There ended up being 6 of us hanging out for 2 hours. It was funny cause the other 5 people all showed up w/in like half hour or so right after 8, then there was a break for an hour or so that nobody showed up, and we all just had a nice longchat and everyone was totally cool. Turned out one of the guys lives right down the street from me.

Don't you just love it when you're talking to your wife about whatever, and her eyes just gloss over:rolleyes: Sometimes I just shut up and walk away mid sentence, then dr4ink a beer while staring at the plants for a while, like I'll prob go do right after I post this:D

I don't even understand how you people outside of Cali deal with it. It would drive me crazy. Ya'll just need to move out.:abduct:
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