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20k Back in Coco - 6kw BOSS Blocks!


In Vino Veritas

Damn dude my bad, missed out on the celebration! :D It's been crazy around here, been swamped with shit to do. So better late than never, Happy B-Day homie. I'll be back to check the update, and share some more.. Trying to get shit rolling door is here on tuesday.


belated birthday greetz homie!!

nice set of pictures you put up there man, get a better understanding of the room.... lmao @ the venus fly traps bro..... if that shit works ur a genius!!!:D

i have yet to see anybody else using those odor socks and been wondering if that shit was any good...... they sure are cheaper and easier to deal with.... i mean i wouldn't give a rats ass if an odor suck fell down and hit me on my head but if a metal filter did then that would suck pigs balls! my hydrostore homie says they last like 1 grow max from reports he's had back..... one dewd even swapped back to metal filter 2 weeks before harvest as he was complaining the sock wasn't dealing with the smell so my hydrostore homie says anyway..... but hey, who knows maybe those dewds asssed out..... would love to know how it is working and how things progress with it as i wouldn't mind one myself it it works well.

20kw dreams

No, the sock isn't very good on it's own for any stinky strain, but in combo with the Ozone gen it works great. IT would also be fine for less stinky strains.

In Vino Veritas

Smell is touchy, some people can get away with a little..other can't afford to toke on the same property.

20kw, I used to pump the Ozone in the same room as the ladies - the whole second half of flowering. I understand it converts to co2 when it reaches it's half-life. Could this be a reason why I had such good yield? I would run 3 ladies in one slab, about 16 slabs under 2 lamps.. they veg for 3-4 weeks. I hit 5 on my first, 4 on my second...same shit I'm germing now..

20kw dreams

The only O3 I could see turning into CO2 is that ozone which found an organic particle. My understanding is that most of it breaks down into O2, as in 2O3>302. I have no idea what the ratio's are when you are dealing with a real stinky room. If it would help yields out either way I have no clue.

5!...lbs? Wet or what? That's crazy. The best I've got was 3.75 when I had my 2kw setup.

Funny, cause I actually can smell a little bit some of the times, but I don't let anybody smoke unless they are in the bedroom with the windows shut or in the grow room. Smoke carries way further in my experience then the smell of the grow, at least with some kind of odor control.

I've got some pics coming up. I'm waiting for the leaves to dry off a bit so they don't look limp like after I spray them.

Peace out.

20kw dreams

Here we go. Took about 3hrs for the leaves to dry off.

I got a couple pics od the table with the AK, Sour D, and the Sage and sour. You can tell because the Sour D is WAY bigger then either of the others.

These first ones are all the Sour D. I got the CO2 in there just in time for the flowering to really start to blow up. These tops are going to be massive:jawdrop:, and there's at least 20 or so per table.

Here's the Sage & Sour. They shouldn't have been topped, but you never know until you try

Here's some shots of that whole table. The right side of those pics is the Sour, in the back left the 4 ak's, and in front left the 6 S&S. The CM and SS don't top well, and get way too branchy.

Critical Mass


20kw dreams

Sup IS? Where you at these days?

I just found a prob. It's only on a few fan leaves, right under the lights, but it doesn't look like a heat stress prob, more like a Mg/something deficiency, but I'm not seeing Mg deficiency since there is a shitton of Mg is Big Bud. I didn't however add the Cal-Mg to the Sensi A+B, so it very well could be. I'm thinking just the leaves under the light cause they're working harder, hence using more nutrients? I don't know, take a look.



if the problem persists 20kw, I would just flush all the medium with PH'd RO water and change the res to a balanced diet of base nutes... works every time for me.

looks like some form of over feed, not deficiency.

20kw dreams

Your smokin crack Nite, that don't even look like a Ca def. Notice how interveinal my prob is, and how Ca is more random spotting?

Your right Neptune, except that I just changed the rez 2 waterings ago. A nute burn would make sense though since those fan leaves are right under the light, but I 'm pretty sure it's not heat stress, cause there would be some other leaves that would be much more likely to get it that aren't. Could be both though.

I was thinking water the rez down, add some Ca&Mg + Purple Maxx, then change the rez. The Pruple Maxx thing I do the day before I change the rez, cause it makes your rez all funky, but I change the rez every 2 weeks or so so if I don't take advantage of the rez change then I can't use PM until week 5 or so.

I'm not really that worried about it yet, cause it's only the center plant under 3 lights and I pulled the 3 worse leaves by far. There are only 3 or so other leaves I could find that had any of that damage on them.

I also raised the lights a few inches in the last couple days, which should help, but seriously, I'm not stressing this little shit. I prob wouldn't even have noticed if it popped 3 weeks from now.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
LMAO, you're abolutely fucking right! :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

This damn canna cookie has me Goooooooooooooooooooone



Nice tight formations on them girls. They should be nice and thick. Great job so far.

Did you use BM? Any hints on flushing out BM, I sprayed it on some cuttings I took. I think I am screwed.

How bout that powder Big Bud? You like it or would you switch to liquid? Any benifts to powders than liquids?

Thanks bro,
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20kw dreams

LMAO Nite...****in hippy eatin drugged cookies! LOL !

Yeah, Powder is a hell of alot cheaper. I'll stick with the powder. I used to actually dissolve some into an old liquid BigBud at the same dilution rate, then use that, but I've since stopped. Powders are fine for additives like that. I wouldn't use a dry base nutrient though.

20kw dreams

**** guys, I already burned through my CO2 tank, and it wasn't even on for 8 hours of that time cause I turn it off when I'm working in there! That's pretty much 3 days, then I have to refill and $40 a week...I guess it'll pay for itself, but **** that's going to the gas shop 2 x a week...Rooms sealed up tight to. Well, maybe it'll last 4 cause I just sealed it up good Sat night...

In Vino Veritas

Why not use propane? You can get one of those Blue Rhino ones that you pay 17.00 and they swap it out... You probably have a bunch of em around and never need to the hit the same one twice in one month.. Just an idea..

You happen to have any ideas on electrical?? :\ I'm ****in' stuck.