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20k Back in Coco - 6kw BOSS Blocks!


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I used it on my plants both on the medium and sprinkled on the plants themselves. That way, anything with an exoskeleton that touches them gets shredded by jagged dessicant rocks :muahaha:

In Vino Veritas

I use some stuff from the garden center, it's an insecticidal soap. Says you can eat the veggies you spray it on in 48hrs. Works great, just needs to be applied at least every 2-3 weeks. I've never had a problem though, I use it for the peatmoss I mix - kill any funky shit before it has a chance. I'll get you the name if you wish, everything is sort of boxed up waiting on me to figure how i'm going to light it up.. Hah..

I can't msg, http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=70247 but maybe it will generate some traffic to some much needed help. :D

Great show man, can't wait to share myself!

20kw dreams

Good thing we don't grow DE, eh Nite? lol...j/k

Yeah, that's "Safer Soap" aka Potassium Salts of Fatty Acids, aka Dr. Bronners in a more expensive bottle:) This room is big enough I don't feel like I can get good coverage, and I've had to fight some uphill battles with pests. If I did have to spray into flower, then I would use something like the Safer or Neem, but when they are not, then BAMM! It gets a bomb. I would rather use something super toxic before flower, then have to spray into flower with Neem or Safers. That shit still isn't good to smoke. USDA will approve just about anything, I mean, look at DDT and Methyl Bromide! Pyrethrin(which is what organic growers mostly use) is VERY toxic, more-so then most conventional pesticides, yet is sprayed heavily by organic growers.

Anyways, I'll swing by right now...after I eat, drink a beer, watch my plants grow, and upload these pics:smile:

20kw dreams

So, I'm in a really good mood tonight. It was one of those nights where I had a list of things to do in the room, and not only did I get all that stuff done, but time just flew and I ended up getting a bit more then I had originally planned on for tonight done.

I took a bunch of pics for you guys and gals(are there any gals? WTF, better be:smile:) so you could get a feel for the room, and show off the new CO2 setup. The only thing I had to buy was the nifty little cooling thermostat. It's pretty nice, has day and night temps with a photo cell. I was originally going to just put the CO2 on a timer, but figured, WTF! Things are going good and the ladies deserve it for sure.

These pics are everything BUT bud shots, but I've got a few of those coming up too, with the lights off even!

Woops, gotta post the pics

I am actually really for real testing Venus Flytraps as gnat control

2kw rez(30gal Igloo) the RO units are to the left

2 RO units under back of 2kw tables

I don't know if you guys pay that much attention, but the dryer box isn't here anymore. It actually wasn't drying things any faster then hang-drying

My shiny new thermostat

CO2 setup with a $50 blower and a carbon "sock". The Ozone is in the attic above the fan now.

Prob the best shot of all 4kw at once, thanx to the dryer being out

This is where the new duct is. It used to just be open ended, and before that ran to a hole in the floor before I put these tables in.

And these 2 are my little work area/too hot cloning station(behind black poly) There's a b/w poly wall dividing this area and the main grow.

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20kw dreams

Ande hers da bud pics...since I know this is what you guys get all excited about

Edit: Oh, and in case you are wondering, the white shit on the leaves is sheetrock from cutting the hole in the ceiling for the new fan. Apparently I dibn't get it all off, but I'm going to foliar tomorrow, so...
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20kw dreams said:
You don't recognize Sour Diesel? AK-47? Critical Mass? Sage and Sour (Sage x Sour D I think) Maybe its all the time your spending in the bars bud! LMAO!

Shucks(notice our words are being edited?) I'm running at 1400 now I think, and be up at 1600 next few weeks. Advanced nutrients seems to let me run higher, with no burning except for maybe the Bushmaster/Gravity burns

Totally right behind U bro ...enough of this sissy cr@p, lol ...nice looking lushus leafy vegging babies U got there !

Yep ...that has been exactly the largest part of the latest learning curve ...not running higher ppms that is . Since i was too busy settting up , running around so much that i opted to run milder nute strength while dialing everything in . This was a real BIG mistake that has just been rectified switching over to Canna nutes & seeing that these babies both need .....& can take much higher ppms .

Canna Suggests an EC of 1.5 @ about 3tsps each of A&B per gal which comes in at around 800ppms and this is just not enough during veg unless perhaps its in conjunction with a very wet/dry approach . Given the tap water is registering in with 150ppms or so itself . ( I hit some of the latest clone/seedlings with 900-1000ppms and they're totally loving life )

Canna has the purity factor working for it so i'll call 1200ppms the top limit for now ... just as an experiment doubled up a test batch to 6tsps of A&B per 1gal and noticed bump up from 800 to only 1000/1100 . Chit ...if you did that with salty~GH , you be up to 1600ppms easily & into the wild beyond , lol . Can always "cool" things down when switching over to 12/12 with a light flush ...let them coast for a bit and switch over to bloom proportions . You get faster growing plants and get to the 12/12 stage much sooner which in turn gets you to the finish faster and PG&E doesn't get the extra money .

* Yah , i'm giving the AK some more table space & mothers too , can't see "Oddyssey as much more than "filler" weed doesn't seem to have much personality at all ...while the PK was some very nice floral dank indica and have some clones waiting in the wings ..yet still undecided . Have yet to see the Hindu Skunks finish so verdict is still out but that AK done right was dank all the way, cherry & an easy grow if done right and very easy trim except for scissors getting gunked up . (but totally needs nettting & lots of pruning , the draw back )

You're not doing any HinduSkunks ? Met some folks just recently up here that have already been doing a variant of the Shiva Skunk for two years and loving it . Going to do a trade for sure with them and compare notes ;o)

So who's got the dankest genetics out there ?! Speak up !! :laughing:
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20kw dreams said:
Ande here's da bud pics...since I know this is what you guys get all excited about

Is that S&S or the SD ? Give those buds some names Bud !

(nevah grown out sage& sour yet ....some meat on those girls , lol...)
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20k got DAAAAAAANG!!!! lovin your new pics. keep em comin please. is that odor sock scrubbin and exhuastin out the room or just scrubbin and recirculatin? hey terran2 this is my first run with an e.c meter and the difference is unreal being able to pump them nutes up. @ 20 days i gott em @ 1.4 and the girls are lovin it. i hate to even think what it was on previous runs around this time. before i was always scared of burnin so i bet it never got over 1.0 to 1.3 max the whole run. lesson learned. next run i'll switch over to the canna nutes from the pbp.


Hey there 20kw! Your stuff is looking so tight, very inspirational. Something to aspire to. I really like the venus fly trap! That would be awesome if it just gobbled all those damn little gnats!

Quick Q. I've always noticed that guys hang their lights by that little strip of wood like your doing. Is that strip bolted or nailed? I assume however you did it, there's a beam or stud there?

Looking so tight bro! MAJOR PROPS! ;-)

20kw dreams

Heady Genetics?

I've actually got a 818 SFV Kush and Blue Moonshine kickin in the little veg area. They are due for expansion and cloning After I put the new veg space in next week. I grew them out in the grow I had like 30+ strains running, and they were the 2 best, flat out. I haven't had space for mothers, and my cloning area gets too hot, so I just go to SR-71 and pick up usually. These Sour D's actually came off my outdoor plants before they got jacked! ( Never thought of that before actually, I guess I did get something off of them:smile:). The AK was actually not to far behind actually. There were a couple other kush's that were pretty nice, but some of the lowest yielders I have ever seen in my life, and that was on damn healthy plants. That was the run I used Monkey Juice, and I ran all those strains on the same nutrient regime and strangth with no burns or deficiencies.

The main side, the 4kw is all Sour Diesel. Then I have 1kw on the far right side which has 6 Sage and Sours, 4 AK, and the other half of the table is also Sour D, then I have a full light of Critical Mass. CM is another strain I think has some potential, but it veg's slow and takes 10 weeks to finish, so I think all in all it takes away from the yield, assuming I don't use any growth regulators like Bushmaster. The Sour D actually takes 10 too really, but it is more pullable at 8, especially with Bushmaster and some high P at the onset of flower. You can tell from the pics it basically took 2 weeks to set flower, while even the AK was setting at 1 week.

Anyways, so most of the budshots are Sour D. In fact, I don't think I have any close ups of the Others at all.

You must have a .5 TDS meter if you are getting readings that low. Mine is .7, so I'm running at 1400 right now, which would be 1000 for you. That sounds right. 1200 for you sounds just about right for really pushing them, having to watch for burn(which I do). I may back off though Since I'm flooding the room with CO2 tonight. From info I've read, one wants to back off on the nutrient strength, beacause although they grow much faster, it is more because they use so much water, so although the strength is weaker, if they use 2x as much water, then in the end they still get more nutrients.

Thanx Gdawg, and I def will, and I'll get some pics up of the other strains.

I should let all of you know though: I have read ALOT of research that shows yields ARE NOT increased by running higher EC/PPM, especially in hydroponics. I don't know why I don't back off, but I can't help myself. I hear people say burn'em then back off a couple hundred ppm, but I know things go good in my garden when they ARE going good, so I just stick with it. I usually burn them a bit 4-5 weeks into flower, and that could prob be avoided by just sticking with 2.0 instead of kicking up to 2.3, but I'll prob just keep it up....

Hey C_Q, Sorry, but that piece of wood is actually floating their. It's this trick I learned on a trip to Nyrobi a while back, don't ask me how it works...like the snake charmer thing:biglaugh:

NAh, it's going across the joists(ceiling studs). Your studs are not likely to be running the length of your grow, unless you are really lucky, so it's hopeful you can hang your lights running perpendicular to the joists, with that strip of wood running across them. It's just a 1" x 2" with hooks, and PRE-DRILLED HOLES, which makes the grip tighter(cause the wood doesn't split) Just makes sure the hooks are rated for 30+lbs or so.

Actually, the Venus hasn't caught shit, but I bombed the day after I put her in there. We'll see. She does like it in there I know. Should be the perfect environment really, warm and humid with lots of indirect light, and little gnats everywhere to chow down on.

Allright, it's time to go trim my life away. I'm turining the CO2 on tonight. Filled up the tank earlier today, just gotta put the lines up over the lights, which should only take a minute or so.

Oh, yeah, and it's my B-DAY!!....but I'm just going to trim and burn lights tonight, maybe party tomorrow. I won't be able to have a good time drinking a ton of beer knowing I could have been watching my plants take to the new rocket fuel...:friends


Active member
Hey Happy Birthday man!

They look really healthy. Looks like your gonna make up for that last one.

I'm trimming like a slave over here. till my eyes get blurry. gotta get back to work...

been puffin on that ody and some ody oil. Very strong sativa effect. Trips me out.
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happy birthday 20K . The room looks really nice and im sure youre lovn the co2 controler. Pls be safe on your Bday but always ALWAYS enjoy yourself.



Oh , so u went out and partied a couple of days early you rascal , lol... ya just couldn't wait !

love to sample the sour D when finished ...have one amazing keeper out of 12 fems of an NL/Blueberry that has an aroma which is a cross between Blueberry pancakes & Honey suckle . Just doing the F1's of that mother now but takes much patience & not a yielder so far , but totally dank and out of this world aroma .

Yep , think i'm definitely seeing that the Canna nute schedule @ 800ppms is just about right with a ceiling of 1000 should grow about anything
( on .5 conversion) .

The Sugar Shiva & Hindu Skunk below were grown out with that with the R/O just tipping between 1100-1200ppms today...so gave them all a light flush . Plenty of time from early flower to let them drift back up again from a base of 800-900 into high flower .

The Sugar Shiva below is showing some promise....


Sugar Shiva (Sensi seeds)
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20kw dreams

Thanx everybody, it was a good b-day for sure. Picked up a 12'er of Good beer last night, instead of drinking bud light like always, a little black forest cake, some B&J cinnamon bun ice cream, a bottle of damn good Shiraz, and a few good friends.

There's 9plants/4x4 table on the 4kw side in there Redwood. Alternately, the Sour D's on the other side are are 1/ft2 so I can see how much of a difference there is. The biggest difference I'm seeing now is the uniformity, which is better on the tighter spacing. 2 of the lights filled in nicely, while the other 2 are fine in the center, but a little light around the edges. I couldn't have filled it in though with more veg time though, unless I topped again to get more tops.

Those gals are very healthy Terran. Are those numbers including any additives, or is that just the CannaAB?

So, this CO2 thing is rocking. I can almost watch them grow in there. I went in there at lights on to put in a photocell for the CO2, and then went in there 6 hours later and I swear to god they had poofed up a bit just in that time. I was drunk when I went back in there but we all know alcohol doesn't effect your judgement.:smile:

I raised the lights a few inches to make sure I don't burn them, cause I'm running the Temps at 85+ now. It kind of sucks actually, cause it's not that comfortable in the room anymore, all hot and humid. The room seems to give me alot of energy now too though. I think the O2 levels must be through the room seeing as they are burning at 1500ppm of CO2. I caught myself shaking my legs out, my breathing is deeper, and my heart rate goes up a bit after spending a few minutes in there.

So foliar feed and pics for sure tonight

Peace out.

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