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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Kiss My Ring

Nolte: 66% of Frightened, Fascist Democrats Want Trump Removed from Ballot​

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - MAY 09: A protester holds up signs moments before writer E. Jean Carroll leaves a Manhattan court house after a jury found former President Donald Trump liable for sexually abusing her in a Manhattan department store in the 1990's on May 09, 2023 in New …
Spncer Platt/Getty Images)
John Nolte9 Jan 2024558


Another sign of the growing fascism in the Democrat party is the news that 66 percent of Democrats want former president Trump’s name removed from state ballots.
Rasmussen Reports asked, “Do you approve or disapprove of state officials removing Trump’s name from the ballot.” Two-thirds of Democrats, a full 66 percent, said they approve, with 50 percent saying they “strongly approve.”
On the Republican side, only 20 percent agree with removing Trump, along with 41 percent of undecideds.
Overall, 44 percent of all voters polled want Trump removed from state ballots, while a majority of 53 percent disagree.
When asked about removing His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s name from state ballots, only 21 percent of Democrats are on board with that, as are 44 percent of Republicans. Forty-nine percent of Republicans disagree. Only 23 percent of unaffiliated voters want Biden removed, while 69 percent say no.
When asked about the likelihood of banning presidential candidates from state ballots and starting a civil war, 44 percent of Democrats said it was likely, as did 51 percent of Republicans and 40 percent of unaffiliated.
You know, in the past, when I criticized the left, I used to try to make an exception for rank-and-file Democrats — you know, the everyday folks. But when I see 66 percent of Democrats — 66 percent! — in favor of removing a former president from the ballot, a man who has not been convicted of anything, that changes everything.
And I doubt that 66 percent number would budge much if Trump were acquitted or the charges dropped. These un-American goons would still want to see the competition liquidated. So let’s face it: Democrats have twisted a huge majority of their voters into fascists willing to disenfranchise tens of millions of us by removing Our Guy from the ballot.
Oh, and they want to disarm us, as well.
Hmmm….? Wonder if there is a connection there?
The Democrat party is nothing like it was pre-Barry Obama. The corporate media, Big Tech, Hollywood, and the organized left have spread the mental illness of hate, supremacy, and bigotry to the rank-and-file. Not all of them, but enough that here we sit with 66 percent ready to turn America into a banana republic.
No, I’m not ignoring the 44 percent of Republicans who would like to see Biden removed from the ballot. But let’s remember who started it. And I’ll further bet that if Democrats came together and said this ballot removal stuff needs to end, most of these Republicans would agree.
This is the sick and twisted mentality we are up against, so you can proudly count me among the Republicans who want to see Biden removed from the ballot. Or, we could all be Jonah Goldberg and lose our country to fascists while holding firm to our principles.


Kiss My Ring

WATCH: Trump Warns Obama Can be Charged For Drone Strikes if Court Rules Against Immunity Claims​

by Cristina Laila Jan. 9, 2024 8:40 pm


President Trump’s attorney John Sauer appeared before a three-judge panel for the DC Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday morning to argue Trump’s immunity claims in Jack Smith’s DC case.


The three-judge panel hearing oral arguments on immunity claims: Florence Pan (Biden appointee), Michelle Childs (Biden appointee), and Karen Henderson (George W. Bush appointee).

Recall that Jack Smith went completely off the rails and told a federal appeals court that Trump’s immunity argument would allow him to order his supporters to murder opposing lawmakers.

Trump’s lawyers argued that Trump is immune from federal prosecution for alleged ‘crimes’ committed while he served as US President.

Jack Smith argued Trump is not immune from prosecution because he could order the murder of his political opponents or sell nuclear secrets.

Oral arguments in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals began on Tuesday morning. In the meantime Judge Chutkan ordered a stay on all proceedings in Jack Smith’s DC case pending appeal.

A three-judge panel heard oral arguments on Tuesday and appeared skeptical of Trump’s immunity claims – one judge, a Biden appointee, asked attorney John Sauer if Trump would be subject to criminal prosecution if he ordered SEAL Team 6 to assassinate his political rivals.

“Could a president who ordered SEAL Team 6 to assassinate a political rival, and is not impeached, would he be subject to criminal prosecution?” Judge Florence Pan, a Biden appointee asked John Sauer.

John Sauer, former Solicitor General of Missouri and friend of The Gateway Pundit, replied, “If he were impeached and convicted first… my answer is qualified yes, there is a political process that would have to occur under the structure of our Constitution which would require impeachment and conviction by the Senate in these exceptional cases…”

Trump, flanked by his attorneys after appearing in court, warned Barack Obama could be prosecuted for his drone strikes which killed civilians.

“It’ll be bedlam in the country,” Trump said if the prosecution continues.

Biden can also be prosecuted for his botched Afghanistan withdrawal that resulted in the death of 13 US service members.

“The lowest moment, I think, in the history of our country was Afghanistan – the way we withdrew. With shame. We surrendered. People were killed, 13 great soldiers killed…[Biden] could be prosecuted for that. So you can’t have a president without immunity,” Trump said.

One of Trump’s lawyers said as soon as they argued that Obama could be prosecuted for drone strikes, all of a sudden Jack Smith pivoted and said that Obama should be protected from criminal prosecution because of presidential immunity.


Donald Trumps full remarks after presidential immunity hearing…
Listen closely…. and look at just how calm, cool, and collected this man is. He is dripping with confidence & strength…
The entire focus on this is that if he can be prosecuted, so can others such as Bush,… pic.twitter.com/igRlZWExFZ
— MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) January 9, 2024


Well-known member
trichy, it looks like i set you off and you're having a panic attack. i'm sorry buddy, why don't you sit down, put on some smooth jazz, and smoke a fatty. if you even have any weed to smoke. it's the green plant material in the baggie.

you would end up in a straight jacket if you tried a hit of acid.


your new home!


and i know how much you love black people. doesn't it make you feel good to see them making money and having a good time? i love it when people are happy and enjoying life.

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Well-known member
as if this day wasn't enough fun already, Chris Christie just announced he is suspending his campaign. right before the New Hampshire primary. this will probably push Haley past Trump in this primary.

the majority of Christie's supporters have said they will now support Haley.

the New Hampshire primary is binding on it's delegates but it is not a "winner take all" primary as are some states. the delegates are assigned proportionally by percentage of vote so Trump will still get some delegates.

but he is about to get his ass handed to him by Haley. this will have a profound negative effect on his campaign. both publicity-wise and monetarily.


Well-known member
I'm voting Trump now just to piss off the Fascists.
not just that, I'm going to caucus for the Republican ticket.
F*ck the Haters.
Trump 24, 28, 32, 36!!!
again, reinforcing my points! so, you're voting Trump now? who were voting for previously?

Trump 24, 28, 32, 36, hike! sounds like a football play being called!! unfortunately, it's not. it is you admitting that the MAGA tards want to abolish term limits after Trump gets reelected to keep him in power as long as possible.

you call Biden too old and you are right yet if Trump were to be reelected to 4 more terms he would be 94 at the end of the last term.

and you are ok with that? King Donald the Orange, sitting on his throne until his body decomposes.

just another example of your razor-sharp analytical thinking. more like a dull butterknife!

you are too fucking easy, trichy! open mouth (A), and insert foot (B)!

the saddest aspect of this is that you are one of the wittiest MAGA tards


Kiss My Ring
again, reinforcing my points! so, you're voting Trump now? who were voting for previously?

Trump 24, 28, 32, 36, hike! sounds like a football play being called!! unfortunately, it's not. it is you admitting that the MAGA tards want to abolish term limits after Trump gets reelected to keep him in power as long as possible.

you call Biden too old and you are right yet if Trump were to be reelected to 4 more terms he would be 94 at the end of the last term.

and you are ok with that? King Donald the Orange, sitting on his throne until his body decomposes.

just another example of your razor-sharp analytical thinking. more like a dull butterknife!

you are too fucking easy, trichy! open mouth (A), and insert foot (B)!

the saddest aspect of this is that you are one of the wittiest MAGA tards
ouch! that'll leave a mark, not.
you girly bois can gossip all you want, but Trump will trump you anyway.
your circle jerk isn't gratifying you like you wanted.

the democrats are telling voters the primary doesn't matter, to vote for Haley. judge says that is voter suppression and puts the kibosh on it.

the lightbringer is afraid bidetbrains is going to lose to Cheeto Jesus & his husband Mike is suffering his first period.

never Trumpers will shift votes from Haley to bidetbrains when she fails in the primary.

and Crispy says Haley will get 'smoked'. lol


get it for the show, it's gonna be a long one.


ICMag Donor
The last day of Donald Trump’s fraud trial set off a frenzy in New York Thursday morning, with a bomb squad called to the home of the New York judge overseeing the case and crowds of reporters and spectators packing the courtroom to see the trial’s end.

Crackpots threatening the judge on Chumps behalf and morons will still vote for him.

Oh, and reading all that crap,,,,, just kidding. 😂


ICMag Donor
What gave it away?
It's not you, just the content.
I don't like the guy. Most of what he puts out is lies and propaganda. I think it's unfortunate that there are so many who believe and support him. In my mind the guy is as dangerous as many of the worlds worst, Hitler, Milošević, and Putin. If Chump were to get elected it would be the worst thing to ever happen too this country.
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Brother Nature

Well-known member
What gave it away?
It's not you, just the content.
I don't like the guy. Most of what he puts out is lies and propaganda. I think it's unfortunate that there are so many who believe and support him. In my mind the guy is as dangerous as many of the worlds worst, Hitler, Milošević, and Putin. If Chump were to get elected it would be the worst thing to ever happen too this country.
Yeah, it’d be like 9 9-11s…