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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Fire is burning the entire house to the ground and y'all want to stand around and criticize who wants to help throw water on the fire instead of helping.

Seems like a great idea.


Well-known member
Well I believe that we're to the point where we bicker over whether or not water is helpful....
in the oil field, they use explosives to put out fires. just a thought.
Not voting isn't a strong argument that your opinion carries weight.

It's not that you can't say shit... more like whatever you say doesn't matter as much as someone who manages to vote.

I think we should be able to take a vote away from a candidate if we don't want to vote in favor of one.
not voting in this surreal situation is a selfish indulgence. it's another way of saying "I don't give a fuck what happens as long as i'm doing well".

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Or it could be making a point that when you live in a free country you SHOULD actually have a choice in who runs that country and if you don’t like either of the options presented to you by the powers that be, you don’t have to choose. Abstaining from being in the house fire isn’t the same thing as crimping the hose to those putting it out.

The systems you hold so valuable gave you trump and now has you choosing between Mr. Magoo or Mussolini. Your belief that you’re helping future generations is selfish and misguided as neither of those options is going to lead to a better world for anyone, except their corporate backers. I do concede that one winning will be much worse in the short term, but that outcome is much closer to reality now that there is no actual competition, you’re having to choose between a senile old man and an actual fascist. How the hell can you support a system that gave you those choices?

Brother Nature

Well-known member
You clearly didn't read what I posted Hippy, you ever seen Mr. Magoo? You're cool with that dude running "The greatest country in the World?" Of course Trump is bad, a blind sea slug could tell you that, but choosing the greater of two evils is still choosing evil...

Perhaps I should put it a different way. I don't think that your generations viewpoints on voting are invalid, they just don't apply to my generation. My generation has never seen a politician that was there for us or truly there for 'the people', we have never had a politician help us win a World War, we have never seen a politician stop our brothers and sisters being killed in a pointless war like Vietnam. I would argue that the politicians you and the other older generation who post here have seen, did in fact serve the people and elicit change that was better for the country and world at large. In those cases, yes, your vote mattered and was of value.

My generation saw the Iran contra crisis, the crack epidemic, fucking "Just say no!", Oliver fucking North, Henry Kissinger, a president using his position to get extra-marital blow jobs in the White House, an actual moron shoe-horned into the position against the peoples vote, only to place us in another pointless war that killed and destroyed the lives of our fellow citizens. We then were given hope with Obama, but that was just more of the same, more propping up of big business that benefited no average Joe, more pointless death around the world that the people at large did not want. And now where are we? We have Cartel manufactured drugs killing us in the hundreds of thousands, we're scared to send our kids to school in case they become a weekly school shooting statistic, most of my generation faces the real fact that we will never own a home in our lives, we have life long crippling student loans, jobs that are little more than indentured servitude, getting decent healthcare literally costs an arm and a leg, we have actual fucking Nazis opinion being listened to (yeah, that was 100% Trump though), a supreme court that set us back 75 years in terms of human rights (again Trump, fuck that dude), a sitting president that in the face of a legitimate genocide, says "Eh, they have a right to defend themselves.", I could go on and on and on for pages, but I think you get the gist.

Forgive me if I doubt that supporting the same system that put us here will somehow save us. That's the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result each time.

I also want to note, I vote in the country I live in. We have a somewhat fair political system that has real representatives of the culture we live in, so I vote for those that represent the values I'd like to see in my government. We even had a Rastafarian green party member in our Parliament for many years, the dude was an open pot smoker (it's illegal here) and had dreads, you'd never see that in the US system, ever. The green party even held a majority of Parliamentary seats in our last government, helped to initiate an incredible medical cannabis system, and almost got cannabis legal in our country.

If the US wants to remain the World Leader they need to get with the fucking times and stop repeating the same mistakes over and over again. At this point in history you guy are going the way of Rome, a real change needs to be made, staying the course is going to destroy everything you all once stood for.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Brother, I hear what you are saying. And it makes me mad. But I had to figure out why first. Then it hit me.

Your rhetoric is an attempt to influence the people of my country to not perform the least involved form of civic engagement. You are actively trying to influence an election in my country because you have a problem with the players involved.

And I would appreciate it immensely if you would stop. I don't come into your house and shit on the floor. Please refrain from doing it in mine.
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Well-known member
Or it could be making a point that when you live in a free country you SHOULD actually have a choice in who runs that country and if you don’t like either of the options presented to you by the powers that be, you don’t have to choose. Abstaining from being in the house fire isn’t the same thing as crimping the hose to those putting it out.

The systems you hold so valuable gave you trump and now has you choosing between Mr. Magoo or Mussolini. Your belief that you’re helping future generations is selfish and misguided as neither of those options is going to lead to a better world for anyone, except their corporate backers. I do concede that one winning will be much worse in the short term, but that outcome is much closer to reality now that there is no actual competition, you’re having to choose between a senile old man and an actual fascist. How the hell can you support a system that gave you those choices?
i don't support the system but i feel a moral imperative to help steer the outcome in a less damaging direction.

you either care or you don't. if you don't you should keep your motherfucking mouth shut because you are just baggage dragging down the ones who do care.

it's positive energy vs negative energy. optimism vs pessimism.

yes, the system is fucked up, but not trying to change it is accepting it. and then you deserve what you get.


Well-known member
So this is supposed to attract the working class voter?

Tell me you're trying to attract corporate donors without telling me you're trying to attract corporate donors.



Well-known member
If this is (yet again) the most important election of our lives, and "democracy is on the line" (as they cancel the DNC primaries LOL) and you'll all "vote blue no matter who", shouldn't you be siding with the leftists who wont vote unless they get concessions or a say in the outcome? You want our votes but you won't make any attempts to get our vote outside of voter shaming and concern trolling. It might've worked on people for the last two elections but that trick is out of juice.

neoliberal abandonment of the working class by the democrats and Bill Clinton in the 90's created a working class voter void and the far right picked these people up with xenophobic nationalist conspiracies to the point where they're now fascist. And the same thing is happening across much of the globe because neoliberalism is the dominant western orthodoxy.

Capitalism is dying and the system itself is creating its own opposition just as Marx predicted.


Well-known member
They would have a better shot if they called out Chump for being a screw up instead of continuing his big lie. They can't have any expectation of winning if they are telling his lie.
nah and the GOP knows this. and they also know this is probably their last shot at ever winning an election ever again. this is why trump is talking dictatorships and the other candidates want to raise the voting age. by 2028, the under 45 voter demographic will be the largest voting block in the country and the far right has almost no chance in winning these people over.

vivek isnt running for president, hes' running for a cabinet position in trumps admin. as are a bunch of these ghouls are i'm sure. nikki haley and ron desantis have abosolutely zero national appeal.

they have no one but trump, and absolutely zero policies which is why all they talk about is immigration, DEI, trans people, budlight, etc. these people are comically easy to beat but the democrats are status quo mongers and aren't going to rock the boat for their oligarch overlords that run the country.


Well-known member
That's sounding like right wing ideology.
yes, it's the dominant economic ideology of the democratic party and 75% of the republican party. hence why i refer to both parties as right wing in the US.

But even the left in this country is right of center.
once again you are describing liberals. liberals are not the left. i agree, liberals are center right.
I don't know what neoliberalism is so I'm fairly sure that wasn't what I was talking about...
that may be the problem lol


Well-known member
You clearly didn't read what I posted Hippy, you ever seen Mr. Magoo?
i sure as hell DID read it, and i understood what you said, too. you'd rather let Mussolini (Chump) destroy our system of democracy than put Magoo (Biden) back in office for four more years because you disagree with some of his policies and his advanced age. i'm going to vote for the LESSER of two evils, senility versus intentionally malign evil. seems clear to me, and most other intelligent people.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
yes, it's the dominant economic ideology of the democratic party and 75% of the republican party. hence why i refer to both parties as right wing in the US.

That's what I was saying...

once again you are describing liberals. liberals are not the left. i agree, liberals are center right.

that may be the problem lol

I think I understand the disconnect in discussion.

Very much agreed 👍

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Brother, I hear what you are saying. And it makes me mad. But I had to figure out why first. Then it hit me.

Your rhetoric is an attempt to influence the people of my country to not perform the least involved form of civic engagement. You are actively trying to influence an election in my country because you have a problem with the players involved.

And I would appreciate it immensely if you would stop. I don't come into your house and shit on the floor. Please refrain from doing it in mine.
Damn dude you’re wound very tight if that’s what you took from my post. I was offering an opinion on why my generation doesn’t vote like yours.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
i sure as hell DID read it, and i understood what you said, too. you'd rather let Mussolini (Chump) destroy our system of democracy than put Magoo (Biden) back in office for four more years because you disagree with some of his policies and his advanced age. i'm going to vote for the LESSER of two evils, senility versus intentionally malign evil. seems clear to me, and most other intelligent people.
But you’re a republican by trade so I didn’t expect you to get it anyways, that’s ok.

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