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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
i cant even say what i want to say cause the commies will call me rascist.but IM the bad guy. they can go fuck themselves. hope they get what they wanted

moose eater

Well-known member
i cant even say what i want to say cause the commies will call me rascist.but IM the bad guy. they can go fuck themselves. hope they get what they wanted
You can say whatever you wish to 'hawk. We all take responsibility for what we say and do, unless we're Oligarchs or the untouchables in this supposed 'equal under the laws' place/Country.

But who here, especially in this discussion, is a 'commie'?

Brother Nature

Well-known member
There are meth heads on every continent. And asshole, disingenuous people and politicians, too. :(

Australia has some derelict cross-roads towns on nice, paved highway where even the gas stations and cafe's ceased being a long while ago, now sitting as reminders of boom-bust economies and some of the downsides.

We drove past some places there, decent places, where $10k to $20k USD could/would get you a place. Not necessarily with a lot of acreage, but few neighbors... currently/then. :)

But if it were me, the US dollar fetches more exchange in New Zealand as a rule, the gov has a bit more common sense in various aspects of enforcement, including greenery, the south tip of the southern Island, near Invercargill, has 'lifestyle farms' (what we might call a gentleman's farm), mountains in the near distance, sometimes with snow on them, brown trout fishing, deer(?), fresh fruit orchards, and much more, with far fewer poisonous critters than Oz, which matters a whole bunch to me, and they're less apt to play lackey to Uncle Sam's war-mongering too. All good points in my book..

Edit: New Zealand also has, often on the older lifestyle farms, 1800's-vintage European architecture in the buildings; 10' ceilings, passive lighting at the tops of the walls made from small panes of older thick glass, older hardwood doors and trim, arched pass-throughs or doorways, etc. But you'd want to establish the solidness of the structures in any climate where there's moisture. Especially main support beams, etc.
There s a lot of meth and crime in Australia, a drop in the bucket compared to the US, but meth is by far the most popular hard-drug on that continent as it is down here in NZ. We both have a very diy attitude so why buy something if we can make it... For a long time it was controlled by the Asian syndicates importing ingredients from SE Asia, then the bikers cooking and controlling distribution on the street level. But, in the last 10 years or so, the major syndicates have been broken up and a lot of the mc presidents have been arrested which has given way to the Mexican cartels moving in for the massive profits (crystal can go for up to $1000 a gram...) and with them the violence has picked up exponentially. Again, it is nothing compared to some states in the US, but it has picked up quite a lot in both countries in recent years.

The US dollar definitely goes further here, but given the desirability it can be pretty hard to get a residence if you are closer to retirement age and not venture capitalist wealthy... I'm not so sure Australia has the same restrictions on residency. But otherwise, there's very little to complain about down here, we're super weed friendly (even though it's technically still illegal) and the only thing that'll kill you here is the drivers and shitty beer. Our governments attitude is also a lot less America-centric than Ozzie, even though the current administration are the most conservative I've seen since being here, when compared to the current Democratic party in the US, they'd be considered far-left.

The south island has some of the best hunting, fishing and hiking in the world, it is also a lot less populated and much more affordable than the north island, which contains most of the larger urban areas. There are even rumors of Moose imported from Canada still roaming the wilds of the South. The lifestyle farm do tend to be on the pricier side of real estate though, they tend to attract a lot of Asian and American money so are usually priced outside of the local income range and located generally closer to urban areas so those people can still commute to their corporate jobs during the weekdays and play farmer on the weekends. Actual farms aren't a crazy investment here though, I have an uncle who purchased a large dairy farm for under 750,000 (USD $463,650) a few years back and with a little bit of work has more than doubled it's value. Personally I think there is a lot more opportunity here in NZ, so long as you can get and live here.

Australia is a vast and beautiful country too, just a shame about all the Australians there....


Well-known member
You can say whatever you wish to 'hawk. We all take responsibility for what we say and do, unless we're Oligarchs or the untouchables in this supposed 'equal under the laws' place/Country.

But who here, especially in this discussion, is a 'commie'?
i didnt call anyone here a commie and im not going to call anyone here a commie because i respect everyone here. but its very obvious to me how the majority here think. im gonna be very careful with my words here. when i saw those vids i let anger get the best of me and i slipped a little. its disgusting how this is being slipped under the rug. according to most of the media these ohio rednecks are lying and just being rascist when the evidence is quite contrary. i see a huge problem with this

moose eater

Well-known member
There s a lot of meth and crime in Australia, a drop in the bucket compared to the US, but meth is by far the most popular hard-drug on that continent as it is down here in NZ. We both have a very diy attitude so why buy something if we can make it... For a long time it was controlled by the Asian syndicates importing ingredients from SE Asia, then the bikers cooking and controlling distribution on the street level. But, in the last 10 years or so, the major syndicates have been broken up and a lot of the mc presidents have been arrested which has given way to the Mexican cartels moving in for the massive profits (crystal can go for up to $1000 a gram...) and with them the violence has picked up exponentially. Again, it is nothing compared to some states in the US, but it has picked up quite a lot in both countries in recent years.

The US dollar definitely goes further here, but given the desirability it can be pretty hard to get a residence if you are closer to retirement age and not venture capitalist wealthy... I'm not so sure Australia has the same restrictions on residency. But otherwise, there's very little to complain about down here, we're super weed friendly (even though it's technically still illegal) and the only thing that'll kill you here is the drivers and shitty beer. Our governments attitude is also a lot less America-centric than Ozzie, even though the current administration are the most conservative I've seen since being here, when compared to the current Democratic party in the US, they'd be considered far-left.

The south island has some of the best hunting, fishing and hiking in the world, it is also a lot less populated and much more affordable than the north island, which contains most of the larger urban areas. There are even rumors of Moose imported from Canada still roaming the wilds of the South. The lifestyle farm do tend to be on the pricier side of real estate though, they tend to attract a lot of Asian and American money so are usually priced outside of the local income range and located generally closer to urban areas so those people can still commute to their corporate jobs during the weekdays and play farmer on the weekends. Actual farms aren't a crazy investment here though, I have an uncle who purchased a large dairy farm for under 750,000 (USD $463,650) a few years back and with a little bit of work has more than doubled it's value. Personally I think there is a lot more opportunity here in NZ, so long as you can get and live here.

Australia is a vast and beautiful country too, just a shame about all the Australians there....
When my wife and I were accepted to further an immigration process to NZ in around 1993 after our initial application, the NZ dollar, which is/was typically intentionally devalued, was in worse shape, and at the highest exchange period, before GW invaded Iraq, I think it was close to $2.42 NZ to the US dollar.

At that time there were still many lifestyle properties, even toward the northern end of the South Island, up around Nelson Bay, etc., that were very reasonably priced. Exceptionally so, even.

I looked at a lifestyle property just north of Invercargill that was very attractive, peaks in the background, orchard, garden, etc., I liked the spot a lot.

As I stated, the buildings that often were most attractive to me for their 1800s era architecture, especially further north and near the coast, were also those that a person needed to look at structurally, really closely.

Heat in many places was on more of a European level; maybe a wood-buring or similar stove in one or 2 rooms in the dwelling.

The various towns I looked at had funding for local services, including schools, more based on user fees than here.

Beer and gas were expensive there, even then.

moose eater

Well-known member
i didnt call anyone here a commie and im not going to call anyone here a commie because i respect everyone here. but its very obvious to me how the majority here think. im gonna be very careful with my words here. when i saw those vids i let anger get the best of me and i slipped a little. its disgusting how this is being slipped under the rug. according to most of the media these ohio rednecks are lying and just being rascist when the evidence is quite contrary. i see a huge problem with this
Bear in mind, 'hawk, that sometimes people will put together videos that skew the frequency, location, etc., for purpose of manipulation. Take close looks at things/factors/facts such as those.

But you used 'here' as your context, indicating you think some here are 'commies.' and definitions are important... at least to me.


Well-known member
I understand the jealousy among those who are impoverished. The misdirecting of blame for circumstances that are often harsh to deal with.

When I was 8 and my father offed himself after running up debts in another place that we were responsible for (*though for another 5 years we were told he died of a heart attack; metaphorically correct, I guess), we nearly lost our home, and in order for my mother, a nurse who ran a claims dept for a national big name insurance company that paid her $2.35 an hour in 1968/'69 to keep our home, I was left with a variety of babysitters (white trash racists, hippies, and all points between) at a time I needed something stable to counter the sudden knowledge that life, people, circumstance, etc. -all- can change in the blink of an eye.

My neighbors had an in-ground large pool, fenced back yard, and an airplane. I never once recall envying their wealth, etc. Spent a night or 2 at their home, swam in their pool a few times, flew in their plane and got to handle the controls, but that was all theirs. There was no reason for me to think unkindly of them back then.

And I'm not a nationalist or a racist. The race or origins of someone doesn't change that dynamic for me.

There are lots of studies showing the economic benefits of immigration.

People looking to get re-elected, needing an enemy to point at for dim-witted followers, manipulate that shit.

""Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!""

**I'd add to that list, those whose governments we've toppled and replaced with despots, and those whose homes we've bombed or facilitated bombing into smithereens.

edit: My first ancestor on my mother's side to come to the 'New World', came here from Ireland in the early mid-1700s, lived in a shoe-box size log cabin in Indiana, and built a very prosperous farm, worked with their hands, sometimes with as many as 8 of them living in that tiny cabin that still exists there. Or, at least, the remnants of it.
Thanks for sharing your story, I mean that. It sounds a lot like a kid I grew up with. His dad called them together, went on a tirade about their mom, and put a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger in front of all of them.

My buddy John and both of his sisters had some struggles, but ended up being successful people with their own families.

These rough stories that end up ok need to be told more. So many people are told that the circumstances of their life are going to crush them, that they don’t even have a chance.

moose eater

Well-known member
Thanks for sharing your story, I mean that. It sounds a lot like a kid I grew up with. His dad called them together, went on a tirade about their mom, and put a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger in front of all of them.

My buddy John and both of his sisters had some struggles, but ended up being successful people with their own families.

These rough stories that end up ok need to be told more. So many people are told that the circumstances of their life are going to crush them, that they don’t even have a chance.
I'm the last living member of that family of origin. And am currently older than any member in my family of origin lived to be. There's a -lot- not written in that. There's a cost to many of these hardships, and we should never wish them on others unless we truly think they deserve that sort of injustice.

There are people who I loathe and wish harm to; they tend to be those responsible for others' suffering, especially en masse. And especially when the suffering they generate is for what I regard as shallow baseless reasons. I don't hide any of that in my writings here.

But many of these immigrants, refugees and others, are simply trying to get by. That's all. And for many of them, my Country has a hand in how and why they've ended up here.
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So Hai

Well-known member
what are you trying to say, moron? all of the videos you post have had the search source feature disabled. why is that? please give the source of the videos or they will not be considered credible.
I have zero care for your consideration, faggot.


moose eater

Well-known member
By the way, the B&B Bar on Kodiak Island had free coffee and free hot water, which was what initially brought me there to later witness some great/amazing moments.

I found that using hot water, ketchup, creamer, salt and pepper in suitable amounts, made a drinkable cheap/free cream of tomato soup.

And if you went into the fish cannery/processor when they weren't hiring, despite seeking a job there, waited for break time for their employees, and mingled in, you could grab a few oatmeal raisin cookies with nuts in them, maximizing nutritional value.

Sometimes the more effective method of getting hired at such places involved simply drinking their coffee and eating their cookies until they got tired of it and put you to work. :)
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Well-known member

That youtuber is pathetic maga stooge fear monger. He's done videos in Portland. Pure garbage. He only looks for the absolute worst things and only interviews people willing to support his far right agenda. He's probably married to laura loomer.

These hacks on youtube are only looking for clicks, subscribers, and likes. They don't care about the truth. These grifters are one of the reasons so many people believe in nonsense and conspiracies.

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