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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
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Well-known member
i'll have the moo goo guide dog, please!

so, we have no police reports of pets being eaten by "haitians" and one unconfirmed report of suppposedly a 911 call saying that "haitians" were killing and taking geese from a public park.

first, how did the caller know they were "haitians"? maybe they were just black people who like geese? were they wearing t-shirts that said "haitian" on the back?

and i want to confess that one time, back in the early 70's, a friend and i did take a goose from a golf course lake and we ate it. it was pretty fucking good!
While I wouldn’t bet a penny that any of that actually happened, there is a police report of the geese being taken, maybe the guy lied, I was t there. The report isn’t unsubstantiated, it’s unproven.

moose eater

Well-known member
i'll have the moo goo guide dog, please!

so, we have no police reports of pets being eaten by "haitians" and one unconfirmed report of suppposedly a 911 call saying that "haitians" were killing and taking geese from a public park.

first, how did the caller know they were "haitians"? maybe they were just black people who like geese? were they wearing t-shirts that said "haitian" on the back?

and i want to confess that one time, back in the early 70's, a friend and i did take a goose from a golf course lake and we ate it. it was pretty fucking good!
A fellow in Palmer, Alaska maybe 20 years ago, or slightly less, had a horse that strangled itself while tethered to a tree, and he didn't want the thousands of dollars he had into the horse to go to waste, so he had my game-cutter friends in Eagle River do the horse. It was during hunting season, and the guy had recently been there just before me.

The fellow who owned the shed with the game processing equipment, his son asked me if I'd ever had horse before, and I said no, knowing the French and many others eat it.

When we departed with my moose processed (2) and an angus beef from Delta Junction, to head back home, he gave me two packages (maybe a bit more) of 'horse burger' with beef suet in it, and the fellow who was helping me wrap the/our meat, who'd ridden down with me for the chore, later on the way home, said he'd take it if I didn't want it.

I gave it all to him, telling him, "I just can't eat My Friend Flicka'."

Likewise, I knew a musher who was broke and hungry and living in a wall tent out off the Homer Spit around 1980, and he ate a couple of his dogs, and took the ruff from his favorite one and had it sewn to his collar on his jacket.

When I asked him about it, he said that he'd been putting good money into feeding his team, couldn't afford to feed them all anymore, and he needed food.

OK for some, but I can't/won't (at least, if I'm not starving) eat anything that I regard as my companion. And for that, I'm sure my wife is grateful.

The outcry in Homer when word got out that he'd eaten some of his dog team was pretty LOUD, but he had no real shame about it. Just another situation where I wouldn't do the same unless I absolutely had to. Like the soccer team that crashed in the mountains in South America and took on an Idi Amin diet for a brief period; lots of judgment, but those judging weren't in their shoes, either.
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Well-known member
It’s very condescending to believe that the only diet in the world is an American diet. People do eat dogs and cats all over the world. They don’t need elites acting like that’s just a trope. It’s not a trope, America is amazing, other places they have to do a lot of things just to stay alive. Don’t minimize their troubles.

What are you going on about? What does the diet of various ethnicities around the world have to do with trump rambling on about Haitains taking peoples pets and eating them.

It's amazing the lengths some of you will go to rationalize anything trump says no matter how ridiculous it is.


"Hey dude! You're condescending because you pointed out the idiocy of donald trumps bizarre statement about Haitian migrants eating peoples pets in Ohio."

Which was a completely fabricated story that trump repeated for all the world to see.

[ dih-loo-zhuh-nl ]
  1. having false or unrealistic beliefs or opinions
  2. Psychiatry. maintaining fixed false beliefs even when confronted with facts, usually as a result of mental illness


Well-known member
a frightened whacked out lunatic idiot that is beginning to realize his greatest fear...he'a a failure, most of us are laughing at him, and he's going to prison without his hairdresser to do his comb-arounds. no more news conferences or Big Mac deliveries...

I don't think trump will ever spend a day in jail.

moose eater

Well-known member
Is a Rocky Mountain oyster better than goose meat? Asking for a friend…
Depends on how old and/or well fed the goose is.

Edit: I can tell you with certainty that swan sucks, and they're too beautiful of a bird to kill, they mate for life, are majestic birds, and a former friend and business partner who once shot one and boasted that he'd "shot a goose as big as a swan!" knowing it was a swan, gave it to me. I roasted it the same as I would a duck or goose. Horrible to eat. Horrible to kill.
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Well-known member
That's not an original image. It's been modified. First posted on reddit. Not at all reliable.
i'm not an expert on photoshopping so i'll take your word for it. but it was posted on reddit 2 mos ago.

someone is going to ask how i know the goose was alive and i have shot a bunch of them while goose and duck hunting and they hang straight down and limp, including the wings. that goose is looking around.


Well-known member
Is a Rocky Mountain oyster better than goose meat? Asking for a friend…
never had the "oysters", but goose is delicious. at least, those i've shot were. been thinking about luring a few into sticking their heads into my truck to get the corn and slamming the door on them. 10 gauge shotgun shells are expensive.. :whistling:

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