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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
It starts at home with the parents. It doesn't matter what school a child attends.
BINGO! we got a winner, folks. if the parents see that their child does his homework, instead of playing fucking video games and shit, they'll be good to go. too many families, both parents work and the kid grows up as feral as a rat...


Well-known member
BINGO! we got a winner, folks. if the parents see that their child does his homework, instead of playing fucking video games and shit, they'll be good to go. too many families, both parents work and the kid grows up as feral as a rat...
Of course the parents, yes it’s super important to have both, and they need to be involved.

In my experience public schools operate about like a public defender. You have to press them and be highly involved to get their best work. But most of them are capable of good work.

Also, some of the public schools in my area suffer from a gross lack of funds due to property owners always fighting a school levy. Washington DC can fuck off when they want to increase taxes for more weapons to wherever. But I almost always vote to increase my own taxes to improve the lives of people in my community.

So Hai

Well-known member
Russians are bankrolling Kamala Harris, they are so slick they don’t say it out loud but if you read between the lines its totally obvious.

Moscow would rather not be dragged into American affairs, but does not expect Russia to stop being used as a foil for US domestic politics anytime soon, Peskov said. Washington routinely accuses the Russian government of “meddling” and “interfering” in American elections, which Moscow denies.

The White House on Thursday rebuked Putin’s remark, with John Kirby, its national security spokesman, stating that he “ought to stop talking about our elections, period.” Meanwhile former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, reacted by saying that he was not sure whether to be insulted by Putin’s words or take them as a favor to him.



Well-known member
Russians are bankrolling Kamala Harris, they are so slick they don’t say it out loud but if you read between the lines its totally obvious.

Moscow would rather not be dragged into American affairs, but does not expect Russia to stop being used as a foil for US domestic politics anytime soon, Peskov said. Washington routinely accuses the Russian government of “meddling” and “interfering” in American elections, which Moscow denies.

The White House on Thursday rebuked Putin’s remark, with John Kirby, its national security spokesman, stating that he “ought to stop talking about our elections, period.” Meanwhile former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, reacted by saying that he was not sure whether to be insulted by Putin’s words or take them as a favor to him.

the russians....

this guy...

fuck. everybody hates trump now


moose eater

Well-known member
the russians....

this guy...

fuck. everybody hates trump now

Whatever you do, don't give that guy a shotgun or go hunting with him!!

Or allow him to take part in fabricating reasons to kill 1 million foreigners. (*Which kinda' makes hunting with him look far less dangerous).


Well-known member
Russians are bankrolling Kamala Harris, they are so slick they don’t say it out loud but if you read between the lines its totally obvious.

Moscow would rather not be dragged into American affairs, but does not expect Russia to stop being used as a foil for US domestic politics anytime soon, Peskov said. Washington routinely accuses the Russian government of “meddling” and “interfering” in American elections, which Moscow denies.

The White House on Thursday rebuked Putin’s remark, with John Kirby, its national security spokesman, stating that he “ought to stop talking about our elections, period.” Meanwhile former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, reacted by saying that he was not sure whether to be insulted by Putin’s words or take them as a favor to him.

If you're going to post a link make sure it's from a somewhat credible source.

RT (formerly Russia Today or Rossiya Segodnya; Russian: Россия Сегодня) is a Russian state-controlled international news television network funded by the Russian government.

Employees of Russian State-Controlled Media Outlet Deployed Nearly $10 Million to Publish RT-Curated Content, Which Garnered Millions of Views, Through a Tennessee-Based Online Content Creation Company

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Well-known member
Russians are bankrolling Kamala Harris, they are so slick they don’t say it out loud but if you read between the lines its totally obvious.

Moscow would rather not be dragged into American affairs, but does not expect Russia to stop being used as a foil for US domestic politics anytime soon, Peskov said. Washington routinely accuses the Russian government of “meddling” and “interfering” in American elections, which Moscow denies.

The White House on Thursday rebuked Putin’s remark, with John Kirby, its national security spokesman, stating that he “ought to stop talking about our elections, period.” Meanwhile former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, reacted by saying that he was not sure whether to be insulted by Putin’s words or take them as a favor to him.

no they're not! why would russia "bankroll", as you call it, a candidate who will most certainly fund ukraine in their fight to defend themselves from russian aggression? there's no logic in what you say.

vladolf putler is trolling, just like you!
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moose eater

Well-known member
no they're not! why would russia "bankroll", as you call it, a candidate who will most certainly fund ukraine in their fight to defend themselves from russian aggression? there's no logic in what you say.

vladolf putler is trolling, jus tlike you!
Who knows? Bibi funded Hamas early on, assuming that if they had any power or control in Gaza, there'd be no way anyone would approve of a 2-state solution.

Apparently, he underestimated the reactions to his shenanigans where others' consciences are/were concerned and over-estimated his ability to undermine others' thoughts and conclusions.


Well-known member
no they're not! why would russia "bankroll", as you call it, a candidate who will most certainly fund ukraine in their fight to defend themselves from russian aggression? there's no logic in what you say.

vladolf putler is trolling, jus tlike you!

Of course pootin is trolling. He wants trump for President. That's why he's been funneling money to companies supporting right wing influencers. Who by the way claim they knew nothing about the money coming from Russia.

And, trump just said that if he's President he'll remove all sanctions against Russia.

Only the naive would believe that pootin wants Harris to win. It's nothing more than interference in our elections. Something the maga refuse to believe despite there being overwhelming evidence. They're either ignorant or are Russian sympathizers because trump and all of his cronies are pro-Russia.


Well-known member
At least he's a real Republican not one of the know nothing trump maga RINOs that hijacked the party and run around looking like idiots with their red hats.
He was one of the most despised republicans until he spoke out against trump.

Its easy to pretend things weren't the way they were


Well-known member
He was one of the most despised republicans until he spoke out against trump.

Its easy to pretend things weren't the way they were

I voted for Bush Cheney twice.

He was despised because he convinced Bush to invade Iraq which everyone knows now was a terrible mistake. It didn't just cost American lives, it destabilized what little stability there was and gave rise to barbaric terrorist groups. And to this day he's never admitted what a bad decision it was. He's only admitted mistakes in the execution but still says it was the right thing to do.

But that's what some people wanted. There is big money in war and a good percentage of that money goes to American companies. Cheney was in deep with Blackwater that made billions with their paid contract killers immune from any oversight. The founders sister just happens to be Betsy Devos who trump appointed as Secretary of Education. Her experience was running a brain retraining facility where they had people watch movies to retrain their brains. In other words she was a nut.

The only reason I voted Bush/Cheney the second time was because at the time things were such a mess and I didn't think it would be a good idea to change administrations. Looking back I don't think it would have mattered. That meat grinder was going to keep on grinding until it ran out of cheap meat.

By cheap meat I mean until the political cost was too high.

moose eater

Well-known member
He was one of the most despised republicans until he spoke out against trump.

Its easy to pretend things weren't the way they were
He also took an early soft approach re. gay and lesbian acceptance in part due to his own daughter.

One of the few times I didn't regard him as having missed a necessary appointment with an ice pick in his ear.

Not to re-mention the fact that he participated in fabricating lies that led to what is estimated to have been over 1 million Iraqis' deaths. 'Serial mass murder'.... again. Literally.

He was one of numerous sociopaths whispering in GW's ear. And he truly belongs in Leavenworth or The Hague. As does Rumsfeld, GW, Wolfowitz, Perle, and most of that cabinet, as well as the special intel unit that GW had put together so they could fabricate the intel GW wanted, so he could do his killing of Camel Jockeys and make himself out to be some sort of war hero and 'great president', when all he was, was a goofy idiot in a dynasty position.
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moose eater

Well-known member
Look at Project 2025 and then review GW's and company's 'PNAC' (Partnership for a New American Century').
These people have been betraying their oaths so long that no one even cares anymore, it seems.

There's also an article in either Drop Site News or The Intercept that compares Project 2025 with a document from during the Nixon Administration. (*Maybe when I'm done cutting up smoked salmon strips, I'll dig it back up again; it was from a day or 3 ago).

"Nothing new under the Sun."


Well-known member
Look at Project 2025 and then review GW's and company's 'PNAC' (Partnership for a New American Century').
These people have been betraying their oaths so long that no one even cares anymore, it seems.

There's also an article in either Drop Site News or The Intercept that compares Project 2025 with a document from during the Nixon Administration. (*Maybe when I'm done cutting up smoked salmon strips, I'll dig it back up again; it was from a day or 3 ago).

"Nothing new under the Sun."
smoked salmon! i had never had smoked salmon until we moved to eugene, or. there is this little store that only sells salmon. we would go in once in a while and buy a few pounds. munch off of it for days. delicious!

moose eater

Well-known member
smoked salmon! i had never had smoked salmon until we moved to eugene, or. there is this little store that only sells salmon. we would go in once in a while and buy a few pounds. munch off of it for days. delicious!
I've had several psychological addictions in my life, for which if I had them in my possession, it could be truly hazardous in one way or another; traditional Native style salmon strips, really good tamales in mole' sauce, and uncut cocaine.

I no longer actively seek or do the coke or the tamales. :)


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I've had several psychological addictions in my life, for which if I had them in my possession, it could be truly hazardous in one way or another; traditional Native style salmon strips, really good tamales in mole' sauce, and uncut cocaine.

I no longer actively seek or do the coke or the tamales. :)
I like out of the water smoke-cooked salmon or Kokanee strips - especially when out in the bush for a week or more.

moose eater

Well-known member
I like out of the water smoke-cooked salmon or Kokanee strips - especially when out in the bush for a week or more.
I'd need to know more about that process to know if I'm familiar with it.

But I'll take traditional Native style salmon strips smoked over balsam poplar or green alder smoked any day over conventional white man style fillets with sugar and less salt in the longer bringing..

Brine time for the Native style strips is anywhere from 3 to 7 minutes, in a 100% solution (add pickling and canning salt to H2O in a bucket until a potato floats), then quickly remove and hang on strings or over a stick or small board with no smoke to let them let 'glaze' (air-drying until the pellicle forms nicely), keeping air movement on them and keeping the bugs away; maybe a day or 2.

Then cold-smoke lightly, like maybe 70-degrees f. until the centers are setting up to more fish fiber than a gelatinous texture, and the outsides are firm, dry but oily, and a beautiful deep red color..

(*We cold-cure all of our smoking salmon in the freezers at -20 f or so before processing or brining, to kill any potential parasites, thus the cooler smoking poses no real health risks).

*I smoke the white man style, more conventional fillets at 120 to 130 f., brined in a brown sugar and salt solution with, again, a LOT less salt in the brine, but a lot longer brine time.
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Well-known member
smoked salmon! i had never had smoked salmon until we moved to eugene, or. there is this little store that only sells salmon. we would go in once in a while and buy a few pounds. munch off of it for days. delicious!

I just did a batch of smoked salmon. Fresh out of the Columbia river. I used to be an avid fisherman. Fished for salmon and steelhead all across Oregon for decades. I gave that up years ago after an encounter on the Wilson river with a couple armed assholes. Freaked the hell out of me as I wasn't armed and well off the road with nobody around.

Fortunately I have friends that still fish and I get plenty without the hassle. My neighbor across the street I don't know very well and can't talk to because his English is not very good called me over a couple weeks ago and said "You want salmon?" I didn't turn it down.

I'm thinking of doing a deep reef Lingcod trip out of Garibaldi sometime this month. $200 per person out of Garibaldi. Then another $40 to tip the deckhands and $20 to tip the fish cleaners. Tips are not mandatory but those guys/gals earn their money. It's kind of spendy but every time I've gone out I've gotten limits of Lings and rockfish. End up going home with a big bag of fillets.

Now I'm craving fish n chips.

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