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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Some of us have plenty of joy; just not when it involves the current political state of affairs or the unbridled commission of massive repetitive war crimes wherein many appear to feel far more attached to their dinner and movie plans than to be concerned with what their preferred/chosen elected leaders are engaging in. Or they get more upset that the liquor store was out of their favorite bottle of wine than the beheading of babies with US-supplied bombs, and whose families simply want their land back and an illegal occupying army that is funded and supplied by the US to leave, as the ICJ has instructed them to.

That requires a certain detachment from reality and accountability. That is a representative status and behavior of both nationalist blindness (the double-standards that travel with such maladies) and the resulting group dissociative disorder.

When I hook a huge lake trout, or even a small one, I get as giddy as any 5-year-old sitting on Santa's lap. When I see amazing music performed, I get joyful. When I spend time with my dogs, I'm often happy as can be.

When I see what passes for conscientiousness/awareness and truth here, I get nauseous and truly fucking irritable... annoyed, too.

And when pompous, adolescent-minded, adult drunkards take hip shots lacking any accuracy at all, while suggesting others engage in introspection, I wonder if they are aware of the glaring hypocrisy and lunacy in which they live and seemingly willfully maintain.
I don’t think I was truly an adult until I realized I can be in control of my thoughts and feelings. That for the most part that stuff is internal, not external.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
certainly a few here that advocate for that "course of action". but if someone doesn't vote, my thought is that their complaining should be ignored.

:good::thank you:
But why? If out of apathy I can understand that viewpoint, but what if you morally disagree with what both parties represent, yet still vote in your local and state elections? Should your opinion not matter then? Or if you have previously committed a felony and still live in a state that prohibits your right to vote?

Shouldn’t you have the freedom to not be forced to choose between to representatives/parties you may detest or feel don’t represent your views as a person? Wouldn’t electing to not vote in something you view as a sham be just as powerful as casting a vote for one person you despise less than the other? Would you make the same argument if the draft were reinstated and someone conscientiously objected to serving in a war they did not believe in? Your choice not to vote should matter just as much as your choice to as long as you have reasoning behind it, the lack of giving into that pressure would drive policy change so much more than the lesser of two evils policy that still elects someone considered evil…

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
the lack of giving into that pressure would drive policy change so much more than the lesser of two evils policy that still elects someone considered evil…

I don't think it would.

I think the people lining their pockets would happily continue to do so.

They likely will for a time no matter what.

If the people want to effect change then vote accordingly... or start a revolution.

Doing nothing but whining is futile.


Well-known member
Looks like the poll needs to be updated to replace Biden with Harris.

Hard to believe that on a cannabis forum trump got more votes than Biden.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
I don't think it would.

I think the people lining their pockets would happily continue to do so.

They likely will for a time no matter what.

If the people want to effect change then vote accordingly... or start a revolution.

Doing nothing but whining is futile.
Voter turnout has been at record highs for the last three elections. Are you guys getting what you voted for?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
So far.

Just because it's not perfect doesn’t mean we shouldn't go forward.

Goldilocks can suck it.

I shall plod through this landscape of loud mouthed scarecrows and plan for rain, hoping for a sunny day.

It sure as shit feels better than hiding inside and wishing for everything to take care of itself.

There's always the opportunity to sit on my ass and point fingers... but I believe I will wait until I can't do anything else.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Why hang your head in shame?

All you can do is what you can do. As long as you treat your fellow man with decency you have nothing to be ashamed of. It doesn't matter what political persuasion you hail from.

The world is filled with wrongs and life is too short to let things out of your control consume you. I see what's going on around the world and I don't like it. But I realize that I'm never going to change things that have been going on since the beginning of mankind. People are killing each other all around the world. The only thing that's changed over the course of history is the weapons being used.

So tonight I'm going to have a nice dinner, maybe a drink or two, and be thankful that I happen to have been born in the county I was. I do what I can. I donate to the food bank, made a donation for school supplies for low income families that can't afford them on their own, help my neighbors if they need help with something. It's not much but it's more than what many others do and it's at least helping others that live on this planet we all call home.

:thank you:


Well-known member
Shouldn’t you have the freedom to not be forced to choose between to representatives/parties you may detest
nope, you are free to not participate in the process. but i take your abrogation of potential responsibility as a refusal to try to help. so i will feel free to not GAFF what someone in that position thinks. nobody cares what the bench-riders think about the game they didn't play in...:rolleyes:


Well-known member
Are you guys getting what you voted for?
a lot more satisfaction than if i had not tried, so...yes. tilting at windmills ? possibly. but looking at what MIGHT occur if i do NOT take my shot motivates me. the future will not be decided by those who do not participate in the present...


Well-known member
But why? If out of apathy I can understand that viewpoint, but what if you morally disagree with what both parties represent, yet still vote in your local and state elections? Should your opinion not matter then? Or if you have previously committed a felony and still live in a state that prohibits your right to vote?

Shouldn’t you have the freedom to not be forced to choose between to representatives/parties you may detest or feel don’t represent your views as a person? Wouldn’t electing to not vote in something you view as a sham be just as powerful as casting a vote for one person you despise less than the other? Would you make the same argument if the draft were reinstated and someone conscientiously objected to serving in a war they did not believe in? Your choice not to vote should matter just as much as your choice to as long as you have reasoning behind it, the lack of giving into that pressure would drive policy change so much more than the lesser of two evils policy that still elects someone considered evil…
“If you vote, you can’t complain”



Well-known member
nope, you are free to not participate in the process. but i take your abrogation of potential responsibility as a refusal to try to help. so i will feel free to not GAFF what someone in that position thinks. nobody cares what the bench-riders think about the game they didn't play in...:rolleyes:
The people that play the game shouldn’t complain about the outcome by that logic.


Well-known member
“A Hobson’s choice is a free choice in which only one thing is actually offered. The term is often used to describe an illusion that multiple choices are available.” — Wikipedia



Look where we are today.


Well-known member
there is no lesser of two evils. democrats are evil. criminalizing homelessness and conducting a genocide is evil.



Well-known member
“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.” -- John Adams

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