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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
That might all be true but that's the reality. The Palestinians need to live in reality not some fantasy about the right of return.

I'm not saying it's fair but it's reality. What the Palestinians should be doing is rising up against their own leaders who are not looking out for them and Hamas who use their own people as human shields.

It's a sad state of affairs but it's been going on since I was old enough to remember. As a child I sat with my father in 1972 watching the news coverage of the Munich Olympics when the Palestinian terrorist organization Black September took the Israeli hostages and ended with the death of 11.

I haven't known a time when the Israelis and Palestinians were not fighting. You can't blame the current administration or recent ones for this mess which goes all the way back to 1948.

And the ICJ is a branch of the United Nations which created this mess after WWII to begin with when they rolled out Measure 181 back in 1947.

Are you familiar with UNSCOP? The United Nations Special Committee on Palestine

Same thing happened on the African continent where they sliced and diced it all up in little pieces ignoring traditional ethnic lines and making a real mess of things which is why Africa has been consumed by civil wars for decades.

While I think the UN needs to exist the fact that both China and Russia are permanent members on the Security Council takes away from it's credibility.
Well I bet they can and should roll things back. Israel is an artificial state as you stated. So is Canada and the US. In Canada large blocks of land have been rolled back to indigenous Nations through court settlements and so they should to Palestinians, Africans, etc. Israelis should be happy with what they got in 48 or even just accept living in the Palestine they did prior to 48.

I attended political conventions with my pops prior to 72. Nice


Well-known member
taken from;

trump, at a rally in PA this last week, said;

he is, obviously, suffering from dementia.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
One thing both sides are right about. There will never be peace as long as there are two sides. Until either Muslims or Jews are all gone, they’ll fight over that land.

Best for the us to just stay out of it.

The internet fucked that up.

Now everybody knows everything.

They don't care about our nation anymore.


Well-known member
Looks like the slitherydee got RFK jr

Shows what a phony that piece of garbage is. A former environmental lawyer who's bragged about how he took on the big polluters is now endorsing a guy that wants to roll back virtually all environmental protections.

He's just another grifter looking for power. I remember people praising the guy at one time. He's for the people. No he's for himself. At least Harris didn't give him the time of day because they knew he was a complete fraud. trump embraced him because trump has absolutely no morals or ethics regarding anything.

It's funny watching that tart RFK had as VP candidate make the news rounds getting her five minutes of fame talking about joining the trump ticket. She's delusional. There's no place for her in trumps world. She's a lightweight with nothing to offer. RFK might have a seat in the car but she'll be left on the side of the road with nowhere to go now that she's destroyed any political aspirations she might have had.

trump will toss RFK under the bus as soon as he can't use him. The idiots hitching their fortunes to trump always lose what they had and never gain a thing. You'd think they would have learned from recent history but their quest for power blinds them to the reality that they're nothing but tools for trump to use and discard when no longer needed.

They need to look at rudy guiliani and the pillow guy if they want to see their futures.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor

Sentenced to prison:​

Steve Bannon​

Bannon was sentenced to four months in prison in 2022 for contempt of Congress after defying a subpoena from the Jan. 6 select committee.

Peter Navarro​

The former Trump advisor was sentenced to four months in prison in January after being convicted of contempt of Congress for likewise defying a subpoena from the Jan. 6 select committee. He reported to prison in March after the Supreme Court rejected his bid to remain free pending his appeal.

Michael Cohen​

Trump's onetime personal lawyer, Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison in 2018 after pleading guilty to an array of crimes, including violating campaign finance laws and lying to Congress in the Mueller investigation. He was released in 2021.

Paul Manafort​

Trump's former campaign chairman was sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for bank and tax fraud crimes and those related to his work as a political consultant in Ukraine. He spent just under two years in prison before ultimately being pardoned by Trump in Dec. 2020

George Papadopoulos​

The former Trump campaign advisor was sentenced to 14 days in prison in 2018 for lying to investigators about Russian contacts. He ultimately served 12 days in prison and also received a Trump pardon in Dec. 2020.

Roger Stone​

The longtime Trump associate was sentenced to more than three years in prison in 2020 for crimes that included obstruction of justice, lying to Congress and witness tampering. Trump commuted Stone's sentence in July 2020 and later pardoned him.

Rick Gates​

The deputy chairman of Trump's 2016 campaign, Gates pleaded guilty in 2018 to conspiracy and lying to the FBI. He was later sentenced to 45 days in prison.

Allen Weisselberg​

Former Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg received a five-month prison sentence on April 10 after previously pleading guilty to two counts of perjury. The charges stemmed from Weisselberg giving false testimony during Trump's civil fraud trial.



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
This is shamelessly grabbed from facebook. Let's call the author an independent journalist;

Let’s talk about the folks who are trying to backtrack on mocking Gus Walz because they didn’t know he had a disability.
Right. Okay. So …
Let’s start with the fact that he’s a seventeen year old kid who was so proud of his dad, whom he obviously loves deeply, that he was moved to tears. That’s beautiful, and a hell of a testament to their relationship.
But sure, some people thought his reaction was over the top and “weird.” And therefore fair game. Until they heard he has a disability.
(So, to recap, it would have been a-okay in that crowd to bully a typical kid for *acting atypical* but maybe he should be off limits now that they know he has a diagnosis.)
Pull up a chair, won’t you, friends?
Being an accepting, inclusive, and not completely shitty human isn’t about having access to everyone’s medical records. It’s about humanity. It’s about not having to know that there’s a label for a fellow human’s unique constellation of strengths and challenges in order to approach them with compassion.
It’s about not needing an explanation for why someone comes across a little - or a lot - differently from the average bear in order to indulge their quirks, celebrate their differences, support their challenges and accommodate their access needs, to give them extra time and love and leeway.
Labels / diagnoses / identities are important and valid and helpful in a million different ways, but they shouldn’t ever be the ticket that we demand from others before granting them entry into the arena of our empathy. The only fare needed is humanity.
So lay off the kid. Not just because he has a disability, but because he’s human, and that’s reason enough.
{image is a photo of Gus joyfully hugging his Dad on stage last night, flanked by his sister, Hope, and his mom, Gwen, who is just out of the frame.}



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
They need to look at rudy guiliani and the pillow guy if they want to see their futures.
yep. I found RFK's parroting of the proxy propaganda regarding Russia>Ukraine revealing of his weak will and gullibility, perhaps to anything faddishly conspiratorial.


Well-known member
Democrats are Patriotic Americans just like Kinzinger said.
patriotism for what? supporting genocide? being the world's sponsor of terrorism and dictatorships? the largest prison population? the largest military budget with no direct enemy?

i think the word you're looking for is imperialistic. yes i agree democrats are imperialists just like republicans, which makes them dog shit.

patriotism is for simps and the low iq.

As far as letting some use the convention to air their grievances about the Palestinian/Israel conflict, it wasn't the time or place for that.
yeah definitely not the place or time. we're only arming and funding the culprits LOL

It's understandable why they were not allowed to speak. It was the Democratic National Convention where they pick their Presidential nominee not a Free Palestine rally.
no it's really not and is simply bad optics regardless if you're a genocide enjoyer or not.
And I'm not on Israel's side. They're committing genocide.
you're on their side if you're on america's side
Last edited:


Well-known member
When you participate at a political convention, you literally have to make a legal commitment to support - in word and deed - the candidate selected at that convention. There is a contract, to participate you agree to sign it and are held to its terms.

Uncommitted delegates censored themselves.
just another reason why the two parties must be destroyed. political parties should not be privately owned.

regardless of "the law" wouldn't it be prudent for a political party to hear the grievances of their voters to, perhaps, ummmm, garner their vote?


Well-known member
Like he said....they've had a few chances to have statehood as well as a capital in Jerusalem. They wanted Israel too. Just not gonna happen
they had their land stolen, then the jews offered them back a minority stake even though they were the ethnic majority at the time. the deals were dog shit. don't listen to these liberal status quo lovers. there's a reason why they don't post in the war thread.


Well-known member
they had their land stolen, then the jews offered them back a minority stake even though they were the ethnic majority at the time. the deals were dog shit. don't listen to these liberal status quo lovers. there's a reason why they don't post in the war thread.


Well-known member
no, i'm not ok with using illegals for anything. that's against the law. i didn't say anything like that. i think all illegals should be deported.

and no, i'm not a racist and i'm not ok with slavers.

but migrants, legal ones, are doing the work that most americans don't want to do. that's because they have a better work ethic. and where they're from if you don't work you don't eat. the unemployment line leads to the cemetary in their countries.

if they are not educated or have a skillset they have to start someplace once they get here.

another barrier is that many have not learned the language yet.

so, for various reasons, these poor, uneducated people are more likely to find work in manual labor jobs.

it's not hard to understand and please stop trying to put your words in my mouth.
If you think that’s all the jobs they get look into the engineers and tech people we bring over on visas because Americans get a lot of useless degrees, and are scared of math.


Well-known member
you know why lol

Yes we do know why. They were American parents who's American children are hostages held by Hamas. They were allowed on stage at and American convention not to use it as a pulpit to air their grievances against Israel but to ask for the return of their children.

If you have grievances that's understandable. I've already stated that I'm not on the side of Israel. But if your hatred of America blinds you to the realities of the world then that's an issue you need to deal with. But if you are so passionate about the issue as you appear to be then there is more you can do to support your cause than making petty attacks against other members of this forum.

Are you a member of any pro-Palestinian organizations? Are you out there physically protesting? Are you sending money to aid the Palestinians? What are you doing other than arguing on a cannabis forum about how I enjoy genocide?

If you're not doing at least one of those things I mentioned then what are you doing to effect any change? We can all complain about the status quo but complaining is easy. Action takes work. So what work are you actually doing?


Well-known member
If you think that’s all the jobs they get look into the engineers and tech people we bring over on visas because Americans get a lot of useless degrees, and are scared of math.

India has been pumping out spaghetti code programmers for decades. They work for cheap just to get over to America. They have access to our network infrastructure and software code. It isn't surprising that there are so many security breaches at major companies and tech firms. Many are inside jobs committed by the cheap labor we import. They open up vulnerabilities in network security, put backdoors in code, and sell access to the highest bidder.


Well-known member
They were American parents who's American children are hostages held by Hamas.
And yet nothing on the Palestinian american side.

They were allowed on stage at and American convention not to use it as a pulpit to air their grievances against Israel but to ask for the return of their children.
Israel has killed more hostages than it has freed at this point. Israel also holds thousands of Palestinian hostages and have held them since before October 7th.

But if your hatred of America blinds you to the realities of the world then that's an issue you need to deal with.
But I hate America BECAUSE of the realities of the world lmfao

So what work are you actually doing?
getting ready for collapse


Well-known member
a guy self immolated in protest to the genocide in palestine and nobody cares. you think protesting is going to make a difference to a SYSTEMIC issue? this is no different than retard right wingers telling me to pay more in taxes even though i'm not in that bracket because i wish to see taxes raised on the wealthy. it's a drop in a bucket, ain't gonna do shit.

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