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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Not that Alaska's votes really count much in the Presidential election (our votes are often still being tabulated when the President is announced, and with a total population of only about 730,000 in the entire State, it's a drop in the large bucket), but The Donald's campaign is running an endorsement for Nancy Dahlstrom frequently on television and YouTube, probably radio, as well (an anti-abortion right-wing zealot) who is running against Mary Peltola, the US House Representative for all of Alaska, who is a moderate who is a pro-fishing Dem who won last election largely as a result of ranked choice voting (which I highly recommend as a system for elections if people really want to vote idealism or vision and get past the "Vote for this person because that other person is so TERRIFYING!" nonsense).

Trouble being that there are enough loony Trumpers here that they'll see the boogieman under every rock and vote for the extremist in many cases.

Fortunately, there are a number of Republican women in Alaska who feel strongly about reproductive rights, and don't view Mary Peltola as an inherent threat to them, other than for her potential to vote with the Dem aggregate in Congress. Peltola also being a First Nations/Native Alaska woman who understands firearms as they apply to rural settings, thus she's not on the same page as many more naive Dems who sometimes fear mere images of firearms, so she's a bit less easy to pigeon-hole in that regard, too.

I think Mary will be fine. Didn't they try and oust Murkowski? That didn't go well for them either.


Well-known member
Hell, some of these posters will need ketamine infusions once hes out of the picture 😂

Why? If as you allege people are suffering from TDS wouldn't they be better once trump is gone?

The new thing now is HDS. Harris Derangement Syndrome. Most of the right seems to be afflicted with it.

moose eater

Well-known member
I think Mary will be fine. Didn't they try and oust Murkowski? That didn't go well for them either.
Murkowski is a heritage/royalty/dynasty family member, and more dangerous than her drunkard father, Frank, who I could tell many stories about. Lisa has a softer tongue when it comes to spreading bullshit promises and is as much a corporatist whore as many on Capitol Hill.

But yes, Lisa is one of the very few who has won a write-in campaign after losing her primary to Joe Miller, a Mormon and former Federal magistrate, who bragged(?) about public assistance for his fairly large number of children.

Murkowski won that write-in campaign in the General election that year with support from moderate Rs and cross-over Ds.

Then, last election cycle, with the extremist Trumpers going off half-cocked with questionable ammunition and alleging that Lisa Murkowski had been involved in some sort of self-benefitting conspiracy to bring about ranked choice voting, they ran a female born-again zealot attorney against her (if I have the race correct in my memory), who wanted to ban mail-order birth control (in a State where many villages are not road connected), bring back public school religious affiliations, was known to 'speak in tongues' and had been popped for commercial fishing without a license, who, as an attorney, had relied on the "I didn't know any better!!" defense, and who still owed many THOUSANDS of dollars for her relocation fees that had been paid by our current loser of a Governor and the State, Governor Mike Dunleavy.

Lisa and others can thank the Rs for being able to pick real doozies for candidates. (*If you'll recall what happened to the John McCain Presidential campaign once he got to work with Sarah Palin for a little while.. ending in 'Nut Cases R Us').

(*The best part of Sarah's tenure as Governor was looking at her in her chiffon skirts and getting a woody. Then she'd speak and much of the appeal would vanish. Pulled up next to a pick-up truck at a light back then that had a bumper sticker on the rear canopy window that read, "Coldest State, Hottest Governor'. Laughed my ass off). :)

Pitbulls with lipstick and all of that stuff.

No telling though. Much of Alaska has parroted The Donald's limp dick excuses, lies and alibis so long it's a matter of group psychosis, the likes of which I never saw in this concentration in mental health practice.
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Well-known member
Why? If as you allege people are suffering from TDS wouldn't they be better once trump is gone?

The new thing now is HDS. Harris Derangement Syndrome. Most of the right seems to be afflicted with it.

Her VP is one solid cat. Veteran and he was a great educator

But she really sucks ass and no amount of that TDS is going to change that

moose eater

Well-known member
Lisa's opponent in 2020, who spoke in tongues and was yet another horrid example of a self-serving monster with a zealotry toward others where pushing her religion was concerned, is linked below. Funny enough, the proper pronunciation of her name is pretty much exactly like the Star Wars character, Chewy/Chewbacca. And she used to tell people that as an identifier. Too funny.

Humorous reports by a very serious local journalist, Dermot Cole, can be found online. Ballotpedia stays pretty much neutral in this stuff and doesn't do the 'colorfulness' of this woman justice.


moose eater

Well-known member

There are MANY more articles about this woman.

Again, thank God the Trumpers are such imbeciles when it comes to choosing or endorsing candidates.

Too funny.


Well-known member
Murkowski is a heritage/royalty/dynasty family member, and more dangerous than her drunkard father, Frank, who I could tell many stories about. Lisa has a softer tongue when it comes to spreading bullshit promises and is as much a corporatist whore as many on Capitol Hill.

But yes, Lisa is one of the very few who has won a write-in campaign after losing her primary to Joe Miller, a Mormon and former Federal magistrate, who bragged(?) about public assistance for his fairly large number of children.

Murkowski won that write-in campaign in the General election that year with support from moderate Rs and cross-over Ds.

Then, last election cycle, with the extremist Trumpers going off half-cocked with questionable ammunition and alleging that Lisa Murkowski had been involved in some sort of self-benefitting conspiracy to bring about ranked choice voting, they ran a female born-again zealot attorney against her (if I have the race correct in my memory), who wanted to ban mail-order birth control (in a State where many villages are not road connected), bring back public school religious affiliations, was known to 'speak in tongues' and had been popped for commercial fishing without a license, who, as an attorney, had relied on the "I didn't know any better!!" defense, and who still owed many THOUSANDS of dollars for her relocation fees that had been paid by our current loser of a Governor and the State, Governor Mike Dunleavy.

Lisa and others can thank the Rs for being able to pick real doozies for candidates. (*If you'll recall what happened to the John McCain Presidential campaign once he got to work with Sarah Palin for a little while.. ending in 'Nut Cases R Us').

(*The best part of Sarah's tenure as Governor was looking at her in her chiffon skirts and getting a woody. Then she'd speak and much of the appeal would vanish. Pulled up next to a pick-up truck at a light back then that had a bumper sticker on the rear canopy window that read, "Coldest State, Hottest Governor'. Laughed my ass off). :)

Pitbulls with lipstick and all of that stuff.

No telling though. Much of Alaska has parroted The Donald's limp dick excuses, lies and alibis so long it's a matter of group psychosis, the likes of which I never saw in this concentration in mental health practice.

Does she still give you a woody? :biglaugh:


moose eater

Well-known member
Does she still give you a woody? :biglaugh:

No, not in decades. And Lisa looks enough like her repulsive twisted father, Frank, especially in her face and chin, literally like a catfish, to not hardly register on the "Hey, that's a woman!!" scale.

I sat in Lisa's waiting area in D.C. during OCCUPY Wall St. about 13 years ago, after I'd left Manhattan and was in D.C. Saw lots of lobbyists coming and going from her office, all of them smiling upon departure. But me, an Alaska resident for a -long- time, over 4,000 miles from 'our' home, sat for a while, then was apparently supposed to feel honored to meet with her aids.

There's our representative democratic process in action.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
i've seen cream several times and ginger baker was one of the best percussionist of that era.

i was there at fillmore west when they recorded "cream live at fillmore west".

it was recorded over several shows. i still remember they had set up a portable recording studio in the middle of the ballroom floor.

i was there the night bruce and clapton took a break and walked off stage, leaving baker there on his drums.

that's when he did his famous 20 minute solo. played like a maniac on meth, perhaps he was one.

this is my favorite cut from that show. the energy is insane! baker was the one who made it all work with only 3 instruments in the band.

he shines on this track!



Well-known member
No, not in decades. And Lisa looks enough like her repulsive twisted father, Frank, especially in her face and chin, literally like a catfish, to not hardly register on the "Hey, that's a woman!!" scale.

I sat in Lisa's waiting area in D.C. during OCCUPY Wall St. about 13 years ago, after I'd left Manhattan and was in D.C. Saw lots of lobbyists coming and going from her office, all of them smiling upon departure. But me, an Alaska resident for a -long- time, over 4,000 miles from 'our' home, sat for a while, then was apparently supposed to feel honored to meet with her aids.

There's our representative democratic process in action.

That's typical of Senators.

But that rapid transformation of Palin is pretty stunning and not in a good way. It's too bad that so many women feel the need to go under the knife and have their face rearranged. Quite often it doesn't end well. Her daughter has already had some work done on her face and boobs apparently and she's just in her early 30's. It never lasts and they typically look worse later on than they would of had they done nothing so they keep getting stuff done and end up looking bizarre.

One of my Lady's friends got a boob job because her husband wanted her to. He had just received an inheritance so he shelled out the 10k. She went to the wrong place and ended up with these things that sag down almost to her belly button. They look horrible. He's pissed but he's spent all his money and can't get them fixed.


Well-known member
We all know Grandpa Donald is in the early stages of dementia. Imagine him with sweat dripping from his brow as he types frantically on his phone in a state of panic after watching cable news showing Harris taking the lead in several battleground states.
he can type?

moose eater

Well-known member
That's typical of Senators.

But that rapid transformation of Palin is pretty stunning and not in a good way. It's too bad that so many women feel the need to go under the knife and have their face rearranged. Quite often it doesn't end well. Her daughter has already had some work done on her face and boobs apparently and she's just in her early 30's. It never lasts and they typically look worse later on than they would of had they done nothing so they keep getting stuff done and end up looking bizarre.

One of my Lady's friends got a boob job because her husband wanted her to. He had just received an inheritance so he shelled out the 10k. She went to the wrong place and ended up with these things that sag down almost to her belly button. They look horrible. He's pissed but he's spent all his money and can't get them fixed.
Sarah tried to do some decent stuff for us with our having been robbed by both dishonest and/or naive representation with our oil and the oil industry's glad-handing, later indirectly leading to the 2006 corruption investigations here, which my previously mentioned friend, Ray was more integrally involved with, and which saw 9 legislators convicted for money laundering and accepting bribes, mostly involving VECO, with some evidence of Connoco of Alaska's CEO Jim Bowles having been involved (though he died in a convenient avalanche while skiing before the indictment could be presented), after which the young federal prosecutor offed himself.

But Sarah, like many who seek office or other positions of authority/power, is somewhat a narcissist, too, if you hadn't noticed.

Last winter or so, in a FB ice fishing group I belong to, folks had been fishing on a public-access lake in Wasilla that Sarah owns a large house/mansion on, and she repeatedly phoned the cops, reporting some sort of non-existent encroachment or violation.

The cops knew it was a nothing-burger, and visited a bit with various fisherpeople.

The fisherpeople who Sarah had tried to intimidate posted online about the experiences, and.... crowds of fisherpeople arrived at that lake to take part in fishing immediately in front of the Dignitary's 'private' setting. Apparently the fishing was quite good in that spot. :)

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